View Full Version : Anybody advertise with Yelp?

09-30-2015, 12:23 PM
If so, what do you think of their analytics tool? Do you use it?

What would you look for in a local business search analytics tool?

09-30-2015, 01:36 PM
We advertised with yelp for a 3-month limited trial, and it was pretty much a waste of money. Whatever type of consumers make up their user base, they are just not the right audience for the service we offer. The analytical tools seemed pretty basic, but I'm not really sure what else they could have done.

10-01-2015, 08:31 AM
I believe the analytical tools show you who clicked your profile or to your website, but with a demographic label like "a man in Queens" or "a woman in her 40s". Is this the case? If so, are you able to contact these "leads" or do anything with this info?

10-01-2015, 01:05 PM
Yes, I remember seeing results like that. I don't recall anyway to follow-up (through yelp) with any specific "lead," nor was it possible -- at least as far as I could tell -- to do any sort of statistical analysis on this "anecdotal" data (our sample size would have been way too small to be meaningful, anyways)

10-01-2015, 01:48 PM
Thanks Tallen,

They have been calling me daily and I almost spent some hard
earned money with them; I think ill wait now until I have some
more money to throw around

10-01-2015, 04:39 PM
I would think Yelp would do good for certain businesses that ar eprone to new customers surveying and checking out the business such as restaurants, tattoo shops, cafes, etc.

Not sure if its good for any other type of businesses.

10-06-2015, 07:02 AM
I was thinking of advertising for my dental practice in NYC. There are literally thousands of dentists in the city, so gaining any edge is usually worth it. What I'm worried about is not being able to contact "warm leads", basically people who have intent and are looking for a dentist. Anybody know of any service or site where that's possible?

10-12-2015, 12:45 AM
Yelp has benefits and drawbacks, as any service does. The question is Yelp what you are in need of.

If you are looking for new patients, who better to bring you new business than your existing patients? They know you, they know your service, they are likely your most vocal advocates. Give them the tools to tell their friends and family about your services. Referred business is easier to close and more likely to pay more for your services than un-referred customers.

Try incentivizing your customers to share your practice on their social networks and posting reviews of your practice on sites like Yelp.

Hope that helps!

10-13-2015, 09:53 PM
Yelp is Great for getting new clients as testimonials for your business. Since people trust yelp, they will trust the reveiws you get which gives you instant credibility. So yes I absolutley would use yelp. But, like anything else, you have to develop the approach. So, dont just wait around waiting for reveiws. Here are 3 tips.

1) Place a review us on yelp sticker in plain view to your customers.
2) Organize your customers into an email list, continually give them great content, and ask them to leave reviews on your yelp.
3) Make sure you yelp reviews are managed correctly. Always keep an eye on potentially non-happy clients.

Do these things your company will grow on yelp. The more reviews you have, the higher the chance your search results go to the top. So when someone searches a dentist in your area, you will show up at the very top, which could lead to many many clients.