View Full Version : Buying a Fedex route

07-24-2016, 03:46 PM
Hey guys, I have a couple of questions for experienced business owners or anyone alike.
I am 17 years old and I have a goal of buying a fedex route when I become legal age for an SBA loan. I don't have any experience in logistics or anything, but that's what I am here for. I was hoping someone on here could help me out with a few general ideas, goals I should have in mind, and basically any advice on how to achieve my goal. I'm all about making good money, leading a great business, and making sure everyone around me is more than satisfied with there jobs. The only issue I face: I do not have a mentor. they are not easy to find, but that does not deter me. I have a dream, and dreams only come true if you chase the suckers down, so if anyone has any insights into the fedex world that would like to share would be greatly appraised.

Harold Mansfield
07-24-2016, 04:53 PM
I have some easy advice. First of all you're not going to get an SBA loan. That's just now how it works. You're too young, no collateral, and work history is not there yet. The SBA grantees loans, they don't make them. You still have to go through a bank.

However, at 17 you should make it your mission to get a job at FedEx or UPS or whatever delivery service you can to both make some money, AND get free on the job training and insight into the logistics of how they operate. The experience will be invaluable.

As you're doing that, while making money, you can formulate a plan to both save some money, and come up with the rest and you will have better information to go on. Even if you are able to even be considered for some kind of loan, it won't look good if you have saved absolutely nothing of your own, done no training, never worked in the industry, and basically have nothing or prepared in any way what so ever.

A mentor is great, but there is no substitute for first hand experience, and at your age you have the time, energy and absolutely nothing to lose. It's all upside.

07-25-2016, 02:02 AM
Howdy, fellow 17 year old. You're not getting a loan. As Harold stated above, you have no credit, colateral, employment history, etc.

On the mentor ship: I personally have an advisor, I guess you could consider him as a mentor. I managed to find him via knowing people. It's all about your connections. Go find some people to meet, email some people, and you may get someone interested.