View Full Version : What can I sell?

Loki Grim
06-01-2014, 06:08 AM
I'm completely new to all this, also sorry if I'm posting in the wrong thread. But say I wanted to sell a computer start up kit, could I put things in there such as a Intel CPU and a Gigabyte motherboard.. Could those two things be thrown into a box sold by me with my name on it, or would I need permission from those two manufacturers? Obviously a hypothetical from how bad of an idea that would be :rolleyes:

David Hunter
06-01-2014, 09:31 PM
Welcome, Loki Grim!

What do you mean by computer start up kit? Is this something for people to build their own computers?

Loki Grim
06-01-2014, 10:10 PM
What do you mean by computer start up kit? Is this something for people to build their own computers?

Yes, in that example. The specific question I was asking is can someone put items made by manufacturers and put them together into some type of kit. Computer build kit, TV repair kit, ext..

06-02-2014, 12:03 PM
Yes, in that example. The specific question I was asking is can someone put items made by manufacturers and put them together into some type of kit. Computer build kit, TV repair kit, ext..

Dell and Gateway are two examples of exactly what you are describing. Is it possible? Yes.

Here is the right way to do it:
Set up an account with the manufacturer or distributor of the brand and product. The manufacturer or distributor will require a tax resale certificate which is simple to obtain. You'll find the details of what you can and cannot do usually from the terms of your account. You may have to buy bulk for a decent price, depending on the item. Your discount is almost always more than buying from someone who sales to the public since you're getting second hand pricing.

Don't let the obstacles slow you down. Best of luck.

06-16-2014, 02:27 PM
Hi Loki,

I do a lot of selling online, especially with wholesalers and suppliers.
If you wanted to check out your options on the items/parts you had in mind, I can direct you to some awesome up-to-date resources.
This company here provides free lessons to be successful with selling and competing with others online (lots of strategies/guidance/resources and they even help you build your own site to sell your stuff on).
It's called SaleHoo, and you can check out the site here where there are tons of free lessons, instructions, and how-to videos.
Here is the link from my account: <affiliate link removed>
I really like Salehoo because it's content is extremely thorough and it makes me feel confident with my online stores and my selling strategies.
When I dig around the web, I find some pretty valuable gems of info and tools. Feel free to reach out if you want me to share them with you.

I wish you the best of luck, though you will not need luck, just persistence and guidance! Cheers.

06-19-2014, 01:54 AM
Yes, ofcourse you can purchase the products of two manufacturers and sell them with your brand on it. But, product warranty is by the main company so removing their name will void all services. To ensure best service to your client do no remove the company's name from product but yes adiitionally you can add yours. The people working as computer assemblers are doing the same thing. Their purchase the parts assemble them and sell them with their name.

Hall Underwood Law
06-19-2014, 12:31 PM
You're free and clear of any copyright/trademark hurdles here. When you're reselling a product, you can obviously include its details even when it involves trademarks.