View Full Version : Can you have a day off if your business is 7 days/wk?

07-05-2014, 09:16 AM
Does anyone here own a business open 7 days a week but still able to enjoy time off once a week?

That's one of my main concerns. I guess I have it drilled in my brain you have to be there all times because my parents never took a day off. They own an asian (international) grocery and open all week. They never take a day off, although they do come in late to work and are able to run errands.

The thing is they don't trust anyone with their money at all. All staff is relatives except two and even then they're still skeptical of their own relatives.. So I was seeing if there's hope to have a break if you have a good staff (which I see is hard to find). Even at my HR job people can be horrible at showing up sometimes.

I'm wanting to take over the business but my parents are glued and keep saying they will retire but I think they won't unless it's impossible. That or the dog daycare business. If I go that route I plan to volunteer at the shelter and just gain experience taking care of different dogs.

07-05-2014, 10:39 AM
wow, if you take it over you will have to find someone you truly can trust otherwise it's impossible by yourself to work 7 days a week. You'll burn out in about 3 months.
the only other choice is to work 6 days and close on the 7th. otherwise from the way i see it if you can't trust anyone i wouldn't do it.

07-05-2014, 11:14 AM
wow, if you take it over you will have to find someone you truly can trust otherwise it's impossible by yourself to work 7 days a week. You'll burn out in about 3 months.
the only other choice is to work 6 days and close on the 7th. otherwise from the way i see it if you can't trust anyone i wouldn't do it.

So is it realistic of me to find good staff to run the business one day a week without my presence? Is that too much to ask? I wouldn't want to close a 7th day if it is really inconvenient to clients.

Most business owners I know or read about eat, breathe, sleep their business with no rest until getting it on their feet in a couple years.

Harold Mansfield
07-05-2014, 12:21 PM
I understand how your parents feel. However, that doesn't mean that you have to run it the same way they have. With proper safeguards and security, and doing your due diligence when hiring, you should be able to find someone trustworthy, although nothing is 100% certain whether you're running a small store or Goldman Sachs.

Trying to work a store 7 days a week alone will burn you out, and it prohibits you from any growth. No one can grow a company all alone.

07-05-2014, 12:32 PM
I understand how your parents feel. However, that doesn't mean that you have to run it the same way they have. With proper safeguards and security, and doing your due diligence when hiring, you should be able to find someone trustworthy, although nothing is 100% certain whether you're running a small store or Goldman Sachs.

Trying to work a store 7 days a week alone will burn you out, and it prohibits you from any growth. No one can grow a company all alone.

It's not technically alone since they do have people working for them, just not left alone all day. But that is a relief to know that, thanks.

07-05-2014, 01:24 PM
if you have to work 7 days a week youve basically created your own prison cell

i feel bad for your parents for not understanding this concept and enjoying life more

0 chance id do it

i rarely work weekends

i live my life really good on the weekends and when i go on vacation....i want to enjoy every moment with my wife/kids and enjoy all the extra $$ i have as a business owner

Harold Mansfield
07-05-2014, 02:52 PM
It's not technically alone since they do have people working for them, just not left alone all day.
Just wanted to add...it sucks working for people that YOU KNOW don't trust you. If you have any good employees, you're definitely not getting their best work from them with that little truth always dangling out there. Not everyone, but some employees like to know that they are valued, trusted, and maybe there's even a chance at advancement.

Not trusting anyone to be alone in the store tells them that none of that is happening.

And let's be realistic. How busy is the store? Even if you do a drop before you leave, leaving enough to change and normal operations...how much can they possibly steal in a few hours, or even a whole day? Are we talking thousands or hundreds, or tens? If we are talking a normal corner store here, is hovering over them worth the trade off of not having a life? Especially if the worse that can happen is you loose $50-$100 bucks?

Most people don't steal. I'd find it hard to believe that out of however many people you have working there, that you can't trust one.

And last thing...if you had thieves, being at the store 24/7 is not going to stop them. That just keeps them out of the register.

To me, it would be worth getting a decent inventory management POS system and maybe a camera or two so that your parents could have a life. You can't fool a computer. If any shenanigans went on, you'd know it and could pin point it. It's not the 1950's anymore. There's good options out there even for a small store.

Mind you I'm just talking to you. I know getting parents to change is like trying to get Democrats and Republicans to agree that water is wet.

