View Full Version : My First Paid Ad (Web Banner)

04-09-2011, 01:09 PM
Hey guys! I hope everyone's been doing well since I last poked around. I'm about to post my first paid advertisement, which is a leaderboard web banner (attached below).115

Here's the deal: the ad will be on Home Business Magazine's website. I'll be paying per-impression, and this will not be a pay-per-click ad. I'm obviously worried that I'll burn through my budget, with most people that view the ad ruling it out as junk, because most of the other web banners I've seen on the site are just that. I realized that the site and magazine tends to cater to the get-rich-quick schemers and MLM-types.

Anyway, I haven't committed as of yet, but thought I'd give it a shot after I heard your questions and comments. Any thoughts on Home Business Magazine? Do you think I'm wasting my time and money with this? Just wanting your two cents if you have the time to give it!

04-11-2011, 11:35 AM
My first thought is that the home business market is probably not a good match for your services. You might get a bite here and there, but I would venture a guess that it's mostly a waste of money. Many home business models include graphics already, and even for those that don't, the number hiring a pro to design them is probably low to the extreme.

04-11-2011, 12:41 PM
I have 3 problems with this ad. The first being the word colorful is in black. It is really hard to read and seems like you would make your point a lot strong if you make that word a vibrant color.

Secondly, I agree with Steve that is not a good market to target. You might want to start your paid ad's with adwords. You have a lot more supervision over who clicks your ads, where they came from, and where they go. This will give you a much better idea of who your ads appeal to and then you can go to the specialty sites that target that same demographic.

Lastly, I feel like it is a little unnecessary to use your banner to simply declare what services you offer. I think most people that would even consider a graphic designer know you make logo's and print/digital.

I would target a deal or a special service. People like things to be fast guarantee them a free first draft within 24 hours (or what ever is doable based on your current load).

If they order a logo from you offer to reformat it for business cards letter head, and website for free. The ad could run "Free website banner and business card design with purchase of a logo"... not brilliant but you get the point :)

04-11-2011, 12:44 PM
It's kind of tough to call on this one. It does look like there's some MLM and get rich quick schemes on that site, but there was also what looked like some useful, decent articles that would apply to almost any small business person.

I guess the big question would be if the site gave you any demographic information. Who do they say their average user is? How many impressions are they promising you you'll get? Please keep in mind that any info they give you should be about unique visitors. If they have a 1,000 visits (as an example) and 990 of them are from the same person, then that's not much help to you.

Duston McGroarty
04-12-2011, 07:18 AM
Hey Aaron,

I assume the position of your ad is at the top of the page? Being above the fold is
extremely important when paying per impression.

I agree with boogle that you need to have an offer with a call-to-action on your
banner somewhere. Give them a reason to click it. The goal of the banner is to sell
the click. Build some curiosity in them so they want to click on it just to see what
your offer is all about. Then sell them on your offer on the landing page.

As far as being the right site to advertise on... it's hit or miss. You really just need
to know the demographics of your target audience and see if those folks are visiting
this site.

Dan Furman
04-13-2011, 08:12 PM
I agree the ad could be nicer looking, especially because it's for graphic design.

But c'mon guys, it's a freaken' banner ad for graphic design services - the first one for these folks, no less. Let's not overthink this - an "offer" / call to action (goodness, I detest that phrase - it's soooo overused today) is probably pretty unnecessary. Sometimes advertising is nothing more than "we're here", which is perfectly viable, especially your first time out of the gate.

Business Attorney
04-14-2011, 10:45 AM
I'm not a graphic designer or a web marketer, but I'm going to chip in here. While I agree with Dan that "Sometimes advertising is nothing more than 'we're here', which is perfectly viable." The funeral homes, realtors and plumbers who run ads in church bulletins every week are doing exactly that. But they are reaching the same people week after week and building name recognition.

However, if Aaron is looking for someone to click through his banner ad to his website, this ad won't do it, in my humble opinion. I don't know whether you call it an offer, call to action or some less overused term, but I believe you have to give someone a reason to click. There are just too many image ads (and too many ads in general) that it seems very unlikely that you will get a response from a banner ad that doesn't give the viewer a reason to click.

12-22-2011, 07:56 AM
I think you should consider designing a new ad banner that will love a bit more professional and clean. In general I'm not sure if an AdWords campaign is the recommended option for your type of business. Try advertising yourself via Twitter, Facebook and other social medias. Look for clients in your area.

12-27-2011, 03:07 PM
I think your ad is OK, it resume your activity but i according to me you should improve you the design ;)

03-06-2012, 03:30 PM
No offence but I have junior in-house guys who can make a more appealing banner. Pick your target, research your competition, brand your company in a way that will appeal to your target and in a way that makes you stand out in the croud. I dont think your banner does this...again, no offence.

03-10-2012, 11:17 PM
I agreed with most here.
Your target clients are home business owners,so you put a ad there,that's right.
But the most important things for you I think are creating a better ad and improving design skills.

03-16-2012, 09:51 AM
I think you're wasting your time and money on it. Bad target, weak ad (where's the value proposition that I can't say no to? Are you addressing something unique?). I think the guys above have mentioned them for the most part.

Maybe you should consider advertising on freelance websites like elance?