View Full Version : I need help with keyword ranking.. please help

07-27-2015, 05:53 AM
Hello everyone,

I have been doing SEO for the past 1 year but all that I see is my page is at page 5 of google.
I don't know what I am doing wrong?
Maybe all that I am doing is wrong.

Can any kind soul please break it down for me?

This is what I am doing right now:

1) registering on social sites - I was told this will get me a backlink
2) blog posting - Do I need to write in my keywords here? or just answer to the topic of discussion?

Please advice me. thanks!

07-27-2015, 10:31 AM
Registering on social sites is not SEO. Neither is blog posting. It's possible both could be part of an SEO strategy, but just registering for social sites and creating blog posts doesn't automatically mean your pages will rank better. What else have you done?

Harold Mansfield
07-27-2015, 10:50 AM
Also remember that everyone can't be #1 nor can everyone be on the first page. It's not just about what you've done, but what you've done compared to your competitors.

You're not going to outrank sites that are better built, have better content, have better traffic, have higher engagement on social media, and so on.
It's more than just putting a keyword in. It's an overall assessment of everything you do online and what fruit that brings from readers and people who recommend your website.

Also, no one searches with one word anymore. People search using phrases, questions, category combinations, and with voice. That's not to say that you can stuff 4 or 5 or more keywords onto a page or post either. That's worse than just targeting a single word.

You have to target more than a word. Your content and website need to convey a general overall idea or conversation based on your industry or whatever your expertise is.

You've asked a big question. It's hard for us to just shoot in the dark with over views since SEO is not one size fits all. If you want to post the site in question we may be able to give you some specific feedback.

07-27-2015, 03:00 PM
Hello everyone,

I have been doing SEO for the past 1 year but all that I see is my page is at page 5 of google.
I don't know what I am doing wrong?
Maybe all that I am doing is wrong.

Can any kind soul please break it down for me?

This is what I am doing right now:

1) registering on social sites - I was told this will get me a backlink
2) blog posting - Do I need to write in my keywords here? or just answer to the topic of discussion?

Please advice me. thanks!

You should have at least a dozen keywords to target unless your site is a micro niche site. All On-page SEO needs to be done properly. Content should be well written and no less than 500 words, currently 700-800 minimum is better, up to 2,000+ words. Create both short and long articles, don't make every article 500 words. Content should contain keyword and LSI keywords(1-2%). Interlink articles to each other(per category only) to distribute link juice throughout your site.

Off page: Links from Social sites are good Authority links and helps your authority but usually not enough to rank a site(sometimes it is with large authority sites).
You need authority links, PBN, Parasite and links with high DA/PA/TF/CF/PR. You can also create some Web2.0 sites then link to your main site.
Don't over optimize your anchor texts when creating backlinks. Diversify them with Brand/URL/Generic/Keyword
Make sure to get your backlinks indexed or they are useless. You'd be surprised how many people build links that never get indexed.

Web 2.0 sites: wordpress, blogger, weebly, jimdo, tumblr, typepad, scribd
Authority sites: fb, twitter, linkedin, pinterest, G+, CNN, edu, gov, press release
PBN-Private Blog Network
DA-Domain Authority
PA-Page Authority
TF-Trust Flow
CF-Citation Flow
PR-Page Rank

Harold Mansfield
07-27-2015, 03:10 PM
You should have at least a dozen keywords to target unless your site is a micro niche site. All On-page SEO needs to be done properly. Content should be well written and no less than 500 words, currently 700-800 minimum is better, up to 2,000+ words. Create both short and long articles, don't make every article 500 words. Content should contain keyword and LSI keywords(1-2%). Interlink articles to each other(per category only) to distribute link juice throughout your site.

Off page: Links from Social sites are good Authority links and helps your authority but usually not enough to rank a site(sometimes it is with large authority sites).
You need authority links, PBN, Parasite and links with high DA/PA/TF/CF/PR. You can also create some Web2.0 sites then link to your main site.
Don't over optimize your anchor texts when creating backlinks. Diversify them with Brand/URL/Generic/Keyword
Make sure to get your backlinks indexed or they are useless. You'd be surprised how many people build links that never get indexed.

Web 2.0 sites: wordpress, blogger, weebly, jimdo, tumblr, typepad, scribd
Authority sites: fb, twitter, linkedin, pinterest, G+, CNN, edu, gov, press release
PBN-Private Blog Network
DA-Domain Authority
PA-Page Authority
TF-Trust Flow
CF-Citation Flow
PR-Page Rank

Goldnote, please take no offense but a lot of this is outdated information. Just the phrase "authority sites" is really kind of old and links from social media sites don't do much for SEO. CNN and edu sites. Those are really old theories. Seriously, how many people are going to get a link from CNN?

What you're listing are old SEO tricks. Not best practices or long term strategies that actually work.

Engagement (comments, votes, sharing) on Social Media is another story and obviously G+ , and Twitter is integrated into search but sparingly and G seems to be pulling back on the G+ search integration.

