View Full Version : How much news do you get from Facebook, Twitter or other social networking?

Harold Mansfield
12-06-2010, 07:12 PM
I realized today that I get a crap load of up to the minute news from Facebook.
Between the Washington Post, New York Times, a local news station, and then my professional stuff...Wordpress advances and news, Design stuff, Mashable, and a couple of other things that I follow on Facebook, it pretty much accounts for my daily intake of all the news and updates that I care about.

I haven't read a physical newspaper in over 2 years. By the time it's there, I already know it. And by the time the nightly news comes on, it's old news.

Am I the norm?
Do you guys stay abreast of things through social media or do you still read newspapers or get information from some other source?

12-06-2010, 07:33 PM
My "Home" page is BBC - World Service (http://www.bbc.com/) so every time I go online I get an update of world news - you know, you Americans - WORLD - that place outside your borders!

I never saw any news on Facebook - beyond what Mary had for dinner and who Billy is now friends with.

Harold Mansfield
12-06-2010, 07:57 PM
My "Home" page is [url=http://www.bbc.com/]
I never saw any news on Facebook - beyond what Mary had for dinner and who Billy is now friends with.

You won't see it unless you "like" the specific providers. Then you will get updates either in your stream or via email if it's a group.

12-06-2010, 08:46 PM
I think twenty time a day from BBC World is probably enough. Especially as I only go to Facebook once every few days now.

Steve B
12-06-2010, 11:08 PM
None. (I have to type more since every response apparently must have 10 characters or more... this should do it).

12-06-2010, 11:14 PM
I get some of my news from there - I get most of it from hitting the Google News homepage and browsing through that quickly. I still like to read newspapers - with paper and ink, but I'm sure that's just because of my background since I started out selling ads for a newspaper, then started designing those ads, then started laying out the whole paper... I loved working for a weekly rag. We were the "alternative" paper in town and it was a neat community to be a part of back then.

12-07-2010, 05:45 AM
My parents live with me, I'm their caregiver. The only TV station they watch is Fox News, so I always know the national news. My home page is Yahoo, so I read that sometimes, and sometime watch the local news. My parents subscribe to the daily paper, but I don't read it.

12-07-2010, 02:00 PM
I get a lot of news from Twitter and Facebook. Especially industry news. Most of the feeds I follow most often are business related (I'm terrible about promoting myself) so a lot of the news sources I follow are related to the business.

I don't think I've read a print newspaper in forever, and I used to write for a newspaper. That's kind of sad.

Paper Shredder Clay
12-08-2010, 10:41 AM
I wouldn't say I get a lot of news from social media, but I do learn more about programming and design through my twitter account mostly from bloggers who post links to their blog entries in their tweets.

12-08-2010, 12:33 PM
From Facebook I get exactly 0 news. I don't use Facebook much for anything at the moment. From Twitter I get some. I will check trending topics to see if there's any really big news. I do click links that have been tweeted though most aren't necessarily news.

When I first got online I setup a Yahoo home page, which I customized and filled with various news feeds. On and off through the day I scan the headlines to see what's going on. I also have apps for the New York Times and other newspapers on both my iPhone and iPad. The Times is the paper I've read for as long as I can remember as it was always in the house while I was growing up. My guess is it'll be the first online news source I pay to have access to when they start charging in a few months.

When it comes to news on specific topics like technology I have a variety of blogs in my feedreader that I check each day. That news generally isn't so time sensitive that I need to keep tabs on it throughout the day.

I guess most of the news I get comes from the newspaper apps I downloaded and my Yahoo home page. Twitter (and at some point Facebook) is something I'll check when I happen to be there (not often) or when I learn of some breaking news and want to get quicker updates. For example when there were fires here over the summer I was checking Twitter throughout the day for real time updates. Of course I didn't need any news source for that story. Walking outside smelling fire, seeing a cloud of smoke, and having ash fall on my deck alerted me a lot quicker than anything to the news.

12-08-2010, 09:00 PM
i never thougoht of getting news on facebook...but i get lots on the internet...and now quite a bit on the ipad...love that globe on abc...

Harold Mansfield
12-09-2010, 01:15 AM
I think I actually like the news to come to me, rather than browsing for it. It's so much easier.

12-09-2010, 10:41 AM
dang eborg!!! again you have enriched my day...im on facebook first thing every morning and i love this idea!!! i cant believe i never thought of it....its so easy and THERE... i like things fast and easy....
nowi can check on my kids , friends, the store and the world all in one place....

Harold Mansfield
12-09-2010, 04:45 PM
Oh No! Mom's on Facebook! Have you seen this video?
Hulu - Saturday Night Live: Mom's On Facebook (http://www.hulu.com/watch/184577/saturday-night-live-moms-on-facebook)

12-09-2010, 09:10 PM
i spent some time today adding my news places to my facebook....and was suprised to find a couple who had twitter and not facebook....

12-09-2010, 10:22 PM
Oh No! Mom's on Facebook! Have you seen this video?
Hulu - Saturday Night Live: Mom's On Facebook (http://www.hulu.com/watch/184577/saturday-night-live-moms-on-facebook)

That was so funny! I had not seen that. That reminds me of when my oldest daughter found the password to her oldest daughter's My Space page. She was always checking to see what her daughter was up to. That was when my granddaugher was just becoming a teenager and her mom was worried about her. My daughter did a lot of spying on her so she could keep her out of trouble. Now she is a well rounded, very sweet 17 year old. Oh, she doesn't use My Space anymore, she uses Face Book. Of course I'm one of her friends and every now and then I'll go to her wall and read what her and her friends write about. I don't understand their language.