07-05-2014, 03:18 PM
if you have to work 7 days a week youve basically created your own prison cell

i feel bad for your parents for not understanding this concept and enjoying life more

0 chance id do it

i rarely work weekends

i live my life really good on the weekends and when i go on vacation....i want to enjoy every moment with my wife/kids and enjoy all the extra $$ i have as a business owner

They are also kind of workaholics. It seems like back then they used to vacation and stuff but now they're not interested in anything but the casino for fun on free time. We practically have to beg them to hang out with us. We close once a year and that is on Christmas (which is recently what we do now) and they don't know what to do with themselves other than go casino and maybe eat out at a restaurant. LOL

The thing is, if I go the dog business route I'm afraid of burn out because it would be a 7 day 12-13 hr operation and dogs being over night. I would worry about them constantly.

Curious, what business do you own?

07-05-2014, 03:22 PM
No one says you have to follow in your parents footsteps or anyone's footprints for that matter...you can blaze your own destiny based on what you want to do. Sometimes in my life I have worked 7 days a week, and long hours...at other times I've barely worked at all...you control what you do with your time and ultimately your life. Set your priorities and work towards those goals...not what your parents have done but what you want to do.

07-05-2014, 03:58 PM
Do you work at the grocery yourself? If not you should start and learn to take as much control as possible.

There are certainly plenty of ways you can re-organize the business and management. Don’t just assume you have to be there 24/7. There are plenty of 24/7 businesses, look at all the convenience stores, that operate quite well even with absentee ownership.

07-05-2014, 05:24 PM
Do you work at the grocery yourself? If not you should start and learn to take as much control as possible.

There are certainly plenty of ways you can re-organize the business and management. Don’t just assume you have to be there 24/7. There are plenty of 24/7 businesses, look at all the convenience stores, that operate quite well even with absentee ownership.

I used to work there but ever since I started my full time job in HR I only work here once a week. I worked so hard to try to get into corporate and now that I'm finally there I realized I was really lucky to be working for my parents...how much free it felt and kind being in control and a part of something. After a few corporate jobs I know for sure it's not what I want even though I can make good money. I would also make good money here at my parent's but I'd rather make 35-40k (less money) and work for myself.

My mom suggested my dad teach me more behind the business stuff such as finances, vendors, etc. He is hanging so tight to the business. He's pushing 70 lol it's his baby... I think it'd be a fight to let go of it but I know he eventually does want one of his kids to have it (I'm the only one really interested). I think I'd ask him again.. I really want to leave my job lol.

there's a few things I'd change and add...My parents are just stuck in old ways kind of. They are comfortable with where they are at but I see improvement to do better. Don't get me wrong, my dad is a very smart business man..

07-11-2014, 01:52 PM
Running my business by myself on my lonesome, I need at least one day of rest each week, sleeping in. However I also work a second job in addition to my own business. If I didn't have a second job, then yes, I could keep my store open 7 days a week.

If you work 70-80 hours per week then you will need at least 1 day off, to yourself. If you work 60 hours or less then you maybe able to keep a shop open 7 days a week.

07-11-2014, 07:05 PM
Parents can be like that. I know that when my dad decides to sell his business to my brothers, he will still be there daily. He won't put in the same hours that he does right now, but he will never fully retire from the industry.

As to learning how to own and manage your parents store, have you ever sat them both down and had a serious talk with them about this. You need to find out what their expectations are of you if you collectively decide that your taking over is the right path.

As to your original question, why are you going to own a business if you are going to be tied down to it all day, every day, every year? You might not be able to get away as often as you may like, but if you can never get away than something is wrong.

07-12-2014, 09:33 AM
They are also kind of workaholics. It seems like back then they used to vacation and stuff but now they're not interested in anything but the casino for fun on free time. We practically have to beg them to hang out with us. We close once a year and that is on Christmas (which is recently what we do now) and they don't know what to do with themselves other than go casino and maybe eat out at a restaurant. LOL

The thing is, if I go the dog business route I'm afraid of burn out because it would be a 7 day 12-13 hr operation and dogs being over night. I would worry about them constantly.

