View Full Version : Helping friend start business...salary?

03-07-2014, 10:35 PM
A friend of mine is starting a business. I've helped out here and there without reimbursement. She has now asked if I would like to help out more consistently. She can't pay me now, but she would like to work something out if and when she starts to make some money. We are supposed to meet to discuss what this would look like.

I have no clue what to even come to the table with as far as reimbursement? I'm a stay at home mom. I see my responsibilities as meeting with other businesses trying to sell the product, maybe social media help, making calls....I don't see my responsibilities being one single area. She is just overwhelmed and needs another hand.

I know this is vague, but I don't even know how to start this discussion?

Thanks for any help.

- Joan

03-08-2014, 08:43 AM
If you're helping with sales, take a percentage as commission to start. If you're helping with marketing, take a percentage of all sales. That way, she doesn't have to pay you if you're not producing revenue (which is likely a big concern), but you still get paid if you produce sales.

Designs By Trey
03-08-2014, 02:41 PM
Hey Joan. I completely agree with Freelancier. It really depends on what you are doing. Most importantly, make sure that you and your friend agree on the terms and WRITE THEM DOWN ON PAPER. This is very important. Things can get a little difficult when money starts to come in from the company. I am not saying that your friend will go against giving you what you deserve, but from my experience, people can act a little different when money starts pouring in. Good luck!