View Full Version : Starting a spa in this economy?

07-14-2014, 07:10 PM
I'm looking into becoming a massage therapist and an esthetician. Learning one at a time and maybe perhaps take on nails. I want to focus mainly on skin...heck maybe even target athletes that compete in body building and figure competitions (think dark spray tans, sport massages, and waxing). But of course I would also like to cater to other services for the usual women... I'd like to read more into laser hair removal too if that's possible without a doctor.

I'm worried about the economy though. Worried my business in the future won't do well. I've had massages before and it seems like places are booked two weeks out so that gives me hope. Is this a bad idea?? I need to eat and have a roof over my head.

Harold Mansfield
07-14-2014, 09:02 PM
I'm worried about the economy though. Worried my business in the future won't do well. I've had massages before and it seems like places are booked two weeks out so that gives me hope. Is this a bad idea?? I need to eat and have a roof over my head.

This economy? Stock market just passed 17,000, Unemployment is down to 6%. Corporate profits are at an all time high, and the housing marking is back to normal.
Where do you live? I understand there are differences depending on what area the country you are in.

I think the bigger picture here is to get qualified and licensed. Don't talk yourself out of going into business for yourself before you even learn your craft and discover if it's even something you want to do.

07-14-2014, 09:53 PM
I'm with Harold on this and get qualified and licensed. What do you mean by "this economy"?

If we all were to listen to the naysayers about going into business for ourselves, most of us would probably never have done it. Don't get me wrong, advice is never something to ignore, but when people are saying "don't do it" and you can't figure out why I say "go for it".

paul woodall
07-14-2014, 09:59 PM
Hello Euphoria,

Make sure "having a business" is what you want vs a job! You'll be doing way more than what you listed if you want to run your own business. Sales, finances, marketing, hr, IT. You name it. You'll be doing it.

If you still want your own business. Focus on 1 thing first...sounds like you want to be everything to everybody. Focus first. Then expand. You need to understand your local market for the services you want to offer. Do your research.


07-15-2014, 12:13 AM
Athletes need massages but probably not a bikini wax. A friend is ranked 7th in in the country for power lifting. He's a hairy sucker. Then again swimmers might want hair removal for competitive reasons.

I pay $60 for a massage once a month (once a week would be great) for athletic reasons. My wife is always getting her nails, hair, done. Massages as well. I'd target athletes and women. I think there is a market there. They seem to market themselves through offline networking, so business may grow slow.

07-15-2014, 01:26 AM
I agree with the other posts. The economy is not the issue. Good or bad economy a spa caters to a niche. its the service and competiiton to be concerned about.

Besides learning the individual skills, massage, skin care etc you need to truly understand the business and the market. Focus, don't try to be everything to everybody. Mixing hairy bodybuilders with the typical beauty parlor women may not be the best idea (then again maybe it is the best idea!)

But anyway you must learn the ropes before attempting and don't worry about the economy...if its bad its bad for almost every business.

Harold Mansfield
07-15-2014, 11:04 AM
I started freelancing in November of 2008. At the time there hadn't been a worse economy since 1929. Anyone who is still trying to scare you with "this economy" right now, is just looking for excuses.

Again, take a look around locally and at who your target demographic will be. Some person saying "this economy" to you is not any kind of reliable market research. Each area has it's different challenges. I may open a restaurant in Las Vegas right now, but I wouldn't open one in Detroit.

Also remember that some friends don't want to see you succeed or even try something that may get you ahead, while they waddle in their own misery too scared to try anything. Don't let people with piss poor attitudes bring you down. Real friends will have your back, and offer help and advice. Not "bah-humbug" everything.

There is NEVER a perfect economy. There will never be a perfect time to start a business, or buy a house, or have kids, or anything else. Because life isn't perfect.

07-15-2014, 11:15 AM
There is NEVER a perfect economy. There will never be a perfect time to start a business, or buy a house, or have kids, or anything else. Because life isn't perfect.

So true!

The reality is that what matters more than the economy is your target market, what you have to offer to them and how you publicize it. There are always going to be people with money enough to have a massage or whatever else you want to offer. The economy will not be the determinant of your success or failure, it will be things like the type of customer service you offer, how hard you work on marketing your business, how well and how much you research your target market, whether or not the area you're in will support what you want to do. People will always have money for small luxuries, and if you do your homework, that money may end up in your pocket.

07-15-2014, 03:12 PM
The economy has recovered to a huge extent.
I agree there are still some hiccups along the way but those are to be expected.
To be honest it is less about how the economy is in the big picture and more about how you handle your economics at a micro level.
It is about advertising right. Massages are an excellent way to relieve stress and let's be honest, everybody is doing their best to support their own lives and hence directly or indirectly contributing to the economy so we all need massages.:)
But before anything else, you would have to let the local community know about your services hence you need advertising. There are a few advertising agencies which provide decent enough local advertising solutions, maybe you should try them to promote and establish a business.
You can also try to distribute coupons in your locality to get customers.
Get in touch with me and we can share more such ideas and resources.