Just a few notes on what you've suggested:

"Web 2.0" sites don't carry much weight anymore. Actually a few are known as link farms or are used specifically for back links and Google is hip to that now. I haven't even heard anyone use that term "web 2.0" in at least 2+ years.
300 words is the min now. More is not better. Quality is the measurement. Not number of words.
There is no minimum for keywords/phrases per site. It can be 2 or 24. How many pages do you have with different information?

The main takeaway is not to keyword stuff your home page, inside pages, or individual articles. Choose the best word or phrase to target and insure the content on that page is well written to reflect it. If you try and stuff 2, 3, 4 or more keywords onto one page, it's worse than no targeting at all.
There is no more Page Rank. Search results can now vary per user, location, whether or not the site (or user) is mobile, and lots of other factors.
Interlinking is fine at a minimum, but related outbound links to additional information are also good for SEO.

Basically yes, you need good on site SEO but that's now pretty much just the basics. There is no more self manipulating your position, it is slowly being phased out and G is using more detailed analytics to show actual movement and engagement. Either the content is good, you know how to get it seen and people are reading it, or it's not. No self linking is going to over come that anymore.

07-27-2015, 03:23 PM
Harold you have no idea about SEO my friend and what it takes to rank. I'll challenge you in SEO, we target the same niche/keywords and see who ranks better.
Page rank isn't gone, it's just not publicly updated.

Harold Mansfield
07-27-2015, 03:53 PM
Harold you have no idea about SEO my friend and what it takes to rank. I'll challenge you in SEO, we target the same niche/keywords and see who ranks better.
Page rank isn't gone, it's just not publicly updated.
Not interested in whipping them out. Sorry you've taken such offense but this information has been out there for some time.

It's not a contest, it's about the OP getting enough information to go in the right direction and make a decision. If what you're doing works for you, by all means keep doing it.

Say what you will about my knowledge, but people pay me to do this, leave reviews confirming that I know what I'm talking about and have done it for them, and refer me to others to do it for them. I have real world experience doing this, not theories.

I've also been around long enough to know that 2 people can do the exact same thing and get different results because it's not as static as you're making it out to be. Far more factors are involved that you have no control over, and are specific to the individual site and it's competitors.

As for Page Rank NOT being dead as a reliable tool to gauge or manipulate SEO:

In 2009, Google removed PageRank data from Webmaster tools.
No page rank tools in Chrome
Matt Cutts has stated repeatedly that Page Rank isn't a factor anymore and Google doesn't use it as you know it anymore.
On October 23, 2013 (http://searchengineland.com/pagerank-pipeline-broken-174926), at Pubcon Matt Cutts stated that the PageRank “pipeline” is broke, and Google isn’t interested in fixing it.
The last Page Rank update was December 2013
PageRank became leverage for spammers, and Google knows it.
"We will probably not going to be updating it [PageRank] going forward, at least in the Toolbar PageRank." - John Mueller

But to each his own. It's not uncommon for 2 people to have different opinions around here, especially when it comes to SEO. But don't tell me I don't know anything about it. Obviously I know how to use Google. This info is EVERYWHERE and apparently you still haven't read any of it.

No reputable SEO person would be caught dead trying to push "page rank" as a measuring factor in 2015. If Google themselves have said on many occasions that they aren't using it and it hasn't been updated in 2 years, how accurate could your page rank measurements be? I'm guessing at least 2 years behind.

Even domainers stopped selling "PR domains" because even they know it's old school thinking. Trust me, experienced webmasters stopped chasing Page Rank as any kind of measurement a long time ago.

07-27-2015, 04:16 PM
•On October 23, 2013, at Pubcon Matt Cutts stated that the PageRank “pipeline” is broke, and Google isn’t interested in fixing it.

Sounds like it's broke to me with an update 2 months later haha. If it's on the internet it has to be true right? (even if it was Matt)

•The last Page Rank update was December 2013

•"We will probably not going to be updating it [PageRank] going forward, at least in the Toolbar PageRank." - John Mueller
"Updating" it "at least" in the Toolbar PageRank. Which translates to publicly. This is because people were trying to manipulate PR which "is a factor" or they would keep it updated publicly. Sometimes you have to read between the lines. Their other 200+ ranking factors aren't "public" so does that mean they don't matter either? Of course not

My post wasn't about only PR but I'll let you keep swapping useless techniques and getting PR0/no authority links, etc. This forum is dead anyway.

Harold Mansfield
07-27-2015, 04:24 PM
•On October 23, 2013, at Pubcon Matt Cutts stated that the PageRank “pipeline” is broke, and Google isn’t interested in fixing it.

Sounds like it's broke to me with an update 2 months later haha. If it's on the internet it has to be true right? (even if it was Matt)

•The last Page Rank update was December 2013

2 months from October would be December 2013. Exactly what I posted. 2 years is like light years online.

