View Full Version : Smile Marketing Tips Needed For New & Unique Business

01-27-2017, 02:26 PM
I just opened a narcotic detection service company using trained canines.

I am the ONLY company in my city who offers these services currently.

I would like to get my business into schools, businesses, events, etc. For this I have been doing a lot of "cold calling" (which I am really not a fan of)

I am also trying to target residential/ families who may be worried that their child or loved one is using drugs.

I have thought about radio advertising but am not sure if that is effective or if there is anything else I should look into to reach residential and commercial customers.

Any advise is greatly appreciated!!

01-29-2017, 10:58 PM

What is your social media presence like? Social media is a great avenue for a company like yours. A lot of people looking for your services wouldn't know to search them out.

Cold calling works but I understand your hesitation with it.

If you're the only company in your area offering your services I think you'd benefit greatly getting your website recognized in Google, Yahoo and Bing for keyphrases related to what you do.

Hope this helps

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01-29-2017, 11:59 PM
I just opened a narcotic detection service company using trained canines.

I am the ONLY company in my city who offers these services currently.

I would like to get my business into schools, businesses, events, etc. For this I have been doing a lot of "cold calling" (which I am really not a fan of)

I am also trying to target residential/ families who may be worried that their child or loved one is using drugs.

I have thought about radio advertising but am not sure if that is effective or if there is anything else I should look into to reach residential and commercial customers.

Any advise is greatly appreciated!!

Weed isn't bad. American propaganda is bad. That's the only thing I want to say.

01-30-2017, 07:26 AM
Weed isn't bad. American propaganda is bad. That's the only thing I want to say.

If you worked for me and during a break or at lunch decided it would be a good idea to break out your little baggie, you'd be out the door before you made it back to your station. The same applies to alcohol during the work day. I've seen too many expensive/painful accidents caused by complacency brought on by self medicating.

01-30-2017, 01:19 PM
If you worked for me and during a break or at lunch decided it would be a good idea to break out your little baggie, you'd be out the door before you made it back to your station. The same applies to alcohol during the work day. I've seen too many expensive/painful accidents caused by complacency brought on by self medicating.

If you work on heavy machinery, do not touch weed or alcohol. The same laws should apply to weed as they do alcohol. However, if a dog is going through the parking lot and catching alcohol, they're not going to get in anywhere near the amount of trouble if it were for weed regardless of the fact that no one has ever overdosed on weed but thousands die from alcohol.

01-30-2017, 02:55 PM
the fact that no one has ever overdosed on weed but thousands die from alcohol.

Perhaps no one has overdosed on weed but lots of people have died from people driving or operating equipment while or after using it.

01-30-2017, 03:58 PM
Perhaps no one has overdosed on weed but lots of people have died from people driving or operating equipment while or after using it.

After Colorado's legalization, the amount of traffic accidents actually decreased according to the Washington Post and a few other sources. Though you still shouldn't drive, weed should not be seen as worse than alcohol, opioids, etc. just because of American political and corporate propaganda.

01-30-2017, 05:50 PM
After Colorado's legalization, the amount of traffic accidents actually decreased according to the Washington Post and a few other sources.

I have this debate with my employee from time to time. He's on your side of the argument. Without seeing the study and how they determined the actual cause of the accidents, this is only a half truth/statement. It could simply be that there were better driving habits during the reporting period or maybe less weather related accidents.

There is a reason why many companies have drug testing, maybe they see something that doesn't get reported?

The same laws should apply to weed as they do alcohol. However, if a dog is going through the parking lot and catching alcohol, they're not going to get in anywhere near the amount of trouble if it were for weed regardless of the fact that no one has ever overdosed on weed but thousands die from alcohol.

Without going overly political, your combining what is currently legal and what you may want to see being made legal. This is the same argument that people who get written up for speeding use.

As for the original post, outside of cold calling and doing a live demo, I'm not sure how else she can improve her marketing.

David Hunter
01-30-2017, 08:10 PM
Howdy Amanda,

Interesting biz you got there. Have you ever thought of direct mail? You could get a list of people with kids and mail to them letting them know facts, etc. with an offer to come out. Also, follow up with a phone call (if you can get their number) or knock on the door.

Is there anyone else in the country/world doing this type of business?

01-31-2017, 01:13 AM
There is a reason why many companies have drug testing, maybe they see something that doesn't get reported?
Don't know

Without going overly political, your combining what is currently legal and what you may want to see being made legal. This is the same argument that people who get written up for speeding use.

I didn't know people used that as an excuse. People actually make the argument that they should allowed to speed because something else is worse? o.O

01-31-2017, 07:29 AM
I didn't know people used that as an excuse. People actually make the argument that they should allowed to speed because something else is worse? o.O

The argument is that "it's only affecting me so I shouldn't get into trouble if I do it - even if technically it's breaking the law". Odds are we're all guilty of having this mentality from time to time.

Ironclad Systems
01-31-2017, 10:59 AM
Hey Amanda,

Just off the top of my head, existing security companies might be a good source of warm referrals . I could see your service complimenting a security contractors very well. Try reaching out via LinkedIn

Harold Mansfield
01-31-2017, 05:14 PM
If you worked for me and during a break or at lunch decided it would be a good idea to break out your little baggie, you'd be out the door before you made it back to your station. The same applies to alcohol during the work day. I've seen too many expensive/painful accidents caused by complacency brought on by self medicating.

Pretty much every employer or adult out in the world of business is going to feel the same way Owen. Doesn't matter what the local laws say.

09-06-2017, 01:20 PM
Maybe contact security companies. They might have a use as they have to deal with companies, events etc.

