View Full Version : How to get website traffic and be trusted?

07-18-2014, 04:08 AM
Because my target market is Australia. So our team spend three month to gather material of blank t-shirts in Australia market. After market researching, we decide to start our website. Two month passed, there is no enough visitor to our website as expected. It is very bad for us. There is a question left. How to get the traffic? And how to make people to trust our website and buy? There is no doubt that we have a very good price and free printing for one color and one printing. What is the key point to make people trust our website and buy our products? I feel that i will lost on the road.

07-22-2014, 05:41 PM
There are a few things you can do to bring traffic to your website. The first one I would look at is your website itself.

Does your website tell the customer everything they need to know within the first 7 seconds of them clicking on the page? Because if it doesn't, then they're going to leave. Is there a clear call to action, is the design simple and visually pleasing? There are a lot of things you can do to make sure that your site brings customers.

Other things you can do are SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC (pay-per-click), Facebook ads, blog posts, guest blog posts, etc. Marketing takes time, but it's worth it in the long run. If you've just started your website, there's a good chance that people don't know about it yet, so you need to find ways for it to come to their attention.

Another thing you can do is look at the websites of your competitors. What are they doing that's working? Do they have a facebook page? Twitter? Are their ads popping up everywhere? Maybe that can give you some ideas for what to do in your specific niche.

Harold Mansfield
07-23-2014, 12:33 AM
There are no tricks when it comes to looking credible. It says it in the care that you take in your design, the words on the page, the attention to detail, the quality of images, the information you provide, and so on. You can't half ass it and expect to overcome that with SEO and Social Media tricks.

Your website is your key to everything and your foundation.

07-29-2014, 05:09 PM
There are a few things you can do to bring traffic to your website. The first one I would look at is your website itself.

Does your website tell the customer everything they need to know within the first 7 seconds of them clicking on the page? Because if it doesn't, then they're going to leave. Is there a clear call to action, is the design simple and visually pleasing? There are a lot of things you can do to make sure that your site brings customers.

Other things you can do are SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC (pay-per-click), Facebook ads, blog posts, guest blog posts, etc. Marketing takes time, but it's worth it in the long run. If you've just started your website, there's a good chance that people don't know about it yet, so you need to find ways for it to come to their attention.

Another thing you can do is look at the websites of your competitors. What are they doing that's working? Do they have a facebook page? Twitter? Are their ads popping up everywhere? Maybe that can give you some ideas for what to do in your specific niche.

All great advise! Great job!

Websites is a whole other animal on it's own. If you are serious about how to grow your website I recommend websitebabble.com there is a community very much like this one, and it is the perfect place, with a larger perentage of the audience and community having a more developed understanding of internet marketing. That's just the other forum i am active in, I've been there since 2009, But enough of spamming everbody XD

So, you want traffic on your website? May I re- adjust your question and say you want customers on your website.
You say Australia is your target market, but that alone is a little vague to be effective. For example, men, women, both?
Adults, Kids, Teenagers? Veterans? To get a better understanding on the profile of your customer I highly recomending studying customers a little better. Now, i may have come off as a complete jerk, not my intention. But I won't lie to you either, if "australia" is the only piece of information you've received after spending money to study your market. I'd get your money back, and I can tell you Australia at 50% of the cost... I Joke.

Ok, now getting people to trust your website plays exactly into your customers profile. For example, if the median age of your customer is over 50, your contact information needs to reflect the average potential capability for that customer, for example instead of an email address for customer support, put up a phone number.

Do you have a live chat feature? I've done experimenting with that and honestly I haven't had any good results off of it. But then agian, I do have my phone number placed in the header of my website so I can quickly be vetted if anyone wanted to call.

So, the quickest way to gain anyones trust if you were a website is to call your customer. Use your website not just as a store platform, but also as a lead generation tool, a way you can get contact information and actually contact them back, This is called follow up, rule 1 in sales. FOLLOW UP FOLLOW UP FOLLOW UP.

And to get traffic, there are a few things you can do.
Spend Money, Don't Spend Money, Spend Time, Don't Spend Time, Spend money and time, Don't Spend Money or time.

So, you are like me, you don't like spending money when it doesn't need to be spent. I d hope you have a phone, and a great personality because you just became a sales agent. You can accelerate your website's growth by physically talking to people. It takes time, but generally it's much cheaper than a Pay Per Click Campaign.

But Pay Per Click Campaigns can be effective if you do your research. There are so many variables, i could type a book so I won't... Hope this helps!

07-30-2014, 07:37 PM
Make more phone calls. XD
I had replied to this thread, with a very detailed reply. IDK what happened to it, I pressed "post quick reply" And I'm not in the mood to write it again.... Technology am I right?

But I mean, if you spent money on your market research, and only got "australia" for a target market. You should ask for your money back.

Then the next piece of advise, was websites are a best entirely of their own, and I highly recommend websitebabble.com as a new forum, for you to harvest new information. Many people there are experts on the matter.

The third piece of advise, was make sure your sales funnel makes sense. Is it easy for customers to get in contact?

Fourth piece of advise was on how to get more customers. Phone Calls, Emails Lists.
Use both of those resources.

08-06-2014, 05:24 AM
If you are selling on the internet, you need to be on page one - no doubt about it. Use adwords for an immediate presence while working on SEO longer term to capture organic traffic

08-13-2014, 12:10 PM
Start blogging, write quality content and optimize keywords for search engines. I know it's not the fasted method, but it's worth in the long-run. Find similar blog websites in your niche and ask owners if they allow you to guest post, you might get good targeted traffic.