This forum is dead anyway.
Then you won't miss it.

Kumar Palani
07-28-2015, 06:10 AM
Not interested in whipping them out. Sorry you've taken such offense but this information has been out there for some time.

It's not a contest, it's about the OP getting enough information to go in the right direction and make a decision. If what you're doing works for you, by all means keep doing it.

Say what you will about my knowledge, but people pay me to do this, leave reviews confirming that I know what I'm talking about and have done it for them, and refer me to others to do it for them. I have real world experience doing this, not theories.

I've also been around long enough to know that 2 people can do the exact same thing and get different results because it's not as static as you're making it out to be. Far more factors are involved that you have no control over, and are specific to the individual site and it's competitors.

As for Page Rank NOT being dead as a reliable tool to gauge or manipulate SEO:

In 2009, Google removed PageRank data from Webmaster tools.
No page rank tools in Chrome
Matt Cutts has stated repeatedly that Page Rank isn't a factor anymore and Google doesn't use it as you know it anymore.
On October 23, 2013 (http://searchengineland.com/pagerank-pipeline-broken-174926), at Pubcon Matt Cutts stated that the PageRank “pipeline” is broke, and Google isn’t interested in fixing it.
The last Page Rank update was December 2013
PageRank became leverage for spammers, and Google knows it.
"We will probably not going to be updating it [PageRank] going forward, at least in the Toolbar PageRank." - John Mueller

But to each his own. It's not uncommon for 2 people to have different opinions around here, especially when it comes to SEO. But don't tell me I don't know anything about it. Obviously I know how to use Google. This info is EVERYWHERE and apparently you still haven't read any of it.

No reputable SEO person would be caught dead trying to push "page rank" as a measuring factor in 2015. If Google themselves have said on many occasions that they aren't using it and it hasn't been updated in 2 years, how accurate could your page rank measurements be? I'm guessing at least 2 years behind.

Even domainers stopped selling "PR domains" because even they know it's old school thinking. Trust me, experienced webmasters stopped chasing Page Rank as any kind of measurement a long time ago.

Well said, but I don't think you need to give such a detailed explanation for a baseless challenge..!

08-10-2015, 01:52 AM
firstly you need to find the best keywords according to the page.
then do off page and on page seo of your site.
do write a article/blog in which 2-3 keywords are being used.

Kumar Palani
08-10-2015, 04:22 AM
FYI Vangogh. This thread and http://www.small-business-forum.net/internet-marketing/15129-help-keyword-ranking-countries.html appears to be almost similar. I just thought of informing about this, sorry if it's wrong.

08-10-2015, 08:25 AM
What are your stats like? Fully understanding the problem first allows you to build a strategy to act upon.
Are you getting traffic? are they bouncing? Is the problem SEO or is it really CRO?

No visitors- poor SEO
your keyword strategy needs a total rethink but if you're on page 5 you must be doing something right and getting some traffic. If it's not a keyword problem leave the keywords alone - for now.

Visitors leave in 2 minutes or less- poor SEO, poor navigation poor content and/or poor aesthetics.
usually means your content does not match the keywords ergo it's not what the visitor was looking for,
they cannot find what they want on the site ergo poor navigation or content.
the aesthetics do not match the topic or contribute to accessaiblty issues (color).

All others- your visitors may be interested but need pursuading
change the content to channel into a call to action.

08-30-2015, 12:34 PM
SEO is a tough task. It's doable, but the game is always changing. Should you target keywords, yes. I wouldn't get too crazy with it. I would also post lots of very good content just centered around the topic of your site. Keep your topic in mind. What message are you trying to get out with your site?

Keep social media involved on your site.... Facebook, twitter, Facebook page, google+, youtube etc... It's not just about off page links. It's getting people to view, like and share your content. That can get you alot of eye balls to your site. And, get it free...


09-03-2015, 07:41 PM
I don't know what your site/blog is about but if you want to rank better in the search engines you need:

To do better keyword research
Put quality content on your site (helps people)

If your content is good then it will get shared with social media thus giving you traffic to your site and ranking your site up the search engines plus giving you traffic to your site.

hope this helps..

Harold Mansfield
09-04-2015, 01:11 PM
Consider this: No one searches for single words anymore. They search using phrases, questions, multiple words, and voice. Optimize your content for the way people use the internet today. Not how they used to use it.

09-11-2015, 12:32 PM
What type of keywords are you trying to rank for?.. It starts with your keywords

09-17-2015, 01:02 PM
Just building links will not affect your rankings, and remember it's not just the quantity of links which lift your rankings, rather the quality. You should consider the page rank, domain authority of those sites. And if you are not good at keyword research, hire a keyword (this won't cost you much) and find the best keywords/phrases to rank, because ranking your site for a high competitive keyword is very difficult and cannot be achieved in a short time period (it may take years), so it's crucial that you first find the best keywords to rank.

After that you can focus on building links, and the links should be relevant to your site, containing your ranking keywords.