View Full Version : Direct Mailing

05-20-2015, 07:18 PM
Hello all,
I recently started a new business, Nationwide Background Screening Inc, and started a direct mailing campaign to 1000 HR Managers (or equivalent positions) through out my state. My question is based on your experience what is the best follow up? Phone call with some introduction and taking temp on interest, Email (if I have one) or just let them call or email me? I have been cold calling (no luck obtaining clients) and cold emailing (again no replies). Any advice would be appreciated.

Also, on my website I am getting what I think is a decent amount of traffic, but little to no calls or emails from the traffic. nwbs-inc.com

Again any advise or suggestions are appreciated

David Hunter
05-21-2015, 12:55 PM
Follow up with a phone call, direct mail, and email! Use all the tools in your marketing toolkit.

But first, what was your offer on your postcard? If it was a generic "brand building" postcard then you probably won't have much luck.

I looked at your site and you don't have any lead generation magnet. No offer. Nothing - Nada - Zip

05-21-2015, 04:43 PM
If your looking to make cold calls then Google the master..."Art Sobczak." Art eats, drinks and teaches the ways of make the effective cold call...there is no one better...

If your looking to get into HR departments of big business then Jill Konrath is your person. Again Google the name...RR

Harold Mansfield
05-21-2015, 05:01 PM
Also, on my website I am getting what I think is a decent amount of traffic, but little to no calls or emails from the traffic. nwbs-inc.com

On your website, try moving your call to action up above the fold so that it is immediately seen, also put a phone number and office hours in the header to entice immediate contact...not direct people to a form.

Also, where is your traffic coming from? Search? Referral links?
It is important that you're targeting and attracting the right traffic, not just arbitrary numbers.
Better to attract 10 visitors that are looking for exactly what you have to offer, than 1000 who are there by mistake or thought it was something else.

Once you're targeting the right traffic, your website needs to be constructed in a way that closes the deal.

David Hunter
05-22-2015, 11:38 AM
If your looking to make cold calls then Google the master..."Art Sobczak." Art eats, drinks and teaches the ways of make the effective cold call...there is no one better...

Art's the man!!! Get a few emails a week from him with awesome cold calling tips.

05-22-2015, 11:56 AM
I totally agree Art is the best shot at getting a handle on the cold call technique.

Next, if you are going after big business then you need to read about and hook up "Jill Konrath"


05-22-2015, 11:57 AM
I totally agree Art is the best shot at getting a handle on the cold call technique.

Next, if you are going after big business then you need to read about and hook up "Jill Konrath"


chief problem solver
06-06-2015, 02:27 PM
I own a printing company which offers direct mail marketing. I also own a real estate investment company which uses direct mail as it's primary lead generation source so I am speaking from experience when I say 'be patient.' Nearly 80% of all persons who will respond to your mailing will do so by the 6th contact. Your prospects are just getting to you and may not have a need for your service right now. You'll build more top of mind awareness with each subsequent mailing. As a final note, the four keys to success with direct mail include mailing list, message, piece, and consistency. The better the quality of each individual component, the higher your ROI.

that next to having a great mailing list, your compelling offer is the second most important aspect of your mailing. As a part of an ongoing campaign, your cta or call to action should be pre deterfmined, strong, and concise/clear. Do you want the to call you, visit a squeeze page, etc.

and good, graphics, the consistency or lackthereof is the leading reason people achieve less than desirable results. Be patient, let your marketing work for you. Sendong one piece

06-08-2015, 07:46 PM
I made a post about regular mail is in my opinnion on DIE line.. but I see here that is definatelly not.. :) everybody recoomend direct mail! good!

Kumar Palani
06-09-2015, 03:08 AM
Hello all,
I recently started a new business, Nationwide Background Screening Inc, and started a direct mailing campaign to 1000 HR Managers (or equivalent positions) through out my state. My question is based on your experience what is the best follow up? Phone call with some introduction and taking temp on interest, Email (if I have one) or just let them call or email me? I have been cold calling (no luck obtaining clients) and cold emailing (again no replies). Any advice would be appreciated.

Also, on my website I am getting what I think is a decent amount of traffic, but little to no calls or emails from the traffic. nwbs-inc.com

Again any advise or suggestions are appreciated

I completely agree with Harold Mansfield. It is one part to bring traffic, but converting them into inquires (enquires) is entirely different. Call to action part of a website should be visible to the customer in a way that it is easily accessible (visible). Words such as "Get Quotes" will always be better than "Contact us". Also make sure your contact number and/or Mail is visible at the top of your page, so that it is easier for your clients to reach you.

Douglas F. Farrell
06-11-2015, 11:16 AM
Also, on my website I am getting what I think is a decent amount of traffic, but little to no calls or emails from the traffic.

Are you sure you get the traffic you want/need? Because traffic in itself has little value. You need visitors who are at least somehow interested in your services or related to your niche for them to convert.

Paul Elliott
06-17-2015, 04:53 PM
Can you post examples of your postcards?

I grew up in the Direct Mail era and used it very successfully. I now believe that postcards still work and work better than letters, IF you use the cards well.

You have already been given some excellent advice. Let us see some of your postcards.
