View Full Version : How can I start an organization that is for-profit?

04-27-2014, 12:53 AM
Whenever I look up how to start an organization I always get links about starting a non-profit. Even when I type in "for-profit organization". I do not want to start a non-profit. I get that everyone loves the tax-exempt status but I don't mind paying taxes. Why? Because I want to be in complete control of the organization and you can't do that with a non-profit. So, how can I start just a plain ol' regular organization?

04-27-2014, 08:39 AM
You're starting a business. You have to decide the type of entity you want to be: corporation, LLP/LLC, or sole prop. You have to file the right paperwork with the state government (secretary of state's office usually) for the first two, and once you have that, you open a bank account and fund it. Pretty much you're done at that point with the organizational steps that are required to start running a business.

Sole prop you don't have to do anything except file for any local business licenses you need to legally work as a business in your area.

There are a LOT of steps you CAN do, but not so many that are required. Go to the local SBA office if you want help navigating the maze of requirements. Find a good small business accountant to help you get your books set up and keep you on the good side of the IRS.

04-29-2014, 11:27 AM
Organization, at least in my opinion, is a word that implies a non-profit. Using the word organization will most likely only come up with results about non-profits. You are using the wrong word in your search. Business is a more appropriate word for what you are looking for.

04-29-2014, 12:09 PM
From Google:

an organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association, etc.

From Webster:

a company, business, club, etc., that is formed for a particular purpose

You are correct though, in that it implies that one is non-profit, but that's only because that's the route that everyone goes. My approach is not atypical of other organizations. Those people don't mind if it's handled by multiple people because they're usually doing it to help other people. Whereas I have ideas that I want full control over.

I don't think I can achieve what I'm looking to do anyway. I'm looking to do something similar to The Foundation for a Better Life (http://www.values.com/about-us) but on a smaller scale. But they don't have any products or services so I can't make a business out of it. I guess my only choice is to go the non-profit route. :(