View Full Version : My youtube video

06-03-2017, 11:06 AM
I visited youtube yesterday to get the link to my video for a customer. When immediately I realize that the representative in Turkey took my video, omitted my contact information, and used theirs. I was so mad I should have spit fire.

I contacted my computer guy who is in charge of my youtube, but didn't hear from him. I also contacted the owner of the company we represent and let him know what was going on. He said he would contact them and they would take it down. I looked this morning and I do not see them using my video.

Did I have any legal ability to sue them or force them to not use my video, Copyright or Intellectual Propertywise?


06-05-2017, 10:17 AM
First, sorry this happened. I'm sure it wasn't a good feeling. I'm not entirely sure what all the relationships are between you and the other people you mentioned, but I would suggest it could cost more to take legal action than you might recover. You'd probably have to fight this in a Turkish court meaning you might have to go to Turkey and you'd be dealing with their laws and not U.S. laws about copyright and intellectual property.

As hard as it is to accept, sometimes it's best to let go of something like this and use it as a learning experience for the future.

Harold Mansfield
06-05-2017, 11:23 AM
I visited youtube yesterday to get the link to my video for a customer. When immediately I realize that the representative in Turkey took my video, omitted my contact information, and used theirs. I was so mad I should have spit fire.

I contacted my computer guy who is in charge of my youtube, but didn't hear from him. I also contacted the owner of the company we represent and let him know what was going on. He said he would contact them and they would take it down. I looked this morning and I do not see them using my video.

Did I have any legal ability to sue them or force them to not use my video, Copyright or Intellectual Propertywise?


In Turkey? Yes. They joined the WTO in 1995 ( I looked it up) so technically they have promised to recognize trademarks and copyrights. Technically you can sue anyone you want. But is it worth it? They took it down, crisis averted, everyone goes on with their lives. If you sued, what kind of pain and suffering are you going to claim, and how many Lira is that worth?

06-08-2017, 11:38 AM
Thank you for the replies. It is still ongoing. Computer at home didn't find it on Youtube but work computer does.

The owner of the company we represent says they will take it down. It hasn't happened yet because of a Holiday. I also filed a complaint with Youtube.

06-14-2017, 05:36 PM
So far Youtube has sent me emails asking me to fill out the same two forms twice. Worst is they tell me I have not filled them out correctly, but they do not tell me what I did incorrect, so I just fill them out and hope for the best. At one point someone named Josh responded to one of my emails, but I'm beginning to believe he was an automated response.

06-26-2017, 11:30 AM
It seems around the same time the company took it down, Youtube initiated the complaint against them. I do not know what happens when you have a complaint against you from Youtube, but the company is not happy. Now they are asking that I retract the complaint. I am in the process of doing that.