View Full Version : Google +1

06-03-2011, 11:54 AM
I've been looking at Google +1 since for our company, but I hadn't really realized the implications of it, not entirely anyway. Really, what Google is doing is forming a social media network without really saying that's what they're doing. I've never been one to jump on the Google is evil or trying to destroy our privacy bandwagon, but how this +1 thing could potentially work is very interesting.

I found an article about it (http://outspokenmedia.com/seo/google-social-network/) that points out some of the consequences that people might not consider.

What do the rest of you think about this?

06-03-2011, 01:33 PM
My reaction since I first heard this was coming was "meh"

If people do start using the +1 button in significant numbers than it will make sense for site owners to add the button, the same way many not currently have buttons to tweet or like pages. However Google has a history of failing with social things and +1 is just the next social thing they're attempting. For months it was the Google Buzz button, but most people didn't use Buzz. Now it's +1 and we'll have to see if people use +1

You're going to need to create a public profile page on Google before +1 does anything for you. Will people create those profile pages? Maybe. Maybe not. They didn't create them for Buzz though.

Right now there are lots of blogs posts going gaga over +1 and acting like you better add it to your site 10 minutes ago or the world will come to an end. Reality is at the moment it's mostly useless, but it has potential to become something very useful. It's going to depend on how well Google manages to build out their social network. History suggests they won't be able to, but maybe 4th or 5th or whatever time will be the charm.

Google has said +1 may be used to affect where pages rank, however it's already being spammed with people trying to trade +1s all over Twitter and in forums. In other words it'll likely be a weak ranking signal.

Ultimately I'll take the wait and see approach. There's a lot of hype about +1 right now and I'll wait for that hype to fade. In a few months we'll learn more about the reality of +1. If it shows itself to be useful then I'll probably add it next to the Twitter and Facebook buttons I have on my site. If not I won't. As an end user I have no interest in creating a public profile with Google.

06-03-2011, 02:38 PM
This will be another failed attempt by Google. I do not forsee this being anything with SEO since so many people just add to add (MLM's, and schemes). If it is something you are worried about in any way add the +1 to your site but I would not worry about it or expect this to catch on. People use Google to search for things. If they like a site they find they put it in their favorites. I do not see people using +1.

06-03-2011, 03:56 PM
I don't see it being used a lot either, though I'm open to the possibility that this is the time Google finally gets it right. I do see how they could use this as a signal for ranking pages as they already use similar information from Twitter and Facebook to rank pages, but unless enough people use +1 it won't be much of a signal. It's probably going to lead to more spam clicks than real ones due to the connection to rankings.

Given their history it's hard to see how Google will be successful with anything social. They don't seem to get how social sites work. They lost me forever when they pushed private information like email address public and forced me to share them. Google thought they knew better than I did who I want to interact with socially online. They were wrong. Just because someone's email is in my address book doesn't mean that person is a friend or someone I want to include in social networks.

After they did that I removed every Google product I don't use regularly from my account and I'm looking for ways to remove the last few.

I go to Google to search for information, not to interact with friends and associates. Now if enough people do go to Google to interact with others I'll probably add a +1 button to my site's pages. Until I see proof of that though I'll pass.

06-05-2011, 04:38 PM
Yep I agree with what's been said at the moment they carry basically no ranking and are useless. They are just a shiny new toy google hopes will catch on. Also I read somewhere that when someone plus 1s a page it boosts ranking for anyone who is a friend of that person? I haven't bothered to verify this yet because atm I am not really concerned with this feature. If it becomes more widespread I would look into it more.

06-06-2011, 11:08 AM
The launch of this seems similar to their Friend Connect. I don't think that ever reached mass appeal, so time will tell. I doubt it's something I'll want to use.

06-06-2011, 11:31 AM
Time will tell is really the phrase with +1. It could turn out to be an important thing that best advice will say we should use. At the moment it's still mainly hype and Google has a track record of failing where social things are concerned. Guess we'll wait and see.

06-06-2011, 11:53 AM
I'm on the time will tell bandwagon too. We haven't added it to any of our sites yet, and I doubt we will until we see where it goes and how meaningful it is.

I also think you're right that the jury is still out on how many people will create profiles to be able to use the +1 button. It may well die the way Google Buzz did.