09-10-2017, 02:06 PM
I just opened a narcotic detection service company using trained canines.

I am the ONLY company in my city who offers these services currently.

I would like to get my business into schools, businesses, events, etc. For this I have been doing a lot of "cold calling" (which I am really not a fan of)

I am also trying to target residential/ families who may be worried that their child or loved one is using drugs.

I have thought about radio advertising but am not sure if that is effective or if there is anything else I should look into to reach residential and commercial customers.

Any advise is greatly appreciated!!

I think it helps most small business owners to focus on a short list of inexpensive and simple things that will create the biggest impact, and help build a system of marketing over time.

Here are the top 10 most effective marketing strategies for small business:

Brand identity (branding)
Foundational website
SEO/local search
Build expertise (content and keywords)
Build a list
Create lead magnets
Use social media
Complement with paid advertising
Build links
Partnerships and referrals

I also think LinkedIn would be a good use of your time. You can search by location, industry and title to target the exact people you are looking for in school, business and government administration.

09-11-2017, 12:19 PM
If you work on heavy machinery, do not touch weed or alcohol. The same laws should apply to weed as they do alcohol. However, if a dog is going through the parking lot and catching alcohol, they're not going to get in anywhere near the amount of trouble if it were for weed regardless of the fact that no one has ever overdosed on weed but thousands die from alcohol.

From a libertarian perspective pot use is a person decisuion. From a societal perspective, I think it should be discouraged.

I was around at the beginning of the “hippie” drug use revolution. While many can smoke a little with out consequences I have seen too many have their life path altered by drug use. Pot may not be technically addictive but it can create a dependency. It clearly effects brain function. It slows reactions and blurs focus. Long term use can diminish motivation and rational thought.
Owen, you are too young to have seen the long term effects of pot use. As the years go on pay attention to the users and you will see.

You are too bright and motivated to blur your mind with drugs. Do yourself a favor and don’t fall for the “harmless” BS. Don’t try to rationalize by comparing to alcohol use. One bad habit doesn’t offset another.

Just a word of advice to a bright young man.

05-25-2018, 07:15 AM
Try targeting your audience by creating relevant content and through social media sites like Youtbe, FB, inLinx, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

06-02-2018, 06:22 AM
On the off chance that you worked for me and amid a break or at lunch chose it would be a smart thought to break out your little baggie, you'd be out the entryway before you made it back to your station. The same applies to liquor amid the work day. I've seen an excessive number of costly/agonizing mishaps caused by smugness expedited without anyone else's input sedating

06-04-2018, 06:09 AM
In the event that you worked for me and amid a break or at lunch chose it would be a smart thought to break out your little baggie, you'd be out the entryway before you made it back to your station. The same applies to liquor amid the work day. I've seen excessively numerous costly/difficult mishaps caused by lack of concern expedited independent from anyone else curing.

08-10-2018, 12:20 PM
I think you should go towards the TV commercials where you can run an attractive campaigns. In those TV ads, you should clearly describes your companies benefits so that everyone can avail those benefits. Moreover, the fan pages of social media can also be a good thing for that.

01-10-2019, 12:03 AM
Every small and new business is facing serious threats and competition from the rivals. What are the online marketing tips for relatively new business?

01-19-2019, 02:00 PM
Bro, social media marketing is where it's at! Everything is moving to the online world today. I recommend getting really good with Facebook ads and Google ads. This is where you want to market, trust me!

01-21-2019, 03:48 AM
You organize some events related to this to spread awareness.

11-15-2019, 07:34 AM
Generally accidents decrease, the opposite of alcohol.

11-15-2019, 07:38 AM
Every small and new business is facing serious threats and competition from the rivals. What are the online marketing tips for relatively new business?

Target your most profitable customer. Pick one perfect customer to go after who pays the best.
Educate them where they are already hanging out. Consider them a customer for life....even as just a referral.
Then shoot for customer #2.

11-30-2019, 01:42 PM
Hi Amanda,

There definitely some key things to accomplish getting qualified awareness for your service.

1. Google My Business Listing
This is a free service and extremely important.It's based off your location, if they come to you, or you go to them, along with keywords, description of your business, your contact info and it shows up in Google web search and maps.

2. Facebook and Instagram ads
Organic social reach is one thing, but paid is an entirely different thing. Allowing you to target people by interest, job titles, location, etc. For the purposes of contacting you, link to your website for appointment, offer or other specific call to action.

3. Use of a Blog
Blogging off your company website can be a simple tool to increase your chances of being found by the right folks. Because it's highly searchable (use your website SEO/Google settings within your blog to utilize keywords and keyword phrases), create numerous blog post of case studies and how it helped solve a specific problem.

These are direct-response, highly qualified and targeted options that are more laser focused than radio. Although the right ad, with the right content and call to action on radio will work, I believe your ROI wouldn't be equitable.

Hope this helps.


I just opened a narcotic detection service company using trained canines.

I am the ONLY company in my city who offers these services currently.

I would like to get my business into schools, businesses, events, etc. For this I have been doing a lot of "cold calling" (which I am really not a fan of)

I am also trying to target residential/ families who may be worried that their child or loved one is using drugs.

I have thought about radio advertising but am not sure if that is effective or if there is anything else I should look into to reach residential and commercial customers.

Any advise is greatly appreciated!!

03-03-2022, 10:25 AM
Hi Amanda, I would advertise your service on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook! I think today social media is more effective than radio advertising. it is great that you do not have much competition, even more of an incentive to make social media pages to gain a following around your community and the surrounding ones.