View Full Version : Editing Existing Website

John Alvarez
07-16-2017, 06:51 AM

I need urgent help. I started working for a company with an existing website created by the previous designer. I had no contact with this designer or whatsoever and haven't got a chance to meet him. I have a problem with our website. It's too complicated for me to edit the website. I'm editing it manually with it's codes. Is there like a faster way to edit this because I need to change infos from time to time. The only info I got from the previous designer are the login from the filezilla where I am able to download the files that were upload online from our website. Is there like a way where I can edit it like wordpress style. I'm pretty sure he used like a program or something to create this.I know it's not the most organized website ever I don't know how the previous designer managed to be as confusing as this. I Hope you can help me.

Thank You

07-16-2017, 11:09 AM
Welcome to the forum John. I removed the link you provided because I don't want to send people to a random link to download a zip file. The code you pasted here wasn't complete and to be honest, none of us are going to wade through all the code of your site, so I removed that too. It's not like we could help even if we wanted to as you didn't tell us what needs to be edited and you didn't provide enough code anyway. From what I saw your code was a mix of HTML, CSS, and Javascript from the head of an HTML document. You either understand HTML, CSS, and Javascript enough to edit the site or you don't.

Websites don't automatically come with administrative sides like WordPress. If the site wasn't built using a content management system (CMS) then you have to edit the code directly. Editing the files directly is usually the fastest way to edit the site, but you do have to understand the code first. If the site was built using a CMS then get the login information and login to the administrative side of the site, but if it wasn't then you either need to learn how to work with the code or tell your boss you don't know how and someone else needs to work on the site.

07-16-2017, 05:13 PM
If your website is not responsive you might want to think about having it redone in Wordpress or some other CMS program and that would make it easy to edit. It is pretty important these days to have a responsive web site (says someone who still has some sites that are not). There could be a chance it was created in Dreamweaver which was very popular back a ways and if that was the case you could get a copy of Dreamweaver to edit it and that is pretty much WYSIWYG or at least easier than what you are doing.

Harold Mansfield
07-16-2017, 10:26 PM
I agree with what was already said. Either you know HTML and CSS or you don't. Unfortunately there is no easy button or conversion magic that will give you an easy to use admin panel if it wasn't built on a CMS with an admin panel.

It's common for older sites to be all code. No CMS.

Also be careful with Filezilla. In my experience it can skip files that are inside folders. Make sure you back up everything you do with it.

If you're editing files bare bones with notepad, maybe use Notepad++ so that you can at least see line numbers and keep the structure of the files. https://notepad-plus-plus.org/

07-17-2017, 03:02 PM
There could be a chance it was created in Dreamweaver which was very popular back a ways

Hey, I still use DW as much as I can and prefer it over WordPress by far. But I also use the code pane and the only thing I use the design pane for is to quickly get to a spot on the page I need to work on.

If the site was created in DW, you may very well have a template file(s) in your source files which are typically in the Templates folder and have a .dwt extension. One way to tell is to look for a .dwt reference at the top of the HTML code for the site pages. If you don't see that in the page code, then this point doesn't apply. If it does have it, you can make site wide changes to something such as a navigation bar in a matter of seconds.

If it's WP, Joomla, or another CMS, you'll need access to the back end as already mentioned.

John Alvarez
07-20-2017, 06:50 AM
Hello Guys,

Well Im using dreamweaver to edit the website's codes. I have no idea with Java script or whatsoever. But with HTML I can understand a little. but the thing is okay I can edit some minor details about the website, but when i'm adding new things I had to change it from what it is because I have no idea how it was created. For example, with one photo uploaded on my website it has this id number #u6081 which defines it's position, characteristics everything and if I want to add one new photo I have to create another id for it. I tried making my own id with different format from what they have done with the rest for example #photo1 but it still works as long as I have # at the beginning. Anyway I'm just really confused because why does every single line of the text, every photo, every details on the website uses a unique id from each other. Is this how css really works? This is so confusing I know.

Thanks for the replies. Kind regards to everyone

07-20-2017, 12:04 PM
Sounds like a disaster to me. Using an id on an image makes sense if it's a logo in the top corner but the rest should be a class. What you could do is copy the id attributes in the CSS and add them as a class.

It also sounds like you need to learn HTML and CSS. Investing in some training will alleviate a lot of pain.

