View Full Version : I'm really getting tired of these SEO emails - Rant warning

10-21-2010, 03:57 PM
I'm really getting tired of all the SEO emails that I receive. I'm having to delete about 10or more a day. They are all the same - "We have reviewed your site .... you are not placing as high as you could ... we will be happy to provide a free analysis of your site .... "

How many web site owners are so stupid that they would fall for one of these scams. I have a hard time beleiving that enough people would fall for this to even pay to have an internet connection.

10-21-2010, 04:11 PM
Some do fall for it, which is why those emails get sent out. Some of those sending it might also just be doing anything they can to build their business. It's not really any different than cold calling someone. I think the reason the seo emails are more annoying is because often they aren't written by native English speakers and because seo doesn't always carry the best reputation.

As annoying as the emails are take them as a sign of something positive. In order for those emails to get to you, you have to be somewhat visible. It means you've been doing something right with your site.

10-21-2010, 07:26 PM
It wouldn't be so bad, but it appear they are all coming from the same company. At best a few words here and there are changed. They don't have any of the require features required for email solicitations.

I really don't have a problem with a company contacting me by email. But they should at let be selective about the message and how many times they contact you.

Good point on it being a sign that my site is visible.

Harold Mansfield
10-21-2010, 09:19 PM
I know what you mean and they are all coming from the same companies. I get at least 3 a day. They use different names, American sounding names as reply addresses that they set up on either throw away domains that they use for spam (gibberish registrations, .info's and such) , or free email addresses from Gmail and Yahoo.

The 2 companies that I get them from are from India..promising top placement on Google, Yahoo, Bing and a bunch of "B" list search engines, or from China promising placement on International search engines (which I still can't figure out why or how my English language website would benefit from being placed well in Baidu which totally looks Gov run anyway).

They have been coming for so long that I barely notice them anymore I just automatically delete. Blocking the email address does no good because they just harvest another hundred free yahoo addresses and keep sending them. Not too many people will block ""@yahoo.com completely.

Business Attorney
10-21-2010, 09:56 PM
But if you read them, at least you can sometimes get a chuckle, like the one which said I only appeared on page 3 for the term "Joliet accountant." Given that Joliet is about an hour drive from downtown Chicago, and I am not an accountant, I didn't think page 3 was so bad.

10-21-2010, 11:09 PM
I get the same emails, probably from the same company too. :) I think some of them are using software which is why they all sound so similar. I've noticed I'll get a bunch for a few days and then won't for a little while.

Lately it's been more link requests. They're annoying, but they also make me laugh. It's funny how they'll open with how much they like my site and then the rest of the email makes it very clear they've never visited my site. They try to explain to me the value of links, yet seem to have missed those seo services I offered. They also like to drop the buzzword related telling me how their sites are related to mine. Of course they're never even remotely related.

10-22-2010, 12:55 PM
I guess I can chime in here since I get them just like the rest of you. Like eborg said, it's also kind of amusing that these "SEO experts" are so good and so successful at what they do that they take the extra step of professionalism by using free email like yahoo and gmail. Impressive!

10-22-2010, 03:33 PM
Keep in mind the majority of those emails are coming from South East Asia (at least the ones I get are). Odds are they're being sent by people with less money to spend. Also if the email is truly spam then you'd want to use free email accounts since your address is going to get blocked at some point. Free gmail and yahoo email addresses are disposable. The one that has your branded domain in it, isn't.

10-22-2010, 04:56 PM
I get a lot of these too. I love how some of them are phrased as though these people are doing you a favor by volunteering to go over your site for you. Like I'm going to be impressed that some random company and/or person that I know nothing about is willing to do an analysis of my site.