View Full Version : Hello from RP Innovations, LLC!

04-05-2011, 12:49 PM
Hey everyone! New guy here! I was looking around and thought I would join this nice community you have here of like minded individuals and businesses.

A bit about me and my company:

I am a Purdue Engineering graduate and now almost done with my MBA from another university. I've always been interested in robotics and hands on fabrication (metal working). I've started a company out of local and regional interest that other people had in my "toys". The 1st one that I'm almost done with the final testing phase is at my website The PlowBot (http://www.rcsnowplow.com)

Although the one on the website is a VERY early version that I put up there to drum up interest and workout the kinks of the website. I'm now almost a year into design/testing and my 8th or 9th prototype (next should be my production version). The current version is much more capable, finished looking, and much different design than the website.

I have a bunch of questions and will be posting in the near future. Thanks!

04-05-2011, 01:43 PM
Welcome to the forum RP (can I call you RP for short?)

The plowbot is a very cool idea. It shouldn't take more than few seconds for anyone to realize it's usefulness. Does it work regardless of the amount of snow? Do the wheels need to be on solid ground or will everything work to clear one layer of snow and then go back to get the next?

Regardless I think you have something good and I'll be interested to see how you develop things further.

Welcome again and thanks for joining the community.

04-05-2011, 01:53 PM
Thank you! The older version shown on the website could do a size-able amount of snow (depending on how wet/dry the snow was is a huge factor). The features on the newest version has MUCH more power and the blade can lift so it can clear layers of snow if needed.

The beauty of it is that you can send it out in the middle of a blizzard and start clearing snow to make it more manageable. I hope to share more soon once the patent attorney gives me the go ahead.

04-05-2011, 03:51 PM
Yeah I think it's a great idea. I'm imagining all the times I've been out in the blizzard or waiting for it to end and then clearing away a couple feet of snow. Now I'm picturing myself inside looking out the window while I control my remote control snow plow. It's a much nicer picture.

Does The Plowbot get a nice cup of hot chocolate and maybe some soup when it's done clearing the driveway? :)

04-05-2011, 03:59 PM
Thanks, I think a nice warm garage and an outlet for a recharge will make the PlowBot happy!


04-05-2011, 07:36 PM
Probably, but I really want to see it drink some hot chocolate. Now if you can pull that off…

Business Attorney
04-15-2011, 10:34 AM
Welcome to the forum, Bob. The PlowBot seems like a great idea, except that I could never even control my kids' radio controlled toys so I don't see how I could ever control a remote snow plow.

I know you can't say too much yet, but will there be an option for a live wireless video camera on the PlowBot? I would guess a lot of people are like me and can't see all of my driveway or sidewalk from inside the house. It kind of defeats the purpose somewhat if I have to be outside to watch what it is doing.

04-15-2011, 11:05 AM
Welcome aboard, Bob.

04-15-2011, 11:23 AM
I'm a little late to the welcome party, but since this thread has floated back toward the top of the stack, I'll join in to give you the official SBF welcome.

I'm afraid I wouldn't be a good customer though. I love snow and bitter cold in the winter. Even though I don't enjoy shoveling, it does provide a much needed workout. Although I wouldn't want one of these, I know I'm weird because most other people would. I'm sure you'll do well with it. Just so you know, I'm in Michigan where we (sometimes) get lots of snow.

04-15-2011, 11:58 AM
Welcome to the forum, Bob. Sounds like you've got our gadget and tech guys going already.

04-15-2011, 08:07 PM
I think there was an issue with my post earlier today, so I will give it another go.

Thank you all for the kind welcome! I've been looking around for awhile and see a lot of great info and great resources here. Let's try and answer some ?'s.

Business Attorney,
I've experimented with a live feed camera a bit, and the issue is that a camera does not have any depth perception which is an issue. This can "slightly" be overcome by a fish lens but still doesn't add depth. Plus, the fact that you need 2 cameras (1 forward, 1 backward for backing up) adds a level of complexity and cost that would be passed onto the consumer. I will revisit it in the future, but for now there won't be one offered.

I know where you are coming from. I love the outdoors (especially winter) and anything active! I just love robotics and think this is such a cool concept that I had to explore it. I'm actually just south of you and in the NW Ohio area!

My logo that a buddy of mine whipped up for the PlowBot. This will be the logo/decal and be on every PlowBot:


04-16-2011, 08:52 PM
If I was a snowflake, that logo would scare me to death. I love it!

