View Full Version : Please explain this to me

03-05-2010, 12:41 PM
Why do customer always call at the same time. The phone doesn't ring all morning. Then when it does, during a 2 minute conversation I get 3 other calls. Are my clients sitting out there planning this?? If I stay on the phone longer, will it cause more clients to call in? If you have the answer, let me know.:D

Harold Mansfield
03-05-2010, 03:39 PM
That was always a big joke in the Bar industry...just when you think it's going to be a slow night, the minute you sit down for a break, or to get something to eat..you get busy.

It was actually a well believed superstition...that, and you can always count on being busy on the nights that you don't feel like working, or have a hang over from the night before.

03-05-2010, 04:47 PM
that is the funniest thing because it happens to me every day!...me and the wife joke about it often...

i typically get calls at 8am and noon...everyone calls in groups.

i can go all morning w/o a call and get 6 in 10 minutes...

happened this week....barely a call all week....then thursday around noon i got 4 jobs in 15 minutes....

03-05-2010, 05:03 PM
It's called The Law of Attraction. It is explained in detail in a movie/semi-fictional documentary called, The Secret.

An Australian journalist, Rhonda Byrne, was walking across a desert and discovered an ancient text (at least 100 years old!), the book "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. She parlayed that into a movie and a book and Lord knows what else.

Harold Mansfield
03-05-2010, 05:26 PM
An Australian journalist, Rhonda Byrne, was walking across a desert and discovered an ancient text (at least 100 years old!), the book "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. She parlayed that into a movie and a book and Lord knows what else.

She was walking in the desert? :rolleyes:
And discovered an ancient text?
Is that really the background story of where all of that "The Secret" stuff supposedly comes from ?

Really? Walking in the desert ?
What year was this, like 14 A.D.?

Sounds awfully biblical.

I'm just cracking wise, but is that really it?

03-05-2010, 06:12 PM
The opening few seconds of "The Secret" show a woman - presumably Rhonda Byrne - walking in what appears to me to be a desert. She's Australian so maybe it was the Australian Outback, I don't know.

Then a woman's voice - presumably Rhonda Byrne and presumably this woman, carrying a heavy bag, if I remember correctly - tells how she learned a "Secret" from an old book, which turns out later to have been "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles.

Then she goes off on a tale of important people keeping "The Secret" from ordinary people in order to keep them subjugated. The "important people" are not really named but the visuals are of fat businessmen in a cigar-smoke filled room, and Roman guards, and richly-robed high churchmen, and industrialists and gangster-types, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

But Rhonda Byrne (or Wonderwoman, or both!) had discovered their secret and if you paid $49.99 for the DVD, you could know the secret, too!

Harold Mansfield
03-05-2010, 06:27 PM
The opening few seconds of "The Secret" show a woman - presumably Rhonda Byrne - walking in what appears to me to be a desert. She's Australian so maybe it was the Australian Outback, I don't know.

Then a woman's voice - presumably Rhonda Byrne and presumably this woman, carrying a heavy bag, if I remember correctly - tells how she learned a "Secret" from an old book, which turns out later to have been "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles.

Then she goes off on a tale of important people keeping "The Secret" from ordinary people in order to keep them subjugated. The "important people" are not really named but the visuals are of fat businessmen in a cigar-smoke filled room, and Roman guards, and richly-robed high churchmen, and industrialists and gangster-types, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

But Rhonda Byrne (or Wonderwoman, or both!) had discovered their secret and if you paid $49.99 for the DVD, you could know the secret, too!
Aha...I see.
So who has paid the $49 and can us tell what the big "Secret" is ?

03-05-2010, 07:02 PM
I never paid the money. I borrowed a copy and watched it.

Really, it is no more revelation-filled than Think and Grow Rich, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Acres of Diamonds, or anything by Anthony Robbins or Les Brown.

The secret is there is no secret...other than planning (including setting goals) and working towards them. The working towards them part is what many try to ignore...

At least that is what I got out of it.

Harold Mansfield
03-05-2010, 07:57 PM
I never paid the money. I borrowed a copy and watched it.

