View Full Version : It's Crazy Dog Jenn - I'm back (I hope!)

07-28-2014, 09:12 AM
Hi Everyone!

Long time, no read...

for the past few years life has been completely crazy, I became overwhelmed, intentionally quit blogging, unintentionally abandoned this forum. I've missed both - but I know the blogging isn't going to happen right now, however... I've really missed the feedback and input from this forum so I hope to join in the conversation again!

We moved (FINALLY) last Fall we left our in-town, 2 bedroom house and moved an hour away - closer to my husbands job and now have a nice 4 bedroom house in the country - the kids have room to play and my office is no longer in the corner of the living room. It's awesome. But I still have boxes to unpack and no furniture in the basement...

I'm doing more and more virtual assistant work as well as social media marketing - which is a new world for me. I'm still doing some design work as well and have a client who really wants me to finally take that web design class I've wanted to take for the past 5 years... I tried taking Real Estate classes because another client wanted me to become a licensed real estate agent so that she could hire me as an assistant. I can work for her without the license, but would be more valuable with the license. I've struggled to get through those classes - real estate hasn't captured my interest or invoked enthusiasm in my days so I don't think that job is going to come through. Then in a completely new vein I've had several people ask me to do some custom sewing for them - I'm reluctant to pursue that income option though.

We homeschool and I will have a 2nd grader and a kindergartener this school year! We'll be starting September 3rd! Oh and we have two new puppies - a 5 month old (Stormy) and a 6 month old (Blaze), both rambunctious black labs that we are training for hunt tests and/or dock diving as well as simply waterfowl hunting. Our two old dogs are still around too, Stetson is 14 and Drake is 12.

I'm back! It's time for me to really focus on what Crazy Dog Creative is going to be - getting involved with conversations with other business people is part of that!

07-28-2014, 11:07 AM
Jenn! So glad to see you back and to hear that things are going well.

Harold Mansfield
07-28-2014, 11:26 AM
Hey Jenn,
Glad to see you back. Congratulations on all of the good stuff that's been happening.

David Hunter
07-28-2014, 05:37 PM
Howdy, Jenn!

Looks like you have a following here!

Regards to real estate, if you're not passionate about it, you're not going to make it. Glad you saw that sooner rather than later.

07-28-2014, 06:32 PM
Howdy, Jenn!

Looks like you have a following here!

Regards to real estate, if you're not passionate about it, you're not going to make it. Glad you saw that sooner rather than later.

Yep, I'm not passionate about real estate - have done several marketing pieces and etc... and enjoyed all that - but just can't get excited about the rest of it :) I warned the client/friend up front that I wasn't sure it was going to fly, but we tried!

I was very active on the forum way back in the beginning - then I had another baby and life got really crazy, I've definitely missed it and am glad to be back!

08-01-2014, 04:53 PM
Howdy, Jenn!

Looks like you have a following here!

Regards to real estate, if you're not passionate about it, you're not going to make it. Glad you saw that sooner rather than later.

Very good advice. I gave real estate a try and got out of it almost as soon as I got into it. It just wasn't for me. Welcome back to the forum, Jenn. I just joined not too long ago myself.