View Full Version : not sure what to do

03-06-2014, 07:00 PM
I just started my business it is a home and lawn business. I currently have a full time job and work from my business keeps coming in, Im at a point where I want to leave my full time job and find a part time job so I have more time to get new clients and to get work done faster but this is a big decision and want to make sure the time is right and things aren't going to fade out. I also have no license right now it could be a month or a year until I get it back. I can however afford to pay someone to drive me. I need some advice on what what my best options are, I have full faith in my business and will do whatever it takes to keep it going.

Thank you

03-06-2014, 07:13 PM
My advice would to probably take the higher paying jobs until you get your license back. As you are waiting to get it back, save money so you can quit a full time job and do a part time and focus on your business the rest of the time.

Harold Mansfield
03-06-2014, 07:57 PM
I have full faith in my business and will do whatever it takes to keep it going.

OK then. Do it.

Doesn't sound like your full time job is a career because you were easy to dismiss it to get a part time job.
The thing that would bother me is the no license thing. Depending on others is a big risk. What if they aren't available at the most inopportune time?

I'm not the one to tell you to quit a job and take a chance with no safety net . Only you know your financial situation well enough to be able to make that decision.

To be honest, it doesn't sound like you are confused about what you want to do. It sounds like you've already decided and want someone else to agree.

03-06-2014, 08:28 PM
the most conservative way to start a business is start part time.....work yourself to death until you have so much work on your business that your ready to leave your normal job....

using a part time job to bridge the gap is an even smarter way

I wouldn't do anything until you have your license back....seems silly to have someone drive you...doesn't look good

another smart thing is to save up 1 years wages before going out on your own....the more $$ reserves the easier the transition will be.....if you have nothing saved id use this period to save tens of thousands while your working 2 jobs...it should be easy to save all your businesses income....you may need it someday

I started out part time while working for someone else full time...when I transitioned from my normal job to my own business it was scary and also great...I finally had tons of free time to do sales.....within months my work doubled and I was able to survive without ever having to touch my savings

good luck

David Hunter
03-06-2014, 09:02 PM
You say you want to make sure the time is right... the time will never be right.

Paul Elliott
03-07-2014, 02:09 PM
it is a home and lawn business.

I understand a lawn business. Where does the "home" part fit? What is it?


03-07-2014, 09:44 PM
You say you want to make sure the time is right... the time will never be right.

correct..if your looking for the perfect time it will never come...that's why starting a business requires risk....having a large savings built up helps the risk factor....I knew when I went into business that I could survive with a low level of work for a year+.....if you have 0 savings id have 1 month to sink or swim....not a risk id take (but many do)