View Full Version : Hi everyone.

06-15-2014, 07:45 AM
I am new here and new to starting a business. A little about myself, I have worked for the State for the past 12 years and have 6 years left until I can collect a pension. I was wanting something I can do and enjoy once I do retire to add to my pension income but I could work for myself and not punch a clock. I enjoy mowing and yard work (weird hu!) So with a small trailer and a Lowes mower $2000 total I gave it a shot. Wasnt long before I had made enough to buy a decent used truck and new trailer with cash. I did buy a commercial mower on credit but at 0%. (Cant beat that). Fast forward to today...my second year and it looks like I could actually pay myself something if i decided and end in the black for this year. (Overall in the hole still for the 2 year total. Est -$3500 overall) I have 3/4 day weekends and use 2 of them to run my business using the other days as back up incase of bad weather. Im getting to the point now where I have to turn work down orfigure out a way to expand. This brings me here to this forum. Actually I would have been here a long time ago if I had found it. My name is Todd and thanks for having me.

06-15-2014, 08:44 AM
Welcome to the forum Todd. Thanks for the background information to help us get to know you. Sounds like that retirement business is reaching the point where you have to make some decisions about which direction to take it. Feel free to ask any questions you have or just run some thoughts by us. We'll be happy to respond with ideas and opinions. Glad to have you here and thanks for joining the community.

06-15-2014, 02:14 PM
Welcome Todd. You've joined at the right time. There are a ton of people here who can offer first-hand advice. Sounds like you have a good problem on your hands : )

David Hunter
06-15-2014, 05:04 PM
Welcome, Todd!!!

Sounds like you're kicking butt and taking names! Keep on rockin'!

06-15-2014, 10:11 PM
Thanks a bunch for the welcome. I will have plenty of questions thats for sure!

06-16-2014, 12:20 PM
Welcome to the forum, Todd. Sounds like you're doing things intelligently, building up your side business while still working your day job.

06-22-2014, 02:27 PM
Hey Todd, great success story. If I were you I'd move upmarket. A good way to deal with demand is to raise your rates and take on higher end clients. That or you could hire someone to take on the extra work for you.