08-29-2014, 10:47 AM
With regards to social media, as well as having your own Facebook page and posting interesting content regularly etc etc, it's also a good idea to join relevant Facebook "groups" and post about your business there (in a way that doesn't look too spammy). This technique worked extremely well when it came to driving traffic to my company blog :)

09-04-2014, 12:14 PM
Hi raymandkoenig,

I suppose that when you are saying traffic, you are meaning organic traffic, that's correct? In case it is, you need:

1. To analyze and identify your buying personas (ideal customer profile)
2. Make a deep keyword research looking for the most profitable keywords (body and long-tail keywords better)
3. Build an SEO and user-friendly website
4. Optimize your website and content around those keywords
5. Analyze the competition to build a solid SEO strategy
6. Have a content marketing plan to follow
7. Socialize in order to earn good authoritative links
8. Be pro-active into marketing your site/content.

Obviously I gave you the LARGE picture, SEO today is a real combination of different skills one needs to master, however as difficult it can seem it is not impossible for a small-business owner to achieve great results by is own..with time you will build TRUST, RECOGNITION AND AUTHORITY

09-04-2014, 09:17 PM
The best ways to get website traffic are through diligent SEO and solid digital advertising efforts. There simply is no better way to get quality visitors to your site that are targeted and focused on what you offer. SEO is, of course, an ongoing effort. Advertising online must be ongoing and consistent as well. What really enables a small business to project expertise and authority are excellent SERPS and ads that are married to targeted landing pages.

Harold Mansfield
09-05-2014, 09:07 AM
If you are selling on the internet, you need to be on page one - no doubt about it. Use adwords for an immediate presence while working on SEO longer term to capture organic traffic
Only 10 people can be on page one. Plenty of people online are making money without having to be on page one. You can have a high trafficked site that isn't ranked at all. Search is NOT the only way to market online. It's just one way. Today, you need to use multiple avenues and multiple tools working for you. It's not 1995 anymore.

The key is to rank for what you can and control it.

First and foremost, EVERYONE should control all 10 spaces ( at least 5) for their name or their company name.
If your company is named after a city, or general non specific word that will be more difficult.

Target terms that are specifically what you have to offer and not try to target general terms with competition that you can't beat with your resources.
Fresh content every now and then so that you have more chances to be found for more things.

And here's the big one that no one ever wants to do: Do more things out side of your website to bring people to it.
Get your reviews on well trafficked review sites. If someone types in "Reviews, your company" will they find anything?
You need reviews on known review sites or review sites specific to your industry. 40% of my calls today are "I was looking for someone to help me with your website and I saw your reviews on..."

Write for industry related blogs.
Do offline marketing and advertising if you're a local business.
Set up goals and a plan for using Social Media and execute it.
Advertising to your local demo on Social Media

Each of those things you have to learn how to do effectively. No one ever logged into Facebook for the first time and said to themselves "I think I'll set up a killer marketing campaign today.", and knocked it out of the park on the first pitch.
You have to learn how how to do that, and about marketing in general. Learn how to write compelling copy for your blog posts. Learn how to use Adwords and other platforms to advertise and what ads resonate most with your key Demographics.

You have to learn how to do those things. Just because they make it easy for you to set something up and plop down your credit card, realize that good Marketing is done with knowledge, and experience. It also takes some trail and error. If you don't have time to learn it, better to get some help than waste your money completely with one bad campaign after another.

However, none of that matters if your website is structured improperly or is designed poorly. You'll waste all of your money and fail to convert any of your visitors.

09-08-2014, 10:43 AM

I am brand new to this forum just like you are. One great thing you can do is start writing articles about your business and your products.. For starters, you should start to write 2 to 3 articles a day if you can. Ezine Articles is great website to start. Also, get into doing some press releases. This is another medium to get some traffic to your website as well. These are the two services I use and they have worked out quite well. I wish you great success.

Unique Designz
09-15-2014, 08:44 PM
Start blogging, write quality content and optimize keywords for search engines. I know it's not the fasted method, but it's worth in the long-run. Find similar blog websites in your niche and ask owners if they allow you to guest post, you might get good targeted traffic.

This is great advise! To piggy back off of what was said here I would definitely turn to social media platforms such as instagram, twitter, pinterest and facebook. Just begin to tell your story about your business on these platforms and people will begin to get familiar with your brand. Once they get comfortable enough they will start to buy... A great book to read is by Gary Vaynerchuk that's called Jab Jab Jab, Right Hook.... He explains how to use each social media platform in their native tongue. I started implementing what he suggested and I have to say I am slowly seeing results...

Good Luck!

11-01-2014, 12:48 PM
Only 10 people can be on page one. Plenty of people online are making money without having to be on page one. You can have a high trafficked site that isn't ranked at all.

sad but true :D lol

11-02-2014, 03:40 PM
I believe the best way to get healthy traffic is through doing inbound marketing. You will be loved by searchers and search engines. It worths investing and needs some patient.

11-20-2014, 11:00 PM
Hey raymandkoenig, are you selling t-shirts with designs on them already or are you doing custom designs for individual customers?

11-21-2014, 12:39 PM
So I thought an example of a real business will help this thread...

Today, I interviewed an online boutique men's shirt company who are on target to triple their revenue this year. The interesting part is that they fired their SEO agency last year, sounds unbelievable, right? That's what I thought.

Their online traffic now comes from Twitter, winning online awards, referrals, and INTERESTINGLY advertisements in magazines. They sell luxury shirts so decided to advertise in luxury magazines. This is a great example of understand your customer and find out where they are.

12-28-2014, 04:18 PM
I've found a 'Cheat sheet to generating web traffic'... 5 Traffic Hacks: A Cheat Sheet to Generate Web Traffic (http://codelessinteractive.com/generate-web-traffic/). Feel free to review and put to use!