View Full Version : Does original "Artwork" sell?

01-20-2014, 09:39 AM
Does anyone have experience selling their hand made artwork?
I'm at the stage where I will be painting a lot, mostly macabre/surrealism landscapes acrylic paintings on canvas of many sizes. I want to eventually sell these and sell the originals.
My questions are:

1) Has anyone on here sold original paintings over the internet with general success? (I'm talking like 1 a month—not looking for anything crazy)

2) Has anyone regularly purchased original artworks from "nobodies"?

3) What are your thoughts on purchasing original artwork in general. Do you see it as a possible investment or something "special" to have in your home/office as a conversation piece?

4) If you do sell original artwork/paintings/hand made products.. which online websites do you use that are more successful? Do I start and Etsy account? Should I start my own website and sell of there?

5) How successful can you be by doing a tradeshow/gallery showing? Any experiences there?

6) If you were to purchase an original painting, would you prefer to purchase online? In a gallery? At a tradeshow? Locally?

7) What type of painting/style would you purchase?

I know this stuff is very niche, I might not really get much replies, but any advice would help me determine if it is something I could pursue for fun.

01-20-2014, 12:33 PM
I work with garment decorators - several of whom are artists and have sold their work in its original form as well as creating digitized designs for garment decoration. So it can be done. I know a few of them do quite well through their own websites or by selling notecards and things on Etsy and sites like that. I am someone who will purchase a piece of artwork from a "nobody" if I like the work and if it's priced within my budget. I tend to be attracted to unique items that not everyone would have. I just purchase things because I like looking at them, or because they have a significance to me of some kind. I don't tend to think of art as an investment, it's more something that makes me feel good and which I enjoy seeing.

Those artists I do know who sell original works either have their own website or use Etsy. Having a website of your own seems to be the way to go lately as Etsy keeps changing policies. A lot of artists are up in arms over the fact that Etsy has broadened the definition of handmade to the point where factory produced items are now allowable.

I'm not particular from where I purchase original art. I've seen art in stores I liked and purchased. I've seen art online I liked and purchased. I've not really attended many gallery showings, but I imagine I wouldn't be adverse to making a purchase there if I liked a piece and it was in my budget.

I like a lot of different styles of art. Right now I'm really attracted to graphic prints with words. I also like landscapes. Mostly the piece just has to connect with me on some level. I'm kind of eclectic.

Based on what my friends who sell art have told me - the biggest problem is getting people with the right tastes to their site. If you can tap the proper market for your work, I've been told you can do quite well, but tapping that market may take some trial and error.

Hope this helps.

01-20-2014, 03:24 PM
Thanks Kristine! Those are some really helpful tips. The hardest part I think will be pricing for originals (time spent + cost of materials can be high). That will definitely be an art in itself!

01-20-2014, 06:08 PM
2) Has anyone regularly purchased original artworks from "nobodies"?

I covered the Caribbean as a sales guy for work for years. I've been to the Dominican Republic at lest 20 times. I've been to Haiti once - poorest place I've ever been. In the DR, Hatians would be selling original paintings on the street. Haiti has a very unique culture with everything from zombies to witchcraft as part of their culture.

I have several Haitian paintings. Because they are very poor countries, I didn't pay much for them. But they are extremely unique and show off a culture. I would think that a micro niche like that could work very well.

Brian Altenhofel
01-20-2014, 07:40 PM
Have you considered selling prints of your artwork? There are many different materials that can be used for prints - some getting much closer to "original" feel than others.

I have several friends who are artists. None that I know sell their originals unless the right buyer with the right price comes along. "The right price" is generally several thousand dollars, and "the right buyer" generally requires a recognized name. Prints are relatively inexpensive to have done, too, which means you get a much higher potential margin to work with.

Several museums around here do art galleries for local artists. I do enjoy going and looking at their art, and every now and then I do buy a print or two. One in particular happened to be a friend of mine that does pencil art - there was some kind of clay-like material that it could be printed on that felt very, very similar to the original physically as if you could feel the same pencil strokes.

01-20-2014, 10:30 PM
Has anyone regularly purchased original artworks from "nobodies"?
I regularly purchase artworks...but they aren't originals and don't believe they are "nobodies" (I've bought a few metal artworks from Jon Allen, and have looked at a few from Carl Ash)

3) What are your thoughts on purchasing original artwork in general. Do you see it as a possible investment or something "special" to have in your home/office as a conversation piece?
Original artwork can get pretty pricey, so I generally stick to prints or items that are reproduced....but if its something that really catches my eye then I might go for it.

4) If you do sell original artwork/paintings/hand made products.. which online websites do you use that are more successful? Do I start and Etsy account? Should I start my own website and sell of there?
I'd suggest Amazon just because of the exposure that you could get.

5) How successful can you be by doing a tradeshow/gallery showing? Any experiences there?
As a buyer, the shows that have multiple artists are what catch my eye. I generally just go to browse, but if I find a piece I will likely buy it. As an example, every year a group hosts a 3 day event in Melbourne FL that brings out hundreds of artists (One metal/copper artist sold his entire collection on the first day). Miami has a similar type of event so I can only imagine that your area has similar events. Go to the next one and ask some of the artists what they think.

6) If you were to purchase an original painting, would you prefer to purchase online? In a gallery? At a tradeshow? Locally?
I would prefer to purchase locally/tradeshow/gallery where I can see the item up close and in person before hand (View Colors, Lighting, Size and etc). Online would be reserved for the artists I already know, or if the cost is minor.

7) What type of painting/style would you purchase?
I'm currently into Metal Artwork/Sculptures at the moment.

Dan Furman
01-20-2014, 10:44 PM
I bought a few from this guy:

Haunted Studio (http://www.hauntedstudio.com/)

Seems to have found a nice niche. Looks like he's retiring from this, too (he's 80, I think).

I like macabre/dark - whatcha got?

David Hunter
01-20-2014, 11:50 PM
I don't know anything about selling artwork, but I do have friends who make handmade products and sell on Etsy. It's a hobby for them and they get to make some money.

If I was going to buy original artwork I would want to see it in person.