View Full Version : Spring elections in your part of the country?

04-02-2010, 12:02 AM
We have an election next week - I've been BUSY writing about it, campaigning for my brother-in-law, and answering questions from the locals. Honestly - I've always thought it was important to vote in any election, but it wasn't until the past year or two that I've really gotten involved in my community and in understanding what the issues are around here, what the candidates stand for, etc... So, this is the first local election that I'm really excited about.

Are there spring elections in your part of the country?
Have you gotten informed on the issues/candidates?

If you haven't, you need to. The right to vote, our freedoms, are important and valuable and we should participate in the election process. For several years I simply took the right to vote for granted. But I think that we tend to neglect the things we take for granted and we run the risk of loosing the things we neglect. If we neglect a relationship we can loose a friendship, if we neglect a client we can loose that business, if we neglect our freedom we might just loose it too.

OK - enough soapboxing from here - just go vote if you've got an election in your area this spring!

04-02-2010, 11:47 AM
I don't think we have any elections here this Spring, though I could be wrong. Then again I did receive a call not to long ago that was an automated survey about my views on different candidates. I had thought it was an early survey for November, but not that you mention Spring elections maybe I need to check if we do have elections coming up.

04-03-2010, 11:53 AM
I'm not aware of any spring elections here, but I do agree.

In 1980, I was old enough to vote but too stupid and rebellious to do it. In whatever kind of irrational thinking was guiding me at the time, I made a life changing decision in 1982 that led me to vote in 1984 and ever since. I was never politically active though, only signed petitions here and there and took small actions on important issues.

Approx 3 years ago, I decided it required a bit more commitment for the very reasons you stated. There are too many corrupt people in power actively seeking to advance their agenda against the common good of the people. This has always been true, but now more than ever, and they're making significant progress. I cannot rationalize doing nothing, there's too much at stake.

04-03-2010, 12:40 PM
Our political system is different from yours in a lot of ways. I've always been on the edges of being involved. I went to my first delegate convention before I was old enough to vote, got punted from the room after the speeches and wandered the hotel while the adults voted. I haven't been back to one since...too busy to bother with the preliminaries...I've voted at every provincial and federal level election since I became legal, but not every municipal one.

04-03-2010, 12:46 PM
im aware there are elections, but not informed well....a bunch of judges...all of them are endorsed by some police association or DA

when i get in the voting booth i skip voting in the elections im not educated enough on.

i rely on the associations i belong to for who to vote for...the WI Right to life and the NRA will always steer me to the candidate I want. My local Plumbers union will always steer me away from who i should not vote for....if i dont have any info. i have a ultra religious neighbor who knows...she informs me who's the conservative and who's the RHINO....we have alot of RHINO's here in WI.....1/2 the republicans are really Democrats at the state level. Just like we do at the national level.

I always vote....and because of national politics im giving money to candidates for the first time this year....now they HOUND me on the phone for more. I will even be volunteering for the first time for our states next Governor...im excited about the 2 choices.....we have never had a fiscally conservative Governor since ive been ALIVE....but we will soon....i even have the phone numbers of my national reps. and pass the phone numbers out to everyone i know. I AM NOW ACTIVE.....If things keep going the way they have been going i want to be able to tell my kids that i did everything i could....

Business Attorney
04-08-2010, 05:39 PM
Our primary elections were moved up early this year, way TOO early. They were on February 2. The weather in Chicago is not too good that time of year. The turnout was low and you have to suspect that the incumbents (who were the ones who decided to move the election from its former mid-March slot) benefited by that.

A friend of mine was running for state representative. For the first time in my life, I volunteered to distribute election materials and be a poll-watcher on election day. Standing outside the polling place for 5 hours in early February was not fun. I don't think I will be doing it again any time soon. I'll find other ways to participate in the democracy.