View Full Version : The United States Army

08-02-2010, 04:51 AM
Hello dears! Sometimes I thought about AMERICAN ARMY, and come to the reassuring conclusion. How do you think? U.S. Army is enough hard?

Please answer only those who actually served in the Army... I served in the Russian army ... Thus was born on the border with China. And when compared the conditions of service in Russia and America, then come to the conclusion that the army of America did not sufficiently severe. In fact my whole life - is the army. My father a veteran of the internal troops. I was raised in a military family, and all my childhood took place at the rifle range.

First of all, the Army must make of a boy the man! Harsh man! But looking at the U.S. Army, I come to the conclusion that this is simply a camp for Boy Scouts. No more. what is the soldier who can't dispense without air conditioning or ice cream for dessert?(figuratively) =)

I believe that the army should not be a condition for human beings. There should be conditions-only weapons. This is the only way to "temper" the body and spirit.

08-02-2010, 06:07 AM
But maybe I'm wrong? Can you tell me about?

Harold Mansfield
08-02-2010, 12:49 PM
I think military history shows that the U.S. Army and Armed Forces in general is not a boy scout camp. Conditions don't need to be harsh and underfunded to train an elite force of soldiers, as a matter of fact just the opposite. History has also shown that underfunded forces in harsh living and training conditions suffer from confidence and moral issues and are more likely to surrender, and are twice as likely to be killed by equipment failure and friendly fire.

It is a fact that the American Military is some of the best trained and best equipped in the world. Air Force and Naval technology is far superior than 99 percent of any other fighting force on the planet (and I'm being generous leaving that 1 percent cushion).

It is natural to be proud of your country and it's accomplishments but don't mistake your pride for superiority. The Russian Army has suffered more defeats, revolutions, coups, and withdrawals in the last 250 years ( the age of America as a country) than in it's entire existence. Hardly the model of stability and superiority.

Obviously the training is different between the 2 countries, but the results speak for themselves. One of the biggest mistakes in war, business, and personal relationships is underestimating your opponent as was proven in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The way I understand it , budget cuts, corruption and instability has caused the Russian Military to loose track of nuclear war heads. They aren't all accounted for..making Russia's incompetence a military liability and is likely responsible for a threat to the stability of the entire world, than it is a military superpower.

Say what you want about the American Military but at least we know where all of our warheads and submarines are and who is in control of them.

When was the last time an American Military insider, or scientist defected to Russia?

08-02-2010, 02:06 PM
As I thought =) Anyone in the first place will praise their country... But I'm not praising Russia. Though I served there. And you watched military parades on Red Square? You talk about history ... Who's where and how to win ... But not in this case! Victory is always determined by the commanders. Unique and unchanging - it is the mentality and fighting spirit. And do not you think that China has already gone far ahead? There is a very hardworking people. And they do not want comfort. Not to mention the number. But I did not glorify them. Because we are talking about conditions of growing of soldiers...
And I'm not talking about specific units.
I can also list the merits of the army of Russia or China. What a dangerous weapon and how much it surpasses the rest. In the first place Russia won the Second World War.

Let's not argue about whose "gun is biggest" =)

I just remembered the story of my life. For us in Russia came the American soldiers on a tour. And when we had to go to a nearby town, they refused because the bus had no air conditioning. Is it a soldier? Can you convince me what I wrong?

Do anyone watch Russians films about war?
Can you advise me the American movies about the war? Those who have the sense. Which show the truth. Not the usual Hollywood movies, stamped on the conveyor.

I can advice you a very good Russians...

And please. Do not think that I have so much fans of Russia. Just here I was born and lived. I also lived in Ukraine. But I want to continue to live in America. And I think that America is the best place to live. Please do not think that I am a fanatic. Let's just reason =)

Harold Mansfield
08-02-2010, 02:41 PM
I just remembered the story of my life. For us in Russia came the American soldiers on a tour. And when we had to go to a nearby town, they refused because the bus had no air conditioning. Is it a soldier? Can you convince me what I wrong?
Who wants to be on a hot bus with no air? There is a difference between battlefield conditions and site seeing. In America a bus without air would be pulled from the road.

Do anyone watch Russians films about war?
Can you advise me the American movies about the war? Those who have the sense. Which show the truth. Not the usual Hollywood movies, stamped on the conveyor.

Well yeah. Movies are for entertainment. They aren't produced by the state and they aren't for historical purposes or accuracy. They are for entertainment and to make money.

And please. Do not think that I have so much fans of Russia. Just here I was born and lived. I also lived in Ukraine. But I want to continue to live in America. And I think that America is the best place to live. Please do not think that I am a fanatic. Let's just reason =)

I don't think the differences have as much to do with military as it does culture and lifestyle. Being subjected to harsh living and economic conditions is not any kind of prerequisite to determining anyone's character or ability to adapt and survive...it's just a prerequisite to being bitter about it.

There is a Russian Cafe in my neighborhood and close to a bar I used to frequent often. I've sat with, drank with and even "dated" a few women from Russia and the common attitude is bitterness. A bitterness at Americans because we didn't have to live in tough economic conditions, shortages, and totalitarian rule and therefore made assumptions that we were somehow "soft".

Every other sentence began with "In Russia..." as if to prove some kind of character superiority because they lived somewhere where it sucked. And they were always the most insane stories about having to accept not having a choice in something as simple as drinking from a clean glass.

My response was always, "I must not have been that great or else you wouldn't be here."

Everyone has experiences that form who they are as a person, no matter what country you are from. I'm from an area in the US. that most people, no matter where they are from, wouldn't last 1 day.
It's called learning to survive and every human has the ability to learn it and adapt to their situation. Some are just able to accept it better than others and that is not indicative of any certain country or region of the world.

So you can look at me and say that I wouldn't last one day sightseeing on a hot bus without air and you would be right..because I don't have to. It's not that I physically can't do it..it's that I don't want to and I am not from a country where I would be forced to do so.

The difference is Americans are used to having a choice. A lot of people don't have that luxury. It doesn't make them better, just bitter about it.

A lot of people complain about America and how "privileged" they think we are, but it is usually from inside America's borders. Nothing is given here, but the opportunity to work and get stuff is available to everyone.

There aren't too many countries without that freedom of choice that still thrive today without having to threaten, and intimidate it's people so something about it must be working.

08-02-2010, 08:46 PM
We seem to have won a number of wars through technology. Japan in WWII for example. There are countries that have been at war on and off for centuries. It would make sense that these countries have a completely different warring mind set that we do. In spite of 911, people here can't imagine a war on our territory. Martial Arts in Japan, for example, is thought to date back to the 7th century.

What Alien seems to be referring to is this warring mindset. Our high school graduates become our soldiers. They don't have that mindset until they enlist where we try to change that mindset. I doubt you can be as successful as the cultures who have lived with war.

I think the air conditioned bus was a bad example. In boot camp, the enlistees are subject to harsh conditions which right now they continue to deal with in Iraq. But, Alien may have a point as well.

Dan Furman
08-02-2010, 10:56 PM
If all you really have to hang onto is that you endure tough conditions, well, that's what you will hang onto.

Everyone wants to feel like a winner - they'll even invent a game with bizarre rules ("we have it tougher") to make themselves feel good.

edit: sorry Harold - I wrote that before I read yours - you essentially are saying the same thing :)