View Full Version : CRM that integrates to FB & Outlook?

Wally K
06-11-2011, 12:26 PM
Are there any CRM packages that integrate into Facebook and into Outlook? The perfect solution would be to have the CRM package that, where pulling in a contact, would retrieve the FB profile and perhaps pull in their Email address from Outlook.

Or just the opposite, as pulling up a FB message/conversation, another small window would pull up with CRM notes.

As quite a bit of our socializing and ultimately marketing is through FB, it would be helpful to pull all this together.

Thank you,

<please set up a signature>

Harold Mansfield
06-11-2011, 01:21 PM
I get people's Facebook and Linked In information in outlook all of the time, including the most recent status updates. Even if I'm not one of their FB friends. Maybe it was an add on that I installed:
Download details: Microsoft Outlook Social Connector Provider for Facebook (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=ce8b7517-234c-48a1-a655-324a88893b02&displaylang=en)

Wally K
06-12-2011, 09:33 AM
I could have been more specific- I would like to 'work' in facebook and as I bring up profiles (through messages, chat, wall posts) be able to see additional notes in a CRM package.

Harold Mansfield
06-12-2011, 01:09 PM
I could have been more specific- I would like to 'work' in facebook and as I bring up profiles (through messages, chat, wall posts) be able to see additional notes in a CRM package.

What other additional notes? Are you talking about just any profiles or those of people that you are connected to? And what do you mean by "work in Facebook"?

Wally K
06-12-2011, 01:50 PM
In facebook, we all message and post on other's walls (work). While displaying a FB profile in a window pane while doing this, it would be so helpful to see Email threads and to see note such as "interested in XXX product" or purchased XXX product on XX/XX/XX. These notes could be added manually for customer that are friended on FB. Seeing this additional info while in FB would be a huge help like this..... "Congratulations on the new car you purchased. Great color. How does your wife like the car? ..... By the way how is that XXXX product working for you?"

Harold Mansfield
06-12-2011, 02:32 PM
I know that you can use Facebook from inside Outlook and I do think that the features that you are looking for already exist, but I don't have them set up so I can't direct you.
But you may find help on Outlook's Facebook page:
Microsoft Outlook | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/MicrosoftOutlook)

06-12-2011, 06:56 PM
If there is not something already built - you might think of getting it done yourself. Thousands of programmers out there that probably could throw that together in an afternoon. Plus, it might be something you could sell to others.

06-13-2011, 12:46 AM
Her is a CRM that integrates with microsoft outlook, perhaps they can help you integrate Facebook: How to configure CRM client for Outlook (http://www.managedebusiness.com/FAQRetrieve.aspx?ID=35279)