View Full Version : Scaling Web Development Company specialized in producing products for Startups

11-27-2016, 07:55 AM
My name is Petar I and own a small Web development company in Croatia that specialize in developing products for Startups. As of right now now I have 2 full time developers and 1 manager hired. Our projects are coming mostly from a word of mouth, and what I want now is to scale my company and become bigger. Since our focus is only on Startups and building MVP's I wonder where to look for a clients/entrepreneurs online who need this kind of service?

Something that I tried is to call other companies and offered them services, and conversion rate there is around 5%, but requires lots of meetings and time.

I also tried contacting people through Craigslist, 1 out of 10 replies, but the problem there is that they quit very soon. I know the goal in sending cold emails is to get meeting and then sell on a meeting, but they quit just before we need to do meeting.

I have not tried with the PPC, Facebook ads etc, but I would like to try. What do you recommend guys?

Harold Mansfield
11-27-2016, 01:23 PM
Basically what you're asking is "How do I market and promote my company". I have to ask the default question: "Before you started this company, where did you envision getting customers from?" What was your plan before? Where did you think sales would come from?

I'm not a big fan of Craig's List or sending cold email solicitations. To me that says new, and amateur. You need to:

Identify who your target market is.
Find out where they are, and how they look for your kind of services
Be in that place so that they can find you.
Make it easy for them to do business with you.

It's easier to write those statements than it is to do those things. They take time, careful thought, testing, trying, learning...it's hard work.

What does your website look like? Are you actually targeting that clientele with the services you are offering? Are you speaking directly to them? Do you offer the kinds of services and information that they are looking for? Are your prices and services competitive?

You need to get your ducks in a row before you start plastering yourself all over the internet. Randomly hitting and missing with ads and cold calling won't work until you have clearly identified who are you, what you do, and who you're targeting. When that is in place, it's easier to determine where to focus your efforts next.

You may also want to take some marketing courses or watch some videos about marketing your business.