You have a great idea with the Plowbot. Unfortunately, I'll likely never see it in action down here in Arkansas.


04-19-2011, 12:05 AM
Sounds like a great product - my husband loves robotics too, but right now he just plays with industrial chemicals - I think I'll stick to graphic design, however... I've always loved remote control cars so this could be a fun new toy for me, especially if I could get it to set up a hot chocolate stand at the end of the drive for everyone who is out there shoveling... or maybe just a Plowbot gathering to celebrate a job well done all up and down the street... we'd let the guys like Steve come too :)

Ok... it's late, I'd better shut-up!

04-19-2011, 01:53 PM
LOL, Jenn.

05-26-2011, 02:55 PM
Thought I would update you all :)

Here is the PlowBot, trademark and patent pending:




It weighs about 160 lbs and can push me across concrete (about 200lbs sitting on a plastic lid). On-board charger, 4 wheel drive, easy turn power switch, and many more features.

05-26-2011, 05:13 PM
Cool, though I want it to have a head, arms, and legs sticking out to freak out the neighbors. :) Do you have pictures of the remote you would use to operate it? I'm curious what kind of controls it will have and what they will be.

Thanks for the update. I really think you have a winning product here. It's hard to imagine people living in snowy areas not wanting one, assuming the price is reasonable. You will make enemies of the neighborhood kids who go around shoveling. I used to be able to make a few months worth of spending money as a teen going door to door after a snowstorm.

05-26-2011, 06:09 PM
Vangogh, just set a blowup doll on top like the autopilot in the movie Airplane.

Also, it looks like we both got introduced to self employment the same way. I shoveled a lot of snow as a kid (mostly pre-teen though so it wasn't as profitable).

05-26-2011, 06:35 PM
Whenever it snowed my brother, a friend of ours, and myself would start at my house and we'd work our way to my grandmother's house who lived maybe a half mile away. We'd knock on most every door who's walk wasn't shoveled. We'd always charge a price divisible by 3. By the time we'd make it to grandma's it was lunchtime and we were tired. Grandma would make us all lunch and then we'd shovel her walk and driveway.

And of course there were many obligatory snowball fights along the way. A few good snows and we could make enough money to last a few months. I must have been about 15 or 16 at the time.

05-27-2011, 08:03 AM
Thanks everyone for the comments. It's been about 15 months of R&D, effort, time, and $...but it is nice to see it finished. Now I'm working on building a better shop on my property to start producing them, and hope to start my 1st production run at the end of August.

Here is the remote:


It is extremely easy to operate, and everyone I've handed the remote to ages 8-80 has picked it up within a minute. The left stick is the control of the chassis (push stick forward, the chassis goes forward, same for back, left and right). The right stick controls the blade (stick pushed up, blade picks up, same for down, left and right).

The switches up top don't do anything for this model, but have plans for the big brother of the PlowBot.

05-27-2011, 11:00 AM
What? No iPhone app? I want to control the plowbot from my phone. :)

That doesn't look too difficult to operate. How big is the remote compared to a human hand? I'm guessing it's a 2 hand device. I can see where down the line a smaller remote would be a good thing, though I hardly think it's necessary especially at first.

How many are you looking to produce in this first run? Are you trying to have the first run ready for next winter so the plowbot can start working it's way into the market?

05-27-2011, 12:08 PM
That looks like a pretty standard RC set up. If you can remote control a model car or a model plane, you should be able to control the PlowBot.

05-27-2011, 12:52 PM
It is a 2 hand remote, and is fits very easily in your hands (nor heavy, only runs on 4 rechargeable AA batteries and wall charger is included). I'm going to shoot for 15 on the 1st production run or as much as capital allows (more or less) and then bank roll all profit back into the company to make larger production runs until stock is built up and have adequate inventory.

I plan on starting production late summer, so yes...I will be selling these in the fall ready for the winter :).

05-27-2011, 01:22 PM
It does look easy to operate. I would think most people could operate plowbot after a few minutes at most.

I take it you're looking to sell all 15 locally. Hopefully those 15 will be the best advertising and marketing they can be and you'll start getting requests to build more for next year. Granted my opinion is only my opinion, but it's hard to think people after seeing their neighbors use one won't want a plowbot for themselves.

05-27-2011, 02:17 PM
Next version: self-roaming.

They have pool cleaners that just wander about the pool on their own, vacuum cleaners that roam over the house sucking up debris. Now you need a roaming snowbot that clears your driveway all by itself. Switch it on and let it go!