View Full Version : Introductions and Hello

Genie Squad
09-14-2017, 12:17 AM
Hello All,

It is good to be part of this forum, and I know from lurking around that there is a lot of good information here.
About me: My name is Shawn, and I am one of three founders for a company called Genie Squad. (You will not find anything on the web because we are still in stealth mode.) We have built a Natural Language AI (Artificial Intelligence) that will allow people to ask everyday questions of different data sets. We are in the process of setting up our Delaware C corp, which we probably should have done a little sooner! We are located in the SF Bay Area, and I will contribute to threads where I can provide some value.


Business Attorney
09-14-2017, 12:09 PM
Shawn, welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your information with us. I'll be interested to hear more about your progress. Just curious, without disclosing too much, when you say "ask everyday questions of different data sets," are those data sets that are not available to Alexa, Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, etc... ? It seems like you are entering a pretty crowded field and going up against giants like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Google.

Genie Squad
09-14-2017, 08:22 PM
Shawn, welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your information with us. I'll be interested to hear more about your progress. Just curious, without disclosing too much, when you say "ask everyday questions of different data sets," are those data sets that are not available to Alexa, Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, etc... ? It seems like you are entering a pretty crowded field and going up against giants like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Google.

Thank you for the reply.
Without divulging too much - yet... The interaction with our back end technology should "feel" similar to the interaction with the AI's mentioned above. (If we can achieve that, we are doing well.) Our application is different. Where the above are focused on a consumer market with semi-general personal interactions, we are focused on companies that have a B2C and B2B interaction.
As for the company, the two other founders and I are bootstrapping it. The back end technology is built and we are looking to have our first Production Beta Customer by the end of next week. (Live in production). Once we verify everything is working the same as our test environment, we will be looking for 5-10 additional Beta Customers. (This will be our data collecting phase to determine if we can drive measurable ROI, and Analytical benefits...)
Once we have statistically relevant data, we will validate pricing models and decide if we should take on external funding for scaleability purposes... ;-)