View Full Version : I am getting traffic but no sales.

Vathani Ariyam
12-12-2015, 02:55 PM
I have got 3 websites and 3 blogs I get the traffic, but I haven't got a singe sale I don't understand the reason.
website - dhildhilmembership.com

Harold Mansfield
12-12-2015, 05:43 PM
I have got 3 websites and 3 blogs I get the traffic, but I haven't got a singe sale I don't understand the reason.
website - dhildhilmembership.com
I don't even know what you're selling. What is it that people are supposed to buy?

12-12-2015, 06:19 PM
Hi there

I have just quickly browse through your website.
You mentioned you have 3 websites. Are they 3 separate URLs and hosting or 3 webpages? Because above you have only given one website.

You also mention about 3 blogs. When I went through your "about us" page, you seemed to just throw in everything you have. Would you consider something like with an icon that links to your blogs instead of throwing everything in one page? it breaks up the information that people needs to process at one go. Also I think that "about us" page should be brief instead of using the "I" world too frequent. Use passive form.
How do you know that you get the traffic? do you monitor with other software or sites? did u try google analytics? Just so to understand what kind of traffic do you get. for instance do they stay at your site just for short period(few seconds like web crawlers) or do they actually read your site for a few minutes.

RE: Blog. I briefly went through 2 and they seemed fine to me. Although you may want to check for broken links. Does your blog has a back link back to your website to attract more readers?
Also, when I click through your membership, I do not actually know what does it offer between the free and the paid. What are the cost, what are the benefits or joining to become a member. And I tried clicking on "Premium membership" but nothing seems to happen.
I would strongly suggest you to check that all your links are working first because I have only briefly browse your website & blog

Re: your name. I actually do not understand what does your website offers as well. I try to google the definition of dhil dhil and it came up with 'needs of a community living in the internet' so my question raise here is why do I need to join a community when I am in the internet already? I think there should be a sub-heading (like- Nike: Just do It) of short and easy understanding to give people a reason as to why sign up as a member.


12-12-2015, 10:23 PM
I get a security warning when I try to go to your web site. It advices me not to continue. Here is the warning I get.

The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address.
Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.
We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website.

Recommended icon Click here to close this webpage.

Not recommended icon Continue to this website (not recommended).

More information More information

12-13-2015, 12:25 PM
Features and benefits - none present. Trust.

12-18-2015, 03:34 PM
A trust should be built the first instance that a potential customer goes to your site. Have your website fixed first. It's your first way in presenting what you are about to offer so it could make or break your customer's decision to do business with you. Are you satisfied with how it works, how responsive it goes, how user-friendly it is, how it looks, etc.? As soon as it works seamlessly, I'm sure those hits will be converted into sales.

12-19-2015, 10:50 AM
I'm not sure what you are selling on this website. I just see a WP blog basically, what is the value ad? Maybe a FAQ page would help?

12-19-2015, 08:37 PM
A lot of good suggestions. One thing I would add is maybe adding a subtitle (i.e. slogan) under your company name explaining exactly what your site is about. Your company name "Dhil Dhil Membership" isn't descriptive enough. Also for sensitive eyes, consider changing the neon green background to a color more muted.

You also mention about 3 blogs. When I went through your "about us" page, you seemed to just throw in everything you have. Would you consider something like with an icon that links to your blogs instead of throwing everything in one page? it breaks up the information that people needs to process at one go. Also I think that "about us" page should be brief instead of using the "I" world too frequent. Use passive form.

Hi houngie. I looked through his site as well and agree the About Us page needs editing. What can he do to eliminate most of the "I" statements? What do you mean by passive form?

12-29-2015, 02:56 AM
I have got 3 websites and 3 blogs I get the traffic, but I haven't got a singe sale I don't understand the reason.
website - dhildhilmembership.com

==> You should have a sub title / slogan, so people can better understand and more likely convert.
==> Slider image is taking more length and the image is also not conversion friendly, so you can either reduce the size and add more conversion friendly image. You are wasting the most important area with it.
==> Your about page is also not conversion friendly. Add heading and subheading
==> Featured images needs to copyright free, you have added few stock image with water mark, looks very odd.
==> Membership page has no information. You should have a detail list for both Free member and paid member. You need to inform what people can get from it.
==> Keep all of your posts featured image same sized. Different sized doesn't look well and can force your visitors to leave your site.
==> Check your traffic source through analytic. It needs to be relevant. From this forum thread, you are going to get lots of visitors, but non of them will be your customer. So you will only get customers if you can drive targeted traffic. SEO is the best source to get targeted traffic.

Lots of other conversion and SEO issues are there. You need redesign and rewrite most of your content.

David Hunter
12-31-2015, 12:17 PM
Why in the world are you using photos that have watermarks right through them?!!! Big turn off.

Ads... get rid of the ads, or... put them on the sidebar for now. They are in the way. I go to your about page and it's nothing but ads.

And, I'm with everyone else... what are you selling??????

01-02-2016, 11:44 AM
the source/quality of the traffic is most likely the reason. unless you had very good targeting options when buying this traffic you likely are wasting money.

01-22-2016, 05:21 AM
There's nothing to buy on your website. Seems that it's only for traffic generation...

03-08-2016, 02:37 AM
honest opinion.....what are you selling, your call to action page (sales page) shows a free option and a premium option......and all premium says is "best"

you really need to show what it is a person gets for premium access.

i would recommend using a branding/professional web designer, its quiet obvious its a diy job and also google "best call to action pages"

excuse my honest opinion, but we done what you done at the start and learned the hard, long, expensive way.

good luck