Curious, what business do you own?

plumbing company

i often work 4-8 hours in the field in 1-2 in the office when i get home....i average around 130-150 hours a month in the field

if i work on a sat/sun i add $150 to the trip charge...typically i dont even want to do it for that premium as it wrecks my whole day

07-12-2014, 02:08 PM
I understand how your parents feel. However, that doesn't mean that you have to run it the same way they have. With proper safeguards and security, and doing your due diligence when hiring, you should be able to find someone trustworthy, although nothing is 100% certain whether you're running a small store or Goldman Sachs.

Trying to work a store 7 days a week alone will burn you out, and it prohibits you from any growth. No one can grow a company all alone.

I agree with Harold. All of the above comments are good as well. There are many small businesses with staff that the owner isn't there all the time. It's a case of setting up good work processes where people double check each other, good accounting where any shrinkige can be detected, and I'm a big proponent of a good camera system.

like trying to get Democrats and Republicans to agree that water is wet.

@ Harold. - Never heard that expression before but I like it!

07-12-2014, 02:33 PM
Parents can be like that. I know that when my dad decides to sell his business to my brothers, he will still be there daily. He won't put in the same hours that he does right now, but he will never fully retire from the industry.

As to learning how to own and manage your parents store, have you ever sat them both down and had a serious talk with them about this. You need to find out what their expectations are of you if you collectively decide that your taking over is the right path.

As to your original question, why are you going to own a business if you are going to be tied down to it all day, every day, every year? You might not be able to get away as often as you may like, but if you can never get away than something is wrong.

I never really sat down seriously to talk about it. I just got word from my cousin my younger brother is interested in it. Too be honest I think they'd give it to him because he would need it more than me and he's the son. He is the laziest out of us 5 kids and very disrespectful. He says he's going to change to prove he can take care the business but he doesn't even work there more than 25 hrs/week. I think I'm more qualified but I think he needs it more than I... so I guess this is going to be a toughy.

07-12-2014, 04:12 PM
I never really sat down seriously to talk about it. I just got word from my cousin my younger brother is interested in it. Too be honest I think they'd give it to him because he would need it more than me and he's the son. He is the laziest out of us 5 kids and very disrespectful. He says he's going to change to prove he can take care the business but he doesn't even work there more than 25 hrs/week. I think I'm more qualified but I think he needs it more than I... so I guess this is going to be a toughy.

This adds a whole 'nother realm of issues that will need to be addressed. If you feel that your calling is taking over the store, you need to sit down with both your parents and your brother. You need to put everything out in the open with anyone who may be involved currently or in the future.

Never forget that it is family you're dealing with and do not let hard feelings and grudges develop.

David Hunter
07-13-2014, 02:12 PM
In real estate it's a 24/7 business. Tell a client you're going to a family function instead of being able to show them houses or meet for a listing appointment and they'll be disgusted.

07-13-2014, 02:45 PM
Your family might be a bit old school and do things without recording it down via software or record keeping. When you take it over you may need to change the way business is being run and use software and technology to record everything. Things should be counted, confirmed each morning and night. Proper logs and POS systems should be put in place. You should have notifications sent to your cell phone whenever money goes in and/or out of your major accounts for purchasing. It can be done, but you need to be very organized and have a good system. When you lock and unlock the store, each person with a code needs to have their own individual code and not share it with anyone in the store. You should have a camera put in place that you can access anytime via mobile devices if need be. There is many many things you can do to secure your company, product and assets, but it starts with you.

07-13-2014, 03:24 PM
Your family might be a bit old school and do things without recording it down via software or record keeping. When you take it over you may need to change the way business is being run and use software and technology to record everything. Things should be counted, confirmed each morning and night. Proper logs and POS systems should be put in place. You should have notifications sent to your cell phone whenever money goes in and/or out of your major accounts for purchasing. It can be done, but you need to be very organized and have a good system. When you lock and unlock the store, each person with a code needs to have their own individual code and not share it with anyone in the store. You should have a camera put in place that you can access anytime via mobile devices if need be. There is many many things you can do to secure your company, product and assets, but it starts with you.

Yep you're correct

07-17-2014, 07:56 AM
Yep you're correct

That would be a good solution, but nothing replaces you being there yourself. Not that you have to be there every day, but just just the fact that you are there most of the time, would help your business run more efficiently. No one cares about the business as much as the owner of the business. That's just a fact that is true in every business. Of course take time off, but you should always make sure that you have your eye on the business, and have your presence there as much as possible. It will just run better like that.