View Full Version : Question about logo/symbol of a business.

01-19-2016, 10:08 AM
Hi everyone.

I have established a catering business successfully since april 2015.

I already own an italian restaurant in Egypt (well its my dad's). But I manage and record everything..etc.

Back to our topic:

The business I opened is named 'The Fountain Station' its a descriptive type of name that defines what I do (fountain stations) ex: chocolate fountains, barbeque sauce fountains with dippings and such. The ones you see in weddings.. chocolate fountains with fruits and sweets that condiments the fountain. I do it by rental (the bridge and the groom rents the fountain for 3 hours for a number of cash) I arrive at their place setup the station and have a server which serves them helps in making the station clean..etc

So here is my question:

The name is 'The Fountain Station' the name is too long, yet I used the logo with my name, so here is my logo (INSIDE it the business name):

So my question is, there is 2 types of logos:

EITHER my name 'The Fountain Station' written in a distinctive form (as you can see in the logo I uploaded, and thats what I did.)


use abstract logo that is unrelated to the word (ex: a marshmallow and a strawberry stick making an X shape) to relate to my brand.


Can I use the abstract logo and the other logo I uploaded to identify my business?

The thing is here in Egypt people find it too long to pronounce "The Fountain Station" so I was thinking what solutions do you suggest me?

1) Should I keep it the same and use this logo for my future catering office / chocolate fountain store (selling chocolate fondues..etc)?

2) Should I change the logo name to like "TFS" with the marshmallow and strawberry as a brand symbol? (both infused together?) -> The problem with this is we already have a place called TBS in Egypt (the bakery shop) so I have a feeling its so close to it because just 1 letter difference but I also think if I use the colours pink and brown im gonna be a lil bit different from them.)

3) Should I use (option 2 above) and also add the full name of the brand to the left of the symbol? EX: The Fountain Station | *brandsymbol+TFS*

I know its a bit confusing, and too long to read but this really confuses me as I have a great vision of being world-wide.

Thank you everyone!

P.S. the business is establishing in a real good pace.

01-20-2016, 12:55 PM
Welcome to the forum Omar. Lots of questions and I'll do my best to answer. Ultimately you're going to have to make some decisions that none of us can really make for you.

Ideally a short, easily memorable, and easily spelled name is going to be best, however that doesn't mean a longer descriptive name is bad. Your company name does communicate something about what you do, which could help if your business is unknown to most people. It helps them understand what you do. Do people know the name now? If you mentioned it to people in your area, would they know you? If so then changing your name could mean having to work again so people know your name. If they don't yet know who you are, then you can likely change without losing customers.

I know you want to take this global at some point, but you have to get there from here. Don't worry yet about the company you want to be in 5 or 10 years. Sure keep that in mind, but remember your business is going to need to succeed locally first. If down the road the company is ready to grow beyond local customers and people are having a difficult time with the name you could start changing to TFS. Odds are if people are having a hard time with the name they'll start calling your business TFS before you do. Think KFC. They were Kentucky Fried Chicken for a very long time, but as people referred to them as KFC they started referring to themselves that way too. You'd probably want to gran domains for TFS sooner rather than later if they're still available.

Your logo should be multifunctional. You can have several versions. One with the full name spelled out and an icon. Another version showing only an icon. A third might use TFS with the icon. Different logos with the common icon for a website, a business card, stationary, etc. Ideally over time people see the icon and think of your company without the name next to the icon.

I think logos are generally better as something more abstract and less literal and complicated. A simple mark that still suggests a fountain maybe. The purpose of a logo is to have something simple and visual that people see and recognize as your company. When you're not well know, you probably want the name of the company there, but as people come to know you more, the icon alone might be enough.

I'm not sure if I've answered your questions, but I hope that helps. Feel free to ask more if you have more questions.

01-20-2016, 04:38 PM
Welcome to the forum Omar. Lots of questions and I'll do my best to answer. Ultimately you're going to have to make some decisions that none of us can really make for you.

Ideally a short, easily memorable, and easily spelled name is going to be best, however that doesn't mean a longer descriptive name is bad. Your company name does communicate something about what you do, which could help if your business is unknown to most people. It helps them understand what you do. Do people know the name now? If you mentioned it to people in your area, would they know you? If so then changing your name could mean having to work again so people know your name. If they don't yet know who you are, then you can likely change without losing customers.

