View Full Version : How is it possible to connect a seller of houses and a buyer?

12-21-2016, 09:06 AM
Hello everyone!

There is kind of idea: we made little audit and figure out that sellers of houses are ready to make good discount for the potential buyer. And the part of this discount can be good profit for us, as middleman.
In our country there are some websites where there sellers can publish there announcements.
Maybe someone has an idea how to connect sellers and buyers of houses via something special but not simple website and by comfortable way?

Harold Mansfield
12-21-2016, 12:32 PM
What country? Does your country have real estate agents? For sale by owner? Classified ads? If not, look at the U.S. and all of the ways in which people sell houses and emulate that. It's everywhere.

12-21-2016, 03:58 PM
I do believe that, unless one has a real estate broker's license, it is illegal to receive compensation (commission, referral fee, finder's fee, etc.) from the sale of real property. Of course, I'm in Canada so double check for your own jurisdiction.

12-22-2016, 06:43 AM
What country? Does your country have real estate agents? For sale by owner? Classified ads? If not, look at the U.S. and all of the ways in which people sell houses and emulate that. It's everywhere.

Russia. Yes, we have real estate agents.
At this websites people just put the ads themselves and wait, when someone write or call them. https://www.avito.ru/rossiya/nedvizhimost - it is in Russian but you will understand the system.
Yes, we saw US websites of real estate agents and others.
But we think about something more attractive useful platform or app that will give an opportunity to connect buyers and sellers.
I saw the interesting idea of UK website: they give guarantee that in 3 months they will sell house or they will buy it themselves. But that is good risk:)

12-22-2016, 06:45 AM
I do believe that, unless one has a real estate broker's license, it is illegal to receive compensation (commission, referral fee, finder's fee, etc.) from the sale of real property. Of course, I'm in Canada so double check for your own jurisdiction.

It looks like in Russia there is not such problem, honestly speaking.

12-22-2016, 08:31 AM
The site you listed reminds me a bit of CraigsList here. The big difference is with Craigslist they have a million other things besides real estate.

That site doesn't look as effective to me as some of our real estates sites such as homes.com or realtor.com. Way back before the internet real estate agents had a big book with all the properties in it and you would look at one photo and then ride around with the agent all day looking at properties. Now the real estate sites have such a large number of photos and complete information on the property that it is easy to just pick a few properties you like. I think it has made buying a home much easier for both the buyer and the real estate agent.

For those who wish to sell a home themselves we have forsalebyowner.com

12-26-2016, 05:16 AM
The site you listed reminds me a bit of CraigsList here. The big difference is with Craigslist they have a million other things besides real estate.

That site doesn't look as effective to me as some of our real estates sites such as homes.com or realtor.com. Way back before the internet real estate agents had a big book with all the properties in it and you would look at one photo and then ride around with the agent all day looking at properties. Now the real estate sites have such a large number of photos and complete information on the property that it is easy to just pick a few properties you like. I think it has made buying a home much easier for both the buyer and the real estate agent.

For those who wish to sell a home themselves we have forsalebyowner.com

i just showed the section of real estate. At all that website has advertisments of different things.

The process you are talking is usual thing, that takes much time...we are looking for simplier and new website way..

12-26-2016, 10:08 AM
I don't know that there are many ways of selling houses and flats except through a real estate agent or through a web site listing. Here I would say that 95% of homes that are sold are sold either by a real estate agent or are sales between family members such as an older parent selling their home to an adult child. The other 5% are probably to people they already know or through a listing on something like CraigsList or ForSaleByOwner.com

The only suggestion I can make would be to set up a web site like "ForSaleByOwner.com where they list the house and show photos but also provide help in the legal parts of selling a home but do it for a much smaller percentage than a real estate agent does.

Here most real estate agents charge around 6% of the sales price. If a different agent sells it than the one listing it each get 3% of the sale price. In the past two years I have sold three houses and bought one and all was done through a real estate agent.

Any thoughts that I have that would have a chance of success involve a web site.

12-27-2016, 06:26 AM
I don't know that there are many ways of selling houses and flats except through a real estate agent or through a web site listing. Here I would say that 95% of homes that are sold are sold either by a real estate agent or are sales between family members such as an older parent selling their home to an adult child. The other 5% are probably to people they already know or through a listing on something like CraigsList or ForSaleByOwner.com

The only suggestion I can make would be to set up a web site like "ForSaleByOwner.com where they list the house and show photos but also provide help in the legal parts of selling a home but do it for a much smaller percentage than a real estate agent does.

Here most real estate agents charge around 6% of the sales price. If a different agent sells it than the one listing it each get 3% of the sale price. In the past two years I have sold three houses and bought one and all was done through a real estate agent.

Any thoughts that I have that would have a chance of success involve a web site.

"Here most real estate agents charge around 6% of the sales price. If a different agent sells it than the one listing it each get 3% of the sale price. " - sorry but it is a little difficult for me to translate this part. Will you be so kind as to say it simplier? Here most real estate agents charge around 6% of the sales price. - you meant not from this website?

12-27-2016, 10:30 AM
Most of the listings on websites like homes.com trillo and realtor.com are placed there by the real estate agent with the agent paying any fees to have the home listed. When you want to sell a home through a real estate agent here you sign a contract giving them exclusive rights to sell the home for 6 months or so. They will list it on what is called the multi-list and any agent can sell it. If the agent you signed the contract with sells it his firm will take the whole 6% and will pay the person selling it part of that. If another firm sells the property they will split the 6% with each taking 3%. That percentage is based on the final selling price. The price you begin selling the home for doesn't matter it is the final sales price on which the 6% is determined. So, if I want to sell a home for $ 225,000 but accept an offer of $ 200,000.00 the 6% is based on the $ 200,000.00 price.

12-27-2016, 10:35 AM
Just to be safe let me try this in more simple terms

All real estate agents here belong to a group called the Multi-list.
Any real estate agent can sell homes that are listed on the multi-list.
If I want to sell a home I sign a contract with an agent that says he is the exclusive person to offer the home for sale. Usually it gives them that right for 6 months.
He will list that home on the Multi List which allows any real estate agent to sell it.
If he sells the home he keeps the 6%
If a different agent sells it they each take half of the 6%
The agent pays to have the home listed on real estate web sites.

12-29-2016, 11:52 AM
Just to be safe let me try this in more simple terms

All real estate agents here belong to a group called the Multi-list.
Any real estate agent can sell homes that are listed on the multi-list.
If I want to sell a home I sign a contract with an agent that says he is the exclusive person to offer the home for sale. Usually it gives them that right for 6 months.
He will list that home on the Multi List which allows any real estate agent to sell it.
If he sells the home he keeps the 6%
If a different agent sells it they each take half of the 6%
The agent pays to have the home listed on real estate web sites.

Thanks for the answer! I understood finally:)