Really, it is no more revelation-filled than Think and Grow Rich, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Acres of Diamonds, or anything by Anthony Robbins or Les Brown.

The secret is there is no secret...other than planning (including setting goals) and working towards them. The working towards them part is what many try to ignore...

At least that is what I got out of it.

That's what I kinda figured back when everyone was talking about it.
For every person I asked "What's it all about ?" none could really put it into words, they all said ,

"Oh it's all abut positive thinking, and getting what you want out of life and...you just have to read/see it. It's awesome!"..which made me even less interested.

I think one person even told me something like "Its about visualizing what you want out of life and being open to it and it will come to you."...I'm like "um...yeah".

But seriously, I'm sure it's a great motivational piece, after all, everyone and their mother was talking about it at one point, but I didn't think it had some great revelation that was going to change my life.

03-05-2010, 10:54 PM
The "secret" was actually the Law of Attraction. (I generally refer to it as the supposed law of attraction, simply because it is not a universal law as some were claiming.) And you can see most of the movie in pieces on YouTube.

I'm not a believer to the extent some people took it but there are elements of truth to be found and used. Like, if you focus on something constantly, it is very likely to happen (as long as that something is within the realm of possibility, of course.) By paying attention to this something on a persistent basis, you will find yourself bringing it about. Let's say you fall in love with the new Chevrolet Camaro. You get pictures of it, paste them all over your office wall, visit a showroom regularly to look at one, and all this attention goes on week after week, month after month, eventually you will figure out how to buy one.

The LOAers will call that Law of Attraction - that the car has been attracted to you by your constant attention. To me, that is you attracting yourself to the car, and that is the law of going and getting what you want! But, without a doubt, if you want something, then focus on it, think about it constantly and you will figure out how to get it.

Lesson learned. Goal accomplished.

I recommend watching the movie - and there are a number of other LOA-based videos of the same ilk that are very inspiring.

03-06-2010, 01:38 PM
OK - The theory of Attraction expalins why calls all come in groups. Now explain why the groups call as soon as I step away from the phone.

Harold Mansfield
03-06-2010, 03:36 PM
OK - The theory of Attraction expalins why calls all come in groups. Now explain why the groups call as soon as I step away from the phone.

Because a watched pot never boils. (don't ask me, my Grandmother used to say it all of the time).

It only stands out as such more than normal because you didn't want the phone to ring at that time.
I'm sure that is not the only time the phone rings...it's just in those instances, they are probably when you curse it the most...so it stands out as if it ALWAYS happens.

Either that or you're on a T.V. show like the Truman Show and everyone else is in on it and the purpose of the show is to make your life miserable, so they monitor your movements with secret hidden cameras throughout your house waiting for the most opportune time to cause you the greatest inconvenience.

Which ever one of those theories works for you, will let us know how truly paranoid you are.:) <- this smiley face isn't really there, your mind is playing tricks on you..it's part of the T.V. show

03-06-2010, 03:37 PM
... and you have bad timing!

03-06-2010, 04:08 PM
I'm not really paranoid people are out to get me.

I'm going with the camera idea. I think they also have something attached to my computer. Every time I need to access something while on the phone, my computer slows down.

If I don't response for awhile it is because I am spending time check the heating ducts and fixtures for cameras. Anyone have a good pattern for a foil hat?

Harold Mansfield
03-06-2010, 04:36 PM
I'm not really paranoid people are out to get me.

I'm going with the camera idea. I think they also have something attached to my computer. Every time I need to access something while on the phone, my computer slows down.

That's not paranoia, that's real. It happens to me everyday. You could be breezing along at the speed of light, until someone say's "could you look at this real quick", and everything locks up.

Either that, or someone will call when I have 8 windows and programs open and monitors full with stuff that I am working on and want me to do a quick change to something on a completely different website...using software that I don't happen to have open at the moment.

That's not paranoia my friend, that's real Ju Ju. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juju)

03-07-2010, 04:43 AM
I think my dog is behind it. When he was a puppy, every time I sat down in the powder room, he would take one look at me unable to move, grab a towel, and go tearing outside in the mud with it. Smiling all the time. I'm sure he tells people to call me when I'm on the phone with someone else (or in the powder room).