View Full Version : A book or books that made you financially comfortable

09-23-2014, 09:25 PM
Hello readers :)

I am seeking to read some "how to" books rather than mindset/inspirational books. It can be anything from setting up a cleaning business to forming a law firm to eliminating debts to trading bikes to whatever. Does a book (or books) that actually made you financially comfortable after reading and implement to it?

09-24-2014, 06:21 AM
I do not think so ans neither I think any book can teach you how to be financially stable else everyone might go through the same book and no one will be unstable. Yes, books helps with case studies but you become stable only with your research and understanding.

Harold Mansfield
09-24-2014, 07:53 AM
There is no one book or books that lays out step by step how to be financially "comfortable". If it were that easy, we'd all be wealthy. There are plenty of business books, marketing books, accounting books, personal finance books and so on. But if you're looking for an all in one book that tells you everything and if you just follow these steps everything will work out and you'll be all set, it doesn't exist and you will waste a lot of money looking for it.

And here's why: What works for someone else is not going to work for you the exact same way. There are plenty of books that teach you about business, even specific businesses, but ultimately success is going to be dependent on you, your specific environment, and how you execute and adjust along the way. There is no book out there which teaches that.

David Hunter
09-24-2014, 06:01 PM
Read marketing books. If you learn marketing you can sell anything! I love all of Dan Kennedy's No B.S. book series.

Also, learn about human psychology... once you know it, it never changes.

09-24-2014, 07:02 PM
Also, learn about human psychology... once you know it, it never changes.

isn't that the truth!
I've moved 35 times, lived in several different states, went to 9 different schools and the one thing that remained consistent from the West coast to the East Coast and the Southern states up to the Northern ones is people are the same everywhere you go! They might talk different, but fundamentally they are the same.

09-28-2014, 04:52 AM
After reading a number of motivational/inspirational self help books from Napolean Hill to Dale Carnegie etc., I found this one to be a refreshing change from theoretical "success" concepts. "Horse Sense" by authors Reis and Trout, is a simple read about the reality of finding success...essentially finding a horse to ride in business/life.


10-17-2014, 11:46 PM
Surprising that some here have given the advice of "learn about human Psychology".

Well, I just stumbled upon this book recently ---> http://www.amazon.com/Will-Teach-You-To-Rich/dp/0761147489

I must say that although some of the tips in it are outdated (it was published back in 2009), the human psychology part of the book will always stay relevant.

After reading this, it made me feel the opposite of what you're looking for. It made me feel unfomfortable because it made me realize that my brain is so far from being hard wired to becoming rich and that there are still much to learn and implement.

10-20-2014, 01:57 PM
Life is like a college... who knows what happens when you graduate?

Anyway, you should think of learning as a journey without an ending. Not a silver bullet that solves all your problems.

10-20-2014, 05:08 PM
Hmmm a book that made me financially comfortable.... I would have to say a colouring book. It definitely started my career in graphic design 15 years later :) Ofcourse, that doesn't mean I didn't spend thousands of hours, time, money, education, practice etc to get to where I am. But that's where it started. I found out that I was doing pretty well with colouring inside the lines (hey, even won a colouring contest in Kindergarden).