View Full Version : How are you getting Reviews for Your Business on Google, Yelp etc.?

05-22-2014, 01:52 PM
There are too many hoops for happy customers to jump through in order to leave a review. What are your thoughts?

05-22-2014, 02:35 PM
Great question. I would like to know this as well!

Harold Mansfield
05-22-2014, 04:55 PM
It's pretty simple. I ask for them and give them a direct link to leave the review. If it's a review site that requires log in to leave a review ask them if they are a member, or where they have accounts.

It's true, very few people are going to create an account somewhere just to leave you a review.

I funnel all of my reviews to Angie's List. It doesn't require them to be a member and I can send them a direct link to leave the review where they can simply just start typing.

05-24-2014, 07:31 AM
ive had several customers who were so happy with me they asked 'how can i help your business?'' i say give a review on Yelp or Google.....never got 1

im sure in 20 years and 100 people ill get 1 that actually does it....

Harold, ill have to look into the Angies list thing though...i didnt know a non member could do it on line

Harold Mansfield
05-24-2014, 02:11 PM
The only downfall of Angie's list is that only members can see your business listing and reviews. However it is very popular, and they do a lot of TV advertising. So it's exclusive in a way that it's not open to the public, but the people who are members find it credible and definitely use it.

05-26-2014, 12:41 PM
Going above and beyond their expectations is a great way to start. They don't always review you even if you make them so happy they do jumping jacks. When people ask how your business is going, tell them your trying to gain more validity as a reputable business. If they are super happy, go on to say that online reviews really help. More than likely you'll end up with a review.

A few creative ideas I've found...

1. ) I've had a few customers talk to me about reviews. Two of them said the business they've used that have tons of reviews, usually ask at the completion of the good or service. They actually thought that was tacky and demotes the validity of the review. However, the next customer won't know that's what you do until it's their turn for a review.

2.) Make reviewing your business hassle-free and readily available. If you have a website, make the image link or text link a direct link to the third party's review.
Do the same for Facebook if you do not have a website. Link to your chosen review sites fresh on your posts.

3.) Send a follow up email ensuring satisfaction with links to your review sites. Be sure it's a genuine email, not some generic "give me a review email."