View Full Version : Collection of Naming Recourses: Business Name Generators, Inspiration & Ideas

04-07-2014, 08:57 PM
Hey everyone,

I'm sure a lot of us are trying to think of good business names. I know I've been racking my brain for some time now and it does get hard to keep up momentum, inspiration and spark. So to aid the process here is a convenient thread to post all of your inspiration, web tools and ideas to help us all come up with the best names possible.

For me, the biggest thing a name needs to be is;

The ease of remembering relies on the simplicity of the word:

Simple to Say - Two syllables is good - One syllable can be forgotten easier - Three syllables can be too complex unless it has very uniquely different sounds

Simple to Spell - You don't want to have to spell it out to people when telling them about your business.
One thing I think helps, if making up a name that doesn't exist, is to do the "One consonant, One vowel" approach eg. Zinova, Vivado etc.

Simple to Read - Think of the way the letters look together, Having harsh letters like 'K', 'T', 'D' and 'P' next to each other can be harsh to read in a string of letters. Going back to vowels is easy to roll off the tongue.

Simple to Write/Type - Think about the way people will type your name. Are the letters close to each other and easy to reach quickly. How often do those letters get typed? Letters like 'X' 'Y' 'Z' and 'Q' get typed infrequently so people aren't used to pressing those keys as much as others. On the other hand (No pun intended) think about how it is to write the name on paper. The way the word looks when written - when typed - when in a www.yourname.com situation - in an email - on a letter head etc. etc...

What do you think? What's in a name for you? Do you have any Awesome Tools to help you that others could benefit from? Please post everything about naming right here on this collective thread!

And have fun!

04-07-2014, 09:09 PM
This website is good because it not only gives you names but lets you know if the domain is available.
WORDOID - Creative Name Generator - Domain names, company names, product names (http://wordoid.com/)

This website doesn't generate names but it tells you if the name is taken on social medias and offers some available domains too!
Check Username Availability at Multiple Social Networking Sites (http://namechk.com/)

Endico Ennoble
11-18-2014, 09:31 PM
I wouldn't worry so much about the name, its not as important as you think. Just fly around the net looking at some of the largest sites . . . some of the names are crazy. Think Yahoo! Really? Work on the other aspects of your business to ensure it will succeed. Good luck.

11-20-2014, 06:26 PM
Before I named my business, I was trying to find names that were catchy, etc. In the end when I got incorporated, I ended up with a name that had some personal resonance - the name of the street I grew up in. Helps me love the business.