I know you want to take this global at some point, but you have to get there from here. Don't worry yet about the company you want to be in 5 or 10 years. Sure keep that in mind, but remember your business is going to need to succeed locally first. If down the road the company is ready to grow beyond local customers and people are having a difficult time with the name you could start changing to TFS. Odds are if people are having a hard time with the name they'll start calling your business TFS before you do. Think KFC. They were Kentucky Fried Chicken for a very long time, but as people referred to them as KFC they started referring to themselves that way too. You'd probably want to gran domains for TFS sooner rather than later if they're still available.

Your logo should be multifunctional. You can have several versions. One with the full name spelled out and an icon. Another version showing only an icon. A third might use TFS with the icon. Different logos with the common icon for a website, a business card, stationary, etc. Ideally over time people see the icon and think of your company without the name next to the icon.

I think logos are generally better as something more abstract and less literal and complicated. A simple mark that still suggests a fountain maybe. The purpose of a logo is to have something simple and visual that people see and recognize as your company. When you're not well know, you probably want the name of the company there, but as people come to know you more, the icon alone might be enough.

I'm not sure if I've answered your questions, but I hope that helps. Feel free to ask more if you have more questions.

Sir, I greatly appreciate your advice. But im confused with a bit of what you mentioned.

I have this meaning for name, logo, and icon:

name: Mercedes Benz
icon: Mercedes benz icon that they use (mercedes benz have no logo, they only have an icon and a name) is that correct?

logo: the one I uploaded (so that means I have no icon, but just a logo) -> because I have the name 'shaped up in a funky way' so the name turned into a logo (name+logo)

Is that correct terms that im using?

Plus also around my area the business is known yes, but NOT enough to start changing logo to just symbol

Also whats your best decision regarding this? BTW in my country this is a really unique thing and its not known by the majority of people (A-class population only knows about.)

If I open a mini booth or a side-store should I name it

TFS (should it be just written? or should I decorate it..etc? and if i decorate 'TFS' like the logo that can confuse people? - *logo*


The Fountain Station (name just written in bold or so) - ICON

whats your best option? I mentioned 2 above, is there any other options you would recommend?

I know this is very complicated but im a serious entrepreneur and im having a huge drive towards this business and im willing to make it publicized greatly.

Harold Mansfield
01-21-2016, 12:28 PM
Sir, I greatly appreciate your advice. But im confused with a bit of what you mentioned.

I have this meaning for name, logo, and icon:

name: Mercedes Benz
icon: Mercedes benz icon that they use (mercedes benz have no logo, they only have an icon and a name) is that correct?

logo: the one I uploaded (so that means I have no icon, but just a logo) -> because I have the name 'shaped up in a funky way' so the name turned into a logo (name+logo)

Is that correct terms that im using?

I'm confused by your use of the terms "icon" and "symbols".
It's a logo. Mercedes Benz absolutely has a logo.

You trademark a logo. An image(s) or word(s) that represents your brand.
You copyright a slogan, theme song, aliases and so on.

You can trademark or copyright more than one thing.

If you change your logo, you need to update your trademark to represent that.

Plus also around my area the business is known yes, but NOT enough to start changing logo to just symbol

Also whats your best decision regarding this? BTW in my country this is a really unique thing and its not known by the majority of people (A-class population only knows about.)

The best time to make changes to your brand is BEFORE it gets widely recognized, not wait until you've spent time and money branding it. Spend the time and money on the new branding.

If I open a mini booth or a side-store should I name it

TFS (should it be just written? or should I decorate it..etc? and if i decorate 'TFS' like the logo that can confuse people? - *logo*


The Fountain Station (name just written in bold or so) - ICON

whats your best option? I mentioned 2 above, is there any other options you would recommend?

Of course you should brand your booth. You should put your brand on everything you do and it should be consistent.

01-24-2016, 07:02 PM
I don't know what the trademark laws are in Egypt, but you should probably clear your logo if you haven't already. And, pick one logo for each business. You should keep the businesses separate if you maintain 2 different books and file taxes separately for each business. Less confusing for customers.

As for abstract vs descriptive, in the U.S., abstract trademarks tend to be stronger, and fanciful stronger yet.