View Full Version : i actually hired someone today

03-15-2014, 02:43 PM
8 years thinking about it....the day finally came today....I hired my 1st employee

a laborer for $15 an hour- part time

I narrowed it down to 3 applicants

1. was older than me but very experienced...and seemed to have a similar personality..6 years in the army....he has his own part time design business, so its a perfect matchup(he isn't using the job as his only income).....negs- he's old and 155lbs....now sure how he will handle the heavy lifting....I guess its not my problem...he's agreed to it
2. was young. showed up 1/2 hour early......no drivers license, drunk driving 5 years ago, car is all smashed up.....talks stupid(young), said negative stories about himself when I asked about his work history.......pos..he's young/strong and could easily handle things......his work experience would make him an excellent.....neg...his brain and his drunk driving
3. never showed up

I called #1 tonight....he has actually been a plumbers helper.....same hyper personality.....were similar in many ways, but I can tell he's more of a free spirit...51 years old and has earings and had very long hair within the past couple of years (I saw his drivers license)....now hes clean cut(except for the earings)

I think he will be a excellent worker.....we will see if a tiny 150lb 51 year old can carry a water heater by himself......he didn't seem to know if he could or not

I trust him....that's why I didn't look for more...he struck me the right way from his 1st email on

because he has another side job I don't need to guarantee him anything.....if I give him 4 hours he doesn't care....he even said he'd work 2 hours if it were close by

03-16-2014, 02:11 PM
Sounds like the older dude could work! I agree with not hiring the younger guy... negative personalities usually aren't team players. They bring everyone down.

03-16-2014, 02:48 PM
My yard guy had a 28 y/o for a while. He showed up for work smelling like pot. He had spent years working as a lumberjack. His dad probably was in that business, so I bet he started young. I think he was probably the best worker my yard guy has had. Of course there are liability issues if someone shows up to work stoned and he eventually got fired. He took a 60 ft tree from my back yard to the street in less than half a day though.

Wife hired a homeless guy to do some gardening a while back. She found him at the laundromat folding clothes. The guy really knew his plants though and worked his butt off.

I wouldn't hire either of these people for various reasons, but in some ways it's really to bad you can't hire some of these types of people.

03-16-2014, 08:11 PM
I had tons of applicants....but most had 0 experience....I thought me paying $15 should get you experience on some level

the guy I hired has earings and used to have hair like Jesus(I saw it on his drivers license), but he now has short hair like me and even brought it up himself that he's now clean cut looking.

im in millionaire homes often.....I need someone I can trust not to screw up..

tomorrow afternoon were going to Home Depot to load up on 80lb concrete bags and also 50lb gravel bags.....im not planning on doing any of the lifting....its why I hired the guy.....im going to stand there while he bends to the ground and puts the bags in the cart and then in the van..........my back needs to heal....im paying him to kill his........we will see how well that goes.....

my wife wants me to wait for better applicants....I explained to her that your not going to get someone perfect for a laborer job.....not unless it were $30 an hour/full time....

this guy knows fittings already, so after a quick walk through of my van I think he will be good to go....tomorrow is a slow day and I am planning on getting him into the groove.....Wednesday involves jackhammering up a floor and concrete work.....he will sink or swim...I am curious how he will be doing Thursday morning

I suspect politically were going to be opposites........when I show him my gun in the glove box tomorrow I will know for sure.....Earings and Jesus hair at age 52 don't typically mean very conservative.....we have almost the exact same job resume in the printing field....and are both into cars (he did body shop work at one time).........he worked for several printers that I knew about......the wife even said we talked at the same hyper speed and sounded very much alike..

im excited to have someone to work with...ive been alone for 10 years