View Full Version : project managers....hints...????

09-03-2011, 09:33 AM
i would like to try giving a project to someone....make them the project manager...... you know we started as solo and have no background in this big kind of delegating....but i would like to try 2 different projects with 2 of my workers......this is all new to me and i would like hear some ways other companies do it...
it would have to be up to my standards/vision for the project with them making it happen....but me checking the art or financials..
any ideas out there? thanks.

09-03-2011, 10:02 AM
on my fire/water restorations i work with 'project managers'

its basically run like a company inside a company

they can hire whoever they want as subs and are responsible for showing an acceptable profit at the end of the project...they act like owners.....

if your going to give them this much control i would consider lowering their wages and adding a percentage of the profit from the projects they run...the only negative thing i see is it gives them experience starting their own company if you give them too much power...

good luck!

can you explain the projects?? this may help with the responses

09-03-2011, 11:25 AM
i would like to try giving a project to someone....make them the project manager...... you know we started as solo and have no background in this big kind of delegating....but i would like to try 2 different projects with 2 of my workers......this is all new to me and i would like hear some ways other companies do it...
it would have to be up to my standards/vision for the project with them making it happen....but me checking the art or financials..
any ideas out there? thanks.I'm guessing this is an outcome of your recent "visitation." Let me fill you in on a number of definitions.

As the project owner, you don't set standards or vision - you establish desired results. The standards to be followed and the vision are for the project manager to determine. That may sound like the same thing, but it does establish who is to do what. The owner decides the destination, the manager decides how he will get there.

I have only worked projects in a major ptoject environment where project managers are hired for the project then released when the project is completed. A project manager becomes a project manager by working on projects, initally as an assistant to a project team member, then as a project team member and then as a project manager. To take an employee from never having worked in a project-oriented environment to managing a project is asking for trouble.

Mind you, I don't suppose you are talking about a major project. Nevertheless, the principle remains the same. You determine the results you want and leave it up to the PM to decide how they will meet those objectives.

I recommend you have one project running at a time.

09-03-2011, 05:38 PM
thanks for the insights.....
..the 2 projects i have in mind are the brochure for regional shops...the road trip idea..not big direct money on this one....
the other one is about the counters , unifying the advertizing and planning the marketing and refining and shrinking up the options....big money on this one if it really worked out...
both are ideas we have worked on and talked quite a bit a bout, now it seems like we are ready to do it...
a big problem with me is always too many ideas floating around... this counter idea is really worth working on imho...

09-04-2011, 12:56 PM
Hi Greenoak,
I understand (and can almost feel your pain) in setting this up. As an alternative, why not provide the 'end result' to the people you are considering as managers and ask them to provide you 'the map' detailing what they will do and how they will get there. At least you get a look at how they are thinking before you just hand it over.

Just a thought... but thought I would try to help! Good luck!