07-20-2017, 12:34 PM
Try some Lynda.com tutorials on html, css and javascript.

They have great courses.

07-21-2017, 02:02 PM
Try some Lynda.com tutorials on html, css and javascript.

They have great courses.

Although I went traditional classroom route (Lynda was not around or as well established back then), this is excellent advice. Lynda has mastered the art of video learning.

In addition, look for books by Peachpit Press (the HTML and CSS book is excellent). They're inexpensive and well written. The glossaries and color charts in the back are well organized and invaluable. It's the only book I keep on my desk because the quick reference when needed is easy and useful. It's a great accompaniment to DW too. You may have to use the reference for something you don't use often, but the code hints in DW are wonderful. Type a couple characters or so and either select the correct code or just hit Enter if the right one is highlighted.

08-10-2018, 12:26 PM
I think you should hire any IT professional who can easily edit your site. You can also see tutorials of editing if you want to edit your site by yourself.

09-10-2018, 12:08 AM
This is most programmers nightmare bad ( or more accuratlety ) not modular code for the next guy. Though some programmers persist in doing it. Making life a bit difficult for anybody trying to edit it, he left no comments on hhis code either? Im not sure what its written in but even the most complicated of css html and java disasters can and should be debugabble and made modular by a average coder. Higher languages however it almost becomes not worth it. If i were you id make a push to wre write the site on something modular to your boss. It will help your job be easier at a later stage. Wordpress and cms systems shouldnt be a requirement for any programmer to edit a website. If it is, you arent a programmer.

Harold Mansfield
09-10-2018, 12:02 PM
This is most programmers nightmare bad ( or more accuratlety ) not modular code for the next guy. Though some programmers persist in doing it. Making life a bit difficult for anybody trying to edit it, he left no comments on hhis code either? Im not sure what its written in but even the most complicated of css html and java disasters can and should be debugabble and made modular by a average coder. Higher languages however it almost becomes not worth it. If i were you id make a push to wre write the site on something modular to your boss. It will help your job be easier at a later stage. Wordpress and cms systems shouldnt be a requirement for any programmer to edit a website. If it is, you arent a programmer.

Most people who administer small business websites are NOT programmers. And you don't have to be or hire a programmer to build a website. For most needs it's overkill. Those two things are not necessarily related for a vast majority of websites on the web. Also, most programmers know absolutely nothing about design and marketing.

In a perfect world programmers and designers work together when needed to complete the job or the mission.

Facebook is a good example of a website that requires a team of programmers to administer.
However, Mom and Pops bakery is NOT the kind of simple website that needs a programmer. They should hire a website designer.

I hear what you are saying, but it's about the best tool for the job. Not knowing one thing and trying to apply it to every situation. No one thing is right for every situation.

09-23-2018, 01:54 PM
You are quite right you dont need a web programmer you need a web designer at least, you can easily create you own website on wix or WordPress, ive seen this many times.

But those companies almost never have a web presence because most marketers and seos cant work with the mess that is their code or the inflexibility that these platforms provide to the backend of design of programming they get bogged down paying for every extra features, only to realise google hates these sites, because it does not fall inline with their business model ( googles ) .

I make much of my money moving people of of those websites onto proper platforms where they have control. Brand authenticity not only from the front end but the back-end too,users dont see the backend, but google does. They always do much better.

Its also worth noting that in school or college marketing is also taught alongside web design.

These middle men diy platforms create a plethora of similar coded "junk sites" that google never bothers to put up for you to see. If in today's world you want to survive in squeeze every advantage you can to make that happens, you need somebody who knows what they are doing, maybe not a developer in most cases as you say its overkill but atleast a designer...... Even bakeries run ads and seo campaigns these days. They certainly dont run wix weebly or shopify sites. And for good reason.

Most business owners arent web programmers, but i think with they way things are going it may become a skill that business owners will need if they prefer not to have a developer at least on a bsic level, because thats all you really need. Im nt saying you need to be a programming wiz at all just a basic understanding can take you where you need to go.

01-13-2021, 03:01 AM
I would also HIGHlY RECOMMEND .... make a BACK UP before you start editing the files. I"m no coding expert and learned some of the coding in WP. It's scary but if there's a back up stored, the editing doesn't seem so monumental. I thought there were sites or programs for one's computer where such coding could be done, besides Notepad+++, one that allows 'live' views?