View Full Version : Employee S.S. Number

05-20-2017, 03:30 AM
Good day everyone,
My company is based in FL and is applying for a government grant to aide in the company recertification and employee training.
In the application process we have to list our employees S.S. numbers and one of our employees refuses to give permission to use her S.S. number. She fears her identity may be stolen.
I use her S.S. number for payroll/tax purpose all the time, her refusal will partially cut the grant and I am puzzled as to my rights as an employer.
Do you have any input on this?

05-21-2017, 10:30 AM
My guess is you can't force your employee to let you use her social security number. How much will the grant be cut? Is it only cut to not include the one employee or would it be cut more than for one person?

Harold Mansfield
05-21-2017, 12:15 PM
You could explain to her all the ways her SS# and information is already in hundreds of databases and that she's been tracked her entire life to include criminal record, credit, residence, work history, relation to family members, drivers licenses, taxes , buying habits, and so on and so on.

That refusing to help the company won't stop someone from stealing her identity as her information is everywhere and easily discovered by anyone who wants it because she obviously doesn't understand any of this, she's just making stuff up.

You could also try explaining to her that the government already knows her SS#, they're the ones who gave it to her.

Maybe scaring her with reality is not the way to go, but her argument makes no sense since she gave you her SS# for employment. Sounds like she's scared of something else. I'd be suspicious enough to dig a little deeper and see what she's really hiding.

Of course I'm naturally suspicious of bad excuses, so don't put on a tin foil hat just because I wear one sometimes. :)

05-21-2017, 02:50 PM
Thank you VanGogh and Harold,
The grant will only be cut by one employee's worth, we are moving forward without her portion. but I am puzzled as to her refusal. It does not make sense.
I did explain to her that I use it every month and so on, to no use. She had a panic attack and and to go to the hospital.
I am wondering if I should let her go, she makes me uncomfortable.

Harold Mansfield
05-21-2017, 05:48 PM
but I am puzzled as to her refusal. It does not make sense.
I did explain to her that I use it every month and so on, to no use. She had a panic attack and and to go to the hospital.
I am wondering if I should let her go, she makes me uncomfortable.

My tin foil hat is firmly on now. I even buckled the chin strap. Panic attack over a SS# that you already have, so that the company can get a grant? Feels like a ruse to me. She doesn't want that # scrutinized or looked at closely for some reason.

Obviously once she caused such a scene you can't continue and are now scared to bring it up again for fear of making a female employee uncomfortable and the subsequent problems that can cause you as an employer.

I can't tell you how many waitresses have tried that on me over the years to try and get out of getting written up, being late, no call no show, and on and on.

I smell grifter. Somethings up. I don't have all of the info, and I wasn't there, but based on what you've said something is off here.

Is it possible that she's using a fake identity?


05-21-2017, 10:05 PM
My tin foil hat is firmly on now. I even buckled the chin strap.
This. This is now my new favorite thing I will now say.

05-22-2017, 05:27 AM
Thank you Harold Mansfield,
My employee is married, has children and parents. Her identity is likely not fake. She is my office assistant, does clerical work. She may be looking for a reason to sue us? For creating stress in the work place. My other guess is that she wants to leave and collect unemployment benefits claiming stress in the work place. In Florida if you quit your job voluntarily you do not qualify for unemployment unless you have a good reason.

Harold Mansfield
05-22-2017, 11:19 AM
My other guess is that she wants to leave and collect unemployment benefits claiming stress in the work place. In Florida if you quit your job voluntarily you do not qualify for unemployment unless you have a good reason.

That makes sense too. You're closer so you're going to see it more clearly than anyone. I'm still not a fan of the excuse and the theatrics. I say trust your gut, but don't rule out the curve ball.

05-22-2017, 09:51 PM
Thank you Harold Mansfield,
My employee is married, has children and parents. Her identity is likely not fake.

How do you really know? Unless you see her outside of work with the kids and parents, you really don't know. Even then, it is possible the entire family is here illegality.

Having to go to the hospital for even discussing using her SS number is not normal. It's possible she has a mental issue with identity theft or it is possible she is hiding something.

Florida is an employment at will state. That means you can let her go for any reason except that isn't discriminatory.

05-23-2017, 01:01 PM
Yes, I agree. Thank you Nealrm. Thank you Harold Mansfield.