View Full Version : Postcard CTA effectiveness

01-15-2014, 02:37 PM
Any marketing pros other there with data and resources to find out whether a "call me" cta or "visit us on" cta is more effective?

I am debating whether to put a phone number or a website url. I only want to use one. My ideal client needs to know how to use the internet and email so if they can visit my website and enter the call me back form, they are prequalified!

I am doing 8 hrs of cold calling so i have no one to pick up the phone if they call. But i will have pre designated call back times, if they fill out the forms, but i dont want to lose out customers who find it too hard to go online.

What do you guys use?

call us or visit our web?

01-15-2014, 03:56 PM
Trying to understand this.. so you are sending out postcards to people you are cold calling that never pick up hoping they will contact you back?
Unless you really give them a reason to call you back or go on a website.. just stating "call us or visit our site" isn't enough. You should have something like "Call us and you will recieve ABC".

I'd do both. I have customers that prefer email, and customers that prefer calling.

David Hunter
01-15-2014, 05:33 PM
Listen to Woz.

"Call us" means nothing to anyone. "Call us and you'll receive $100" will get you responses.

Give people a reason to respond.

01-18-2014, 12:05 PM
Oh no no, i probably should be more specific.

There will be a compelling offer, for a free review or etc... there will be a problem and a solution, there will be benefits on the postcards. I'm only asking one specific part of the postcard. Does anyone have any real results, where they tested both or have read a study on which action causes more inquires?

I will be sending our postcards in addition to cold calling prospects.

My question is, whether the postcard cta is Call us Now for your "solution" or visit our website and request a call back is more effective.

If you direct someone to call you or if you direct someone to go online, which has better results? I was told a reply card is best, but i think that is too old-school and doesn't fit with my ideal client. My ideal client MUST know how to go online and use email and use websites.

generally if you have 2 CTA, it will bring down your response rate, so i am only going to use one.

David Hunter
01-20-2014, 06:13 PM
Split test. Mail half of your postcards with the "call us for.." and the other half with the "visit our website for.." Heck, you can even test a third set with both "call us" and "visit our website" and see what results you get.

Then you can figure out which pulls better response.

01-20-2014, 08:17 PM
I'd go to the web first instead of calling. If I can find out on the web what it's about and I want to engage, I'll call. Otherwise I don't want to call a random number and then potentially get spam calls back or get "sold to" on the phone. I hate being sold to!

01-21-2014, 01:05 PM
I would also vote for "visit us at" and the website address. It's very unlikely I'm going to call anyone on the basis of a postcard. I might, however, visit a website if the offer is compelling enough.

I have to say, though, that I think David's idea of doing a split test is a good one. It would be interesting to see which CTA performs better and if your sales ratio for the two types is any different.

01-22-2014, 11:21 PM
I would also vote for "visit us at" and the website address. It's very unlikely I'm going to call anyone on the basis of a postcard. I might, however, visit a website if the offer is compelling enough.

I have to say, though, that I think David's idea of doing a split test is a good one. It would be interesting to see which CTA performs better and if your sales ratio for the two types is any different.

Yeah, i guess there's no better way then to test it myself!

I will send out 5000 call us 5000 visit us and 5000 with both and report back.

Although different industries may have different results, i'll report back anyways. I will generally lead more toward website since i want more web savvy clients.

Results will probably be posted 3-4 months down.