View Full Version : Hello Everyone

01-08-2016, 06:10 PM
My name is Kegan and I am looking at starting a business. I want to be the one who signs the checks I suppose. It is something I have strived to do since leaving college. A little about me is that I am currently working with small to large businesses as a wireless telecom account manager. I basically set up businesses with wireless accounts and outfit them with anything from phones to asset tracking and beyond that. That being said this is my first real taste of business, sales and how the sausage is made. I am looking into parting with my current employer in the future now that I have my feet wet and I want to start a consulting business in the same vertical I am in now. I work for one company but it is part of my job to know the competitors within my market. With this knowledge I feel like I could use it to consult companies and give them the best services at the best price by consolidating these responsibilities to a third party(aka me). I would paid based on if I saved them money essentially. Not just off their bill but off of their operations. If I can find them a new solution they need at the best cost and we estimate it will save them $1000 over the next year then we will take a percentage of that savings as payment. I would like to take an idea like this and use the internet as a marketing tool to reach a broad range of businesses nationwide. So an e-commerce service business essentially. I am here because I find the input of others extremely valuable. So why not just ask!

01-08-2016, 09:35 PM
Welcome to the forum Kegan. Working for someone else and learning from them is a good way to start out on your own. Sounds like you have a good plan and I think you'll find most of us here have that same desire to be the ones writing the check.

Looking forward to getting to know you and thanks for joining the community.

David Hunter
01-11-2016, 11:24 AM
Welcome, Kegan!

Sounds like you know where you're headed! What brought you into the wireless telecom biz?