View Full Version : Pay Attention to your domain registrations. I almost lost mine.

Harold Mansfield
08-04-2014, 02:44 PM
Talk about a close call. I don't know how I missed the renewal emails, but I did and almost lost my URL.
Luckily it was recoverable and I should have it back in 72 hours.

I've been letting registrations go lately of about 30-50 domains that I no longer care to renew.
Maybe it was in one of those notifications and I over looked it.

Either way. Close call.

08-04-2014, 04:12 PM

This happened to me once.. the domain was down for a day or two!

Brian Altenhofel
08-04-2014, 04:22 PM
Yep, and pay attention to your ICANN info verification emails. ICANN requires positive verification of your contact information from registrars every year, even if your domain is nowhere near expired.

I've got a recent client who just had that issue. Domain was still 8 years away from expiration, but ICANN had root-servers invalidate all DNS information for the domain because they failed to positively verify their contact information. Up until very recently, you only had to verify changes, but now you have to verify even if nothing has changed.

08-04-2014, 08:39 PM
Harold, most registrars allow you to auto-renew them. You can choose which ones you want auto-renewed.

Also, I have alarms setup 30 days before renewal dates for the few domains that I own.

08-04-2014, 09:25 PM
Yep, and pay attention to your ICANN info verification emails. ICANN requires positive verification of your contact information from registrars every year, even if your domain is nowhere near expired.

I've got a recent client who just had that issue. Domain was still 8 years away from expiration, but ICANN had root-servers invalidate all DNS information for the domain because they failed to positively verify their contact information. Up until very recently, you only had to verify changes, but now you have to verify even if nothing has changed.

I have domains that are linked to a prior address I had 10 plus years ago.I haven't changed it even though I moved years ago. So wohis shows bad information. Wayback may show my old address, but I have domains by proxy for years now; I.e. no spam.

I rank from 2 to 5 on google. Usualy about 2. I'm lucky in that I only have a few keywords I need to rank for. I have enough emails and calls that between my partner and myself we have trouble answering all of them.

So should I change my whis info. Just don't want the spam

08-05-2014, 11:54 PM
I keep all mine on auto-renew at Godaddy. I am discount domain club member so they renew pretty cheap. But I also own like 500 domains! haha

09-02-2014, 02:09 PM
I have domains that are linked to a prior address I had 10 plus years ago.I haven't changed it even though I moved years ago. So wohis shows bad information. Wayback may show my old address, but I have domains by proxy for years now; I.e. no spam.

I rank from 2 to 5 on google. Usualy about 2. I'm lucky in that I only have a few keywords I need to rank for. I have enough emails and calls that between my partner and myself we have trouble answering all of them.

So should I change my whis info. Just don't want the spam

If these sites make you money it is best to play it safe and update your info then pay for the privacy (around$8/yr depending who you're with). If it wouldn't be a problem to have your site down just leave as is.

09-02-2014, 02:59 PM
You should check out alternatives/safeguards for such an important item (Think of all the e-mail that may also be lost). Personally, I have domain alerts setup for my own domains, in addition to my clients/vendors and competitors...along with any wishlist domains via DomainTools.com.

This way if I miss the 3-4 renewal notifications, I still get the notification from DomainTools as well as a calendar reminder.

Harold Mansfield
09-02-2014, 08:26 PM
Yes, I'm aware of auto-renew, and alerts. This one slipped by, which is my point. Double check your settings ever so often.
URLs that I care about are on auto renew with alerts. This one wasn't and I don't why I would have removed it from that.

It all ended well. I caught it the day it happened, got the registrar on the phone and retrieve it immediately.
Had it been days later, I probably would have lost it since it was past the 30 day purgatory.

This is another reason why I've stopped holding 100 domains that I'm never going to use.

11-07-2014, 05:45 AM
I was not knowing that WHOIS verification is mandatory, so I neglected them a couple of month ago and found that suddenly my domain has been suspended after contacting my registrar I came to know about this and I do not neglect these kind of verification.

11-07-2014, 08:20 PM
you ever thought about selling domain? I hear tha'ts a good market to be in

Harold Mansfield
11-07-2014, 08:52 PM
you ever thought about selling domain? I hear tha'ts a good market to be in

It was. 7 years ago.

02-16-2015, 03:08 AM
Mine is auto renew AND registered for 10 years lol :) and every year I increase my registration a year and update my cards when they expire. Its not going anywhere! lol

David Hunter
02-16-2015, 12:04 PM
I just saw that GoDaddy has some kind of expiration protection, so if your domain expires they park it free for a year incase you want to renew it. But... they charge you a hefty fee if you want it back during that one year period.

02-18-2015, 05:17 PM
Thanks for the heads up! Definitely something people need to pay attention to.

Could cost you down the line.