View Full Version : Good day everyone!

05-24-2011, 07:21 PM
I apologize I forgot to do this when I first joined. My name is Tyler Hutchinson and I am a business consultant based out of California. I have my degree in business management. I am also a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. I worked as a process consultant for a fortune 20 company for several years and expanded it from about 50 customer service reps in one site to over 900 customer service reps in seven sites across the company. I have now decided to leave the large companies and take this skill to help small businesses succeed in process efficiency, profit loss management, internal team building and structure, as well as marketing.

I am a workaholic. I rarely do not work but when I do I spend a lot of that time playing with my two boys (2 and 4 years old) and try to spend a lot of time outside. I am very outgoing and energetic. I want to learn and do everything at least once in my life!

I look forward to meeting and networking with everyone on here. I am hoping to learn from others on here and hopefully I can share a few things as well!

05-24-2011, 09:26 PM
Welcome aboard, Tyler. I thought you'd find the Introduction forum eventually - you've been just about everywhere else on the discussion board! :-) It's good to know a little more about you.

05-24-2011, 10:52 PM
Welcome to the forum Tyler. About time you started an intro thread so we could all give you the official welcome. :)

Sounds like you have some great experience. I assume you're enjoying the move from corporate life to self employed life, especially with two boys at home. Were they a big part of the decision to work for yourself? I'm guessing they were at least part of the decision.

We've already been chatting a bit and I'm looking forward to chatting more. Thanks for joining the community.

05-25-2011, 12:49 AM
Actually my corporate job was at home too. I worked for multiple sites so I never had to go into the offices which was kind of nice. The reason for leaving is that my moving up in the company was limited. I could not move to the next level of my area unless I moved to the east coast. So I was stuck. That and going out on my own I have a much higher profit potential. So far I have only been in business for a few months and have multiple clients signed and I am making the same if not more then what I was making so I must be doing something right. My boys do play a role in it as I do keep them at home with me.

It is great that I found this site also. I have been part of a few others but most people posting on other sites were not as knowledgeable and the discussions were not as good as what I am finding here so I am happy to become part of it. I started blogging also to get some of my knowledge out. I am a firm beleiver of sharing your experience and knowledge with others whether you get paid or not.

Hope everyone is doing well!

05-25-2011, 01:12 AM
As corporate settings go that wasn't a bad one, though I can understand why you decided to go it on your own. One of the things I like about being self employed is how well I do or don't do is all on me. I like the responsibility. It motivates more. I also like that my week is more flexible in that I get to set the hours I works. I was never one who could be productive at the same time every day of the week.

We try here. I think we have a good amount of experience across industries. More importantly though we are willing to help if we can and we do all enjoy a good back and forth debate. I do what I can to clear out both the spam and also the 'me too' kind of posts that water down the quality.

05-25-2011, 11:48 AM
Welcome to the forum Tyler. I have workaholic tendencies too, so you're not alone in that.

Business Attorney
05-25-2011, 03:38 PM
Welcome to the forum, Tyler. You'll find this an active and interesting group of people with a variety of businesses and backgrounds.

05-26-2011, 05:38 PM
One of the earliest clients I got when I started my company 9 years ago is very proactive in "lean manufacturing" which is not just for the production but every phase of business and supply chain. I find it very interesting, and with as wasteful as the American business models have traditionally been, it's a much needed change (and a kick in the pants for many businesses). Smaller businesses seem to be the most resistant to change, but they have so much to gain by adopting lean practices.

I just had a meeting with that client a week ago to discuss strategies, and I've learned a lot about lean over the last 9 years. Great business to be in for you, and now for the official welcome...welcome!

05-30-2011, 11:26 AM
Hello Tyler and kudos to you for business ambitions. A lot of people find it hard to leave a job, even if it can't take them where they want to be - especially if they have young kids.
I'm new to the forum and hope to see you around..