View Full Version : you never know on the internet

07-03-2011, 08:46 PM
we just tried a craigs list ad .... it didnt work we didnt sell anything....but this week a person came ...i asked her how she found us and she said just googeling kitchen island and our craigs list ad turned up....i dont know how.... but she came and bought a nice big island..... shes from georgia and has family about 2 hrs away from us and was up here visiting...
i love the internet...

07-03-2011, 11:53 PM
Craig's List ads can sometimes rank well because of the authority of the Craig's List domain. Sadly the site gets spammed a lot for that very reason.

You never do know where and when something you do will reach a potential customer. It's not just the internet though. It happens offline too. Your story is a good reason why even though your business is local it's not a bad idea to reach beyond your immediate area. I wouldn't spend money advertising in Georgia, but at the same time I wouldn't do things that limit how well your site's pages rank outside your local area.

You never know where business might come from.

07-04-2011, 07:42 AM
i was suprised since we very rarely use craigs list..... lots of out of state folks find us....its kind of amazing ...i know we rank in the top 5 for our keywords ...in indiana.... but that doesnt explain the far away hits.... i like to be everywhere!!! and learn as much as i can
i hearsd about facebook quite a few times in the store yesterday...but im not sure if its being picked up very well by google.... ..

07-04-2011, 11:11 PM
When I search for your business name I see Facebook pages in the results right behind the pages of your own site.

07-05-2011, 06:50 AM
right..they wereent searching our name......but when they searched island, there are lots more references to kitchen island on our facebook than on our craigs list..but the craigs list is what popped up....

07-05-2011, 10:36 AM
There's a lot more to ranking than the words that appear on the page though. It's hard to tell you why the Craig's List page ranked better without taking a deep look at both pages.

07-05-2011, 12:58 PM
It is true that you never know. Anything can turn up at any time, even years later, so it's always good to make sure your message is on target whenever you put something online.

07-08-2011, 07:48 AM
It is true that you never know. Anything can turn up at any time, even years later, so it's always good to make sure your message is on target whenever you put something online.

I think this is the important part - keeping your message consistent and on-target every time you put something out online or in print! This way no matter when and where that message turns up - it delivers the right message about your business.