View Full Version : Clickbank questions

06-23-2017, 04:37 PM
Hi I will say right off the top that I am posting this here because they say I have not enough privileges to post forum. As a want answers now and I haven't the time to use the forums is much as I would like so therefore I have not got much choice.

I am wanting to do this without a website as I have been told that can do it that way and be successful. Is that true ?.

Also besides considering all of the points e.g. gravity – popularity etc. is there any particular price range that I should stay inside.

I am going to use Clickbank in and attempt advertise some of their products but I am not sure what ones to promote.
Can anyone out there give me a heads up on the to the areas and possibly the best individual products to promote.

I am also not sure gravity means in Clickbank.

Thanks Craig

Harold Mansfield
06-23-2017, 06:13 PM
Here's my take.

Clickbank has been around for years and it used to be a good program in the early days of the internet when getting an e-book or digital download was exciting. It's not so exciting anymore, and much of the stuff (or similar) on Clickbank can be found for free online, or someone has built some kind of video series on it that makes more money from You Tube ads, than affiliate clicks. There's also the fact that Clickbank was hot as new users were coming online for the first time. You don't have that rush of new people getting online for the first time anymore so it's much harder to impress savvy users who've been online for years now and have seen every offer, and promise out there.

You really have to promote something original, and then really, really market it well.

I don't see how you can do that without a website to promote the offer. Merely linking to the authors download page, doesn't give you any flexibility to do your own marketing and calls to actions. if theirs doesn't do it for you, then that's that. And you would have to write and execute some killer ad campaigns.

Being that it's the year 2017 now, I'm not a big fan of clickbank, or affiliate programs in general, HOWEVER, it's a great way to learn about affiliate programs and how much work and ingenuity it takes to promote a product online. Generally you're going to either walk way frustrated, but having learned a lot, or you'll make a few bucks, stick with it and start investing in your marketing and really blow it up.

As for what are the best products? I couldn't say. It's kind of an old model these days, so how you promote whatever it is probably weighs heavier than what the product is. It's one of those things that if you can sell online, then you can sell anything. The product WILL NOT do the work for you.

If I had to take a stab in the dark, promote something that appeals to millennials. Some kind of tech guide, cord cutting or DIY techy thing that they can come across and buy from and read right on their phones. That's just a hunch.

I'd stay away from health and weight loss. It's saturated and done to death. Food or cooking may be a good one, but again, I don't see how you do that without a website and professional images or a well done video to really promote it well.

What interests do you have? What do you know about? You'll do better promoting something that you yourself understand and know about. And with Clickbank you have to promote multiple products, maybe a specific theme or category. You won't get anywhere putting all eggs in one basket.
Also, you aren't the only one promoting that exact same thing. hundreds maybe thousands of people are.