View Full Version : Mobile Outdoor Advertising

08-11-2016, 10:52 AM
Hi guys,

We’re recently established start-up Wowtto combining the advantages of sharing economy with mobile outdoor advertising and we are carrying out a survey to identify goals and challenges that SMBs are experiencing. Therefore, if possible, we’d love to ask you to fill-in a very short survey: Small Business Marketing Survey (http://bitly.com/2aHLg23)

Have you used any type of mobile outdoor advertising? What's your experience with it?
Would appreciate any kind of feedback

08-12-2016, 10:29 AM
I took your survey, though I don't think much of it applied to me. I didn't fill out any of the contact information at the end because I assume it's just a way to add me to some list you'll later market to.

As far as mobile outdoor advertising, I don't think it would be useful for my business. I suppose it might help businesses local to the area. For example if I always see a truck with the name of a contractor on it, when I need a contractor and start looking to hire one, the name on the truck possibly sticks in my head leading me to choose that person. Otherwise I don't see much value in the idea. Even with my contractor example, I'm not sure how valuable mobile ads would be. Remembering the ad might tip the scales all else being equal, but one recommendation from a friend would outweigh it and odds are I would search online and base my decision on the information I can find.

08-12-2016, 11:20 AM
I started your survey, but we do very little marketing locally, so I didn't complete it. I didn't think my answers would be helpful. I think mobile advertising can work for some companies, but I'm interested in the way you're attempting it. Putting stickers on random cars seems a little hit or miss to me. Granted, the cars would be driving around the area, and hopefully there would be enough cars with the same graphic that people would see it multiple times, but I'm still not sure how well this would work. First, I can't imagine a lot of people, who aren't directly connected to a company, would be willing to put that company's info on their car. Second, do you have standards for what sorts of cars can be eligible to carry advertising? If I were an advertiser, I wouldn't want my logo on a junker.

I looked at your website briefly. I'm just curious about how all this is intended to work.

08-15-2016, 04:51 PM
This would be very difficult to sell to small businesses.

I work with small business owners and most of them want to know 2 things when it comes to advertising: will it make me money and how will I know it made me money?

Impressions don't mean much when there's no new business coming in.

I get that businesses need brand awareness, but small businesses who have tight advertising budgets and are skeptical will be hard to convince.

12-05-2016, 08:39 AM
I started your survey, but we do very little marketing locally, so I didn't complete it. I didn't think my answers would be helpful. I think mobile advertising can work for some companies, but I'm interested in the way you're attempting it. Putting stickers on random cars seems a little hit or miss to me. Granted, the cars would be driving around the area, and hopefully there would be enough cars with the same graphic that people would see it multiple times, but I'm still not sure how well this would work. First, I can't imagine a lot of people, who aren't directly connected to a company, would be willing to put that company's info on their car. Second, do you have standards for what sorts of cars can be eligible to carry advertising? If I were an advertiser, I wouldn't want my logo on a junker.

I looked at your website briefly. I'm just curious about how all this is intended to work.

Driver's are willing to use stickers, as they're seeing direct value in earning additional money. Therefore, they seem to be even more engaged with the brands itself. In this way becoming kind of local brand ambassadors itself. What's more they frequently ask more about promoted offer. More information about how do we select the drivers could be find here: wowtto.com/drivers/help/

12-05-2016, 08:43 AM
This would be very difficult to sell to small businesses.

I work with small business owners and most of them want to know 2 things when it comes to advertising: will it make me money and how will I know it made me money?

Impressions don't mean much when there's no new business coming in.

I get that businesses need brand awareness, but small businesses who have tight advertising budgets and are skeptical will be hard to convince.

What we've seen from our past campaigns it directly correlates with the sales during the campaign promotion period. Whats is more, drivers are acting like local brand ambassadors spreading the word around.

We suggest SMB to track their results with special offers, that they can track promotion results. Most of the SMB owners aren't running several advertising campaigns at once and can simply attribute incoming sales. Of course, this varies for different kind of business and depending on campaign goals.