View Full Version : phone number to use out side of your local area

06-13-2014, 12:48 PM
What do you guys suggest for phone numbers?

Would you use a 800 number or the local area code for marketing to outside your local county. Neighboring cities and towns that is only 15 mins - 30 mins away, but they have different area codes.

06-13-2014, 01:25 PM
An 800 number would be easiest, and then you'd only have one number for people to remember.

Harold Mansfield
06-13-2014, 05:19 PM
I market nationwide and just use a regular virtual number and it's never been a problem. I guess it depends on the circumstances though. If it were a service or support line, I'd probably go toll free, although I don't know who still pays for long distance by the minute anymore.

David Hunter
06-13-2014, 09:54 PM
I know a lot of people still like using the free 800 numbers, but most people have cell phones these days with nation to nation calling. To me, it doesn't matter what area code someone has, because more and more people are holding on to their phone numbers when then move to a new city.

Here's a tip, if you go with the area code, check out Google Voice for a free phone number. You can choose the area code you want, and it's free! Just have it forward to your direct line.

06-14-2014, 11:32 AM
Here in canada it depends, we have crazy high prices on phone plans, some people may want to use the toll free.

06-16-2014, 11:52 AM
Darn browser crashed...

I am using google voice now, but i am transitioning to ringcentral and a lot of people are complaining about voip forwarding to voip, so i was going to rent a phone number from call fire.

But, i am not trying to get the phone ringing, i want them to go to the website and fill the form there. But i list a phone number in case they do call.

To me, area code doesnt matter, but to some people, i think they only want to work with "local" agencies?

07-16-2014, 08:39 AM
There is something in what you are saying. I personally have a cellphone that has an out-of-state area code (which I use for both personal and business contacts), while I do have a local office number (Miami). A lot of my clients though are from out of state, and it doesn't really matter to them, as long as I can deliver.

A local number or a toll-free number would maybe only matter with initial contact with the clients, if at all. I am actually considering obtaining a toll free number, but so far, having a "distant" area code hasn't seemed to have been detrimental at all.