View Full Version : sales- why does my sell percentage go up when im busy

08-28-2010, 09:30 PM
Ive noticed something about my sales recently and wondering if im on the right track or not.

ive been very busy now for 8 weeks....absolutely burried...im selling 90 percent plus of everything i bid....every phone call turns into a job...the few who are price shoppers call back in a week and choose me....its like i cant lose....i am putting less effort into the calls...im over booking myself and am at a point where i dont care if i get 1 more job or not....im sure my attitude is showing and somehow creating much better sales.

during the slow times i spend every ounce of effort to get the jobs...i go above and beyond....and my sell ratio goes down....

im not sure if ive just become a better salesman recently or people like my busy attitude i have?....maybe during slow times customers sense my desperation and choose someone else during slow times...maybe my desperation shows and turns people off....i see it as trying to have awesome customer service

time will tell if its my sales technique...it doesnt seem like im doing anything different...other than putting less effort into it...maybe less is more

anyone notice these things during slow and busy times?

08-28-2010, 10:13 PM
It's a combination of things really. When you have the internal attitude that it doesn't matter that will reveal itself in your posture and mannerisms. You'll communicate it whether you intend to or not. The same sort of thing happens when your desperate and really need the job. People can sense it...and that triggers the "wow, wonder why he's desperate...I wonder if he can be as good as he says he is if he needs this job that bad..."

One of the biggest lines in sales training is "People love to buy, but they hate being sold to" - when you don't need their business you are less likely to go into sales mode and more likely to allow the customer to buy...when they feel in control they are more likely to take action. They don't feel pressured, so they're more likely to act in your direction.

08-28-2010, 11:11 PM
One of the biggest lines in sales training is "People love to buy, but they hate being sold to" - when you don't need their business you are less likely to go into sales mode and more likely to allow the customer to buy...when they feel in control they are more likely to take action. They don't feel pressured, so they're more likely to act in your direction.

I've been in a lot of sales classes and never heard it put that way, but it makes sense. I'm always swamped and have a high closure rate. Could be for that attitude.

08-28-2010, 11:34 PM
I've been in a lot of sales classes and never heard it put that way, but it makes sense. I'm always swamped and have a high closure rate. Could be for that attitude.

Could be just the signature line of Jeffrey Gitomer...he's one of my sales influences and I know he uses that line, but I thought I had heard it somewhere else too, so didn't want to attribute it solely to him just in case it's not his line exclusively...

Steve B
08-29-2010, 12:08 AM
If you're selling 90% of your bids, you should quit your plumbing business and go into selling some big ticket items. You would be rich and wouldn't have all the headaches of running a business!

Seriously, that's phenomenal. It's about three times what many consider a good closing rate. Great job.

08-29-2010, 08:11 AM
i made $115,000 in sales in 2 months....my yearly totals are typically $320,000...that says it all...i have turned down a few small jobs and lost a few because i couldnt get to them in time

homeowner jobs are up 70 percent this year
new homes down 30 percent
remodel by contractor up 15 percent

total sales up 30 percent and total profit up 40 percent

my end of the month material bills used to be $2k-$5k...now they are $10k-15k

i scheduled a vacation next month because its typically slow...now its a problem and im working saturdays to get ahead a bit....its slowing down, but still strong into a 3rd month straight. In the past my busy periods only last 4 weeks while this period appears its going to be 10 weeks +....things are changing for me and thats why ive been considering hiring......

homeowner calls used to be 10 percent sell rate (price shoppers mostly)...now that ive changed my phone book ads and taken some ads out completely i sell almost every job...every job is a referral or someone who has researched me on the internet.....they want me...

on large projects (which is my bread and butter) ive only lost 1 in 2 months...my sell rate may be higher than 90 percent... in the spring when im desperate it can be as low as 20 percent

i had a sidejob helper carry out buckets of dirt/concrete yesterday....he's a friends son and was a apprentice plumber years ago, but changed jobs when he got laid off...id love to hire him...he was fast and thinks quality..i see alot of good things in him...if i can snag a larger builder id hire him tomorrow.....but i just keep finding small 3-5 project a year builders..

maybe next spring ill act like i dont care more and see if i can sell more jobs...its something you probably cant fake though...im sure going to try..

something ive noticed in my sales is the 1st 1/2 of the year seems to always be slow and full of price shoppers...spring seems to bring out the low end price shoppers and summer/fall seems to bring out the quality minded people willing to pay extra.....maybe its always been me and my attitude and not the customers?

08-29-2010, 08:25 AM
i would say all your good habits and efforts are bearing fruit...good buzz /good word of mouth kicking in.......and when you are selling you naturally seem more confident and attractive....
i wouldnt change anything too fast.... how is getting the new employee coming along? sounds like you will be needing him real soon....

08-29-2010, 09:58 AM
things typically drop off badly in the winter months...its too close now to think about an employee...come dec, jan i could be working 5 hours a week

i have started to lower prices come winter to get more work coming in...that idea worked a bit better last year...

the hours are back to being manageable this week forward..im back to 40 hours a week now

08-29-2010, 02:27 PM
one thing i do notice myself doing lately is when a homeowner calls i just start booking the job...unless they stop me i get the address and give them a time that i will show up....i dont even discuss prices until they are booked......i just assume i have the job and treat them as a customer.....but even the ones who say 'ill call you back if i decide to go with you' all seem to call back.

i guess its a more aggressive sales approach im taking, but it saves me time....my office time is Waaayyy down....im not wasting my time bidding on jobs i dont get anymore....i used to throw out a stack of folders from bids i didnt win every 3 months...i finally threw out that stack 2 weeks ago...it was dated back 9 months instead of 3 months...

Harold Mansfield
08-30-2010, 10:51 AM
Basically, you are in the zone. Your adrenalin is up, your mind is working at max capacity and your are using all of your skills continuously so you are running on instinct.