View Full Version : New Years Resolutions anyone?

Harold Mansfield
12-31-2010, 03:53 PM
I'm surprised no one has started a personal resolutions thread yet.
I posted on Facebook that my list of Resolutions reads more like the outline for a 12 step program...except with more steps.

Anyone got any?

Less gambling?
No sugar?
Quit smoking?
Stop smacking the kids around?
Only drink premium bourbons?

12-31-2010, 04:19 PM
I've got a resolution! I,m going to have to make time each day to come here and read new post. This is a great site. Also, I thought a good resolution might be get myself into some kinda shape besides ROUND! And why stop smacking kids? LOL sorry

12-31-2010, 05:00 PM
Well I never started smacking them...and I don't plan to start now...especially since one of them is bigger than me...I posted my goals on Facebook. They're just general though...Don't drink much, but I will never willingly give up cheesecake or sweetened coffee or chai...though I may consider ditching the coke sometime in the distant future. For this year smoking is my number one habit to get rid of...

Harold Mansfield
12-31-2010, 05:06 PM
...though I may consider ditching the coke sometime in the distant future.

Yeah, I had to ditch the coke back in the 90's while living in Miami. Smoking is all I have left, but I need to quit it. And soon!

12-31-2010, 05:20 PM
We're considering going with an electronic cigarette replacement thing a ma bob (Electronic Cigarette By Green Smoke ™ (http://greensmoke.com/)) While I did succeed in quitting for six weeks about five years ago, I haven't been able to replicate that in the several attempts since which have included the patch, the gum, the pills and the cold turkey approaches.

Harold Mansfield
12-31-2010, 05:37 PM
Without the tar and nicotine (what's the point?) it's really about just having a substitute for the mental addiction and the motions at key trigger points...driving, after eating, at the bar, and so on.
If/when I do, I don't think I'll opt for the replacement.
The plan is to stick to a workout regiment. After working out I rarely have the urge, or even want to smoke for many hours. If I stick to it, it builds and I get used to feeling good.

12-31-2010, 05:51 PM
If you figure out a way to work work outs into a schedule that includes three kids in two schools, a part time job and a full time service & speaking business...then I might think about going that route...

Meanwhile, I've got to do something. The one thing that did work the longest just isn't possible to orchestrate (hubby went away for five days and I quit while he was away) so I guess I'll try the electronic gizmos and see if that helps :-) If we can just get through the initial three days of general grouchiness and sensitivity...much easier said than done.

Harold Mansfield
12-31-2010, 06:06 PM
If you figure out a way to work work outs into a schedule that includes three kids in two schools, a part time job and a full time service & speaking business...then I might think about going that route...

Meanwhile, I've got to do something. The one thing that did work the longest just isn't possible to orchestrate (hubby went away for five days and I quit while he was away) so I guess I'll try the electronic gizmos and see if that helps :-) If we can just get through the initial three days of general grouchiness and sensitivity...much easier said than done.

I don't know how to do anything that involves kids, or anyone but myself. So I speak from a self centered existence I guess. I don't know how my Mom pulled off half of the things that she did.

I won't even help my friends move. I'd rather loan them the money to hire someone.

Long time ago I did 30 days in the county. Came out smoke free and (and lost a few pounds) ran straight for a 7-11 to buy a pack.

I wasn't very bright back then.
But I still don't recommend the method.

12-31-2010, 08:30 PM
If you figure out a way to work work outs into a schedule that includes three kids in two schools, a part time job and a full time service & speaking business...then I might think about going that route...

Meanwhile, I've got to do something. The one thing that did work the longest just isn't possible to orchestrate (hubby went away for five days and I quit while he was away) so I guess I'll try the electronic gizmos and see if that helps :-) If we can just get through the initial three days of general grouchiness and sensitivity...much easier said than done.

Sounds to me like you have the work out thing covered with three kids, two jobs.

01-01-2011, 12:27 AM
more family time
try to play w/ kids at their level (very difficult for me)

my 2 year old girl was my first kid to be excited when i get home from work...the other 2 rarely seem to notice or care........she hands me barbie dolls and asks me to play with her...i find this very difficult...its hard for me to imagine let alone with a barbie....she pays special attention to me, so im going to try harder to play at her level...she's alittle more special to me because she was supposed to be downs syndrom or dead in the womb....she turned out perfect and the doctors were wrong....she's the smartest and nicest of the 3 kids i have.....

01-01-2011, 11:41 PM
I don't make resolutions, especially to quit smoking. I like smoking.

01-01-2011, 11:44 PM
I wrote a blog post about a few resolutions - then I looked at them and they all pretty much boiled down to one thing - being more aware of what I'm doing - paying attention to where my time, money, efforts are going and being more intentional about putting those things to good use rather than just chasing one snotty nose after another through the days :)

As for business I definitely want to see it grow - another year of slow but steady growth with a few new clients. I'd like to see the 45% increase Huggy was talking about he had last year - but I don't think I would really be able to handle that right now with the little ones at the ages they are at and Hubby really focused on fixing this house up and moving this year. It makes me feel overwhelmed and like I just need to find a hole to crawl into just thinking about it. :)

01-01-2011, 11:46 PM
Oh and smoking - that's one thing I'm glad I never had any desire to try. I was asthmatic and just the smell of cigarette smoke could trigger an attack when I was young. Fortunately the asthma is a lot better now, but I never started smoking and don't see any reason to pick up the habit now - it's expensive, it stinks and it's bad for your lungs.

My vice? Dark chocolate... I'll never give that up!

01-02-2011, 12:03 AM
I'm actually alergic to tobacco. I used to smoke a cigar with the boys every once an a while, but I couldn't breath through my nose for a week afterwards. Kinda keeps one from ever picking up the habit.

01-02-2011, 07:52 PM
sounds nice huggy.... just always be there for a nice cuddle ...
i quit with nicorettes...and i was a heavy smoker for a long time.... quit in my 30s thankfully...
some of my list.....more facebook........upgrade my computer skills, try vista print..... find more add value projects...try and go home at 3 once in a while.... go to more auctions.....network with the real suppliers around me.... delegate more....lose weight....have more parties......try some girls day out things....get a container from england... expand my horizons....make a new poem flyer....show more thankfullness...try and learn more of our machines...like pandora and my ipad...

01-11-2011, 07:34 AM
1. develop my business more
2. take better and more photos
3. save more money
4. maybe get married :D