View Full Version : Need opinions on how to respond to a request to copy my website - Thanks!

07-26-2015, 02:56 PM
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

I received a message on facebook from another bookkeeper who owns her own bookkeeping company. She said she likes my website and wants permission to copy it. I asked specifically what she wants to copy. She mentioned a particular quote she wants to use with one of the words being changed. She also wants to copy my services page and price list. I’m not sure how to reply to this.


Harold Mansfield
07-26-2015, 03:07 PM
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

I received a message on facebook from another bookkeeper who owns her own bookkeeping company. She said she likes my website and wants permission to copy it. I asked specifically what she wants to copy. She mentioned a particular quote she wants to use with one of the words being changed. She also wants to copy my services page and price list. I’m not sure how to reply to this.


It's great that she asked, but you can't really stop her from copying your business model, prices or anything like that. However asking permission to use your words, blog posts can be a good thing. If you are so inclined to grant her request you can release specific portions of your website copy such as the blog posts under a Creative Commons license.
Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/)

There are a few (6) licensing options that include specifics on what is allowed. On my blog I allow people to reuse, republish, rework and otherwise use any articles for non commercial purposes with proper attribution and a link back to the source, and as long as they also publish the work under the same license for others to use. You can see that notification in my sidebar for reference.
Blog | Harold Mansfield - Small Business Web Consultant (http://haroldmansfield.com/blog/)

As for copying your entire website...that's strange...but since you're redoing it anyway what's the harm? Maybe even license it to her for a one time fee and send her the theme and any custom CSS files.

07-26-2015, 04:18 PM
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

I received a message on facebook from another bookkeeper who owns her own bookkeeping company. She said she likes my website and wants permission to copy it. I asked specifically what she wants to copy. She mentioned a particular quote she wants to use with one of the words being changed. She also wants to copy my services page and price list. I’m not sure how to reply to this.


It is nice that she reached out and asked. Most people just "borrow". I like the option of the re-direct, but I dont think another book keeper is going to share the link of another business. I might ask for a nominal fee. 50 bucks or so. Draw it up official with a contract etc saying that you give permission to use specific materials. If she says no. Then its really no loss on your part. If she says yes, thats a quick 50. At the end of the day, she could just copy and paste it.

07-26-2015, 04:53 PM
At first thought, I can see a down side: Search Engine Optimization. If she copies your content, you (and her) will be penalized by search engines (Google in particular) because of duplicate content. I think it is something to consider. And if you want to talk to her about this, make sure she understands that the damage will not only be to you, but also to her. She would rank higher in search with unique content.

07-26-2015, 07:11 PM
I replied back and told her that I rather she didn't, that her website should be unique to her.

Harold Mansfield
07-26-2015, 07:22 PM
I replied back and told her that I rather she didn't, that her website should be unique to her.

Good answer.

07-27-2015, 09:53 AM
At first thought, I can see a down side: Search Engine Optimization. If she copies your content, you (and her) will be penalized by search engines (Google in particular) because of duplicate content. I think it is something to consider. And if you want to talk to her about this, make sure she understands that the damage will not only be to you, but also to her. She would rank higher in search with unique content.

The penalty for duplicate content is true, but the disadvantage would be hers. Jo Ellen would not be penalized because Google is well aware of how easily content gets lifted without permission from the original author. Google also has the all seeing eye to know who was first so that everyone else is using a duplicate. Since only the original will be ranked as such, the person asking is the one who won't get any ranking benefit. They'll receive very little beyond Google just picking them up and throwing them to the back of the bus.

07-28-2015, 11:33 PM
The penalty for duplicate content is true, but the disadvantage would be hers. Jo Ellen would not be penalized because Google is well aware of how easily content gets lifted without permission from the original author. Google also has the all seeing eye to know who was first so that everyone else is using a duplicate. Since only the original will be ranked as such, the person asking is the one who won't get any ranking benefit. They'll receive very little beyond Google just picking them up and throwing them to the back of the bus.

This is very true I was going to say the exact same thing. Google hates duplicate content, so mentioning that to people in the future should keep them from copying your pages.