View Full Version : Hi from BizPals

09-30-2010, 02:01 AM

My name is Robby Rao, I am a computer science student and the son of a small business owner. I have helped my father run the mechanic shop we own for the past five years, and as all of us know its been harder than usual with the economy the way it is. I noticed that the loyal customer base we developed was the reason for our continued success/survival.

To help my father, and other small businesses, I created bizpals.com. I found that the reason we have a great loyal customer base is because of the personal service our small business provides, and the trust the customers have developed with my father.

Bizpals helps small businesses extend the personal service they provide even further, we also help increase communication between customers and businesses to build trust between the two. So now when a customer has need of your professional advice they will be able to contact you in a convenient non-obtrusive way.

I am also on this forum to learn more about how to run a business, and how i can further try and help small businesses. If you have any advice, or suggestions please message me.

Robby Rao
BizPals: (http://www.bizpals.com)