View Full Version : Picking the right location for the business

09-14-2011, 03:44 PM
I was wondering what sort of decisions potential business owners go through in deciding where to set up shop. I'm thinking location is one of those objective aspects that can really make or break a business, so I was curious as to what kind of market research entrepreneurs do (or don't do). Do business owners typically just leave that area of expertise to the commercial real estate agent? Do many business owners even go through agents?

09-14-2011, 04:11 PM
If you have a brick and mortar business, location is a big factor. I imagine business owners look for things like foot traffic, car traffic, rent, overhead, space requirements all sorts of things like that. I don't see how you could leave the selection of your location to a real estate agent, since only you, as the business owner, would know what you needed.

09-14-2011, 05:37 PM
For retail, location is paramount. If your business is conducted over the internet, where you locate is immaterial. Other businesses fall in between - a manufacturer might be concerned with a good source of labor, a warehousing or storage business might be concerned with access to a freeway/motorway. A business looking for office space would need good parking. There are all sorts of location-dependent criteria that must be considered depending on the business.

In any case, you, the client, should dictate what you need to your real estate agent and let them find you potential properties that meet your conditions.

I hope that helps.

09-14-2011, 06:21 PM
something i always found interesting is Culvers...they always choose locations near or next to Mc Donalds....

location is everything for retail

what are you selling?

09-15-2011, 03:02 PM
something i always found interesting is Culvers...they always choose locations near or next to Mc Donalds....

I once heard in a marketing class that for a lot of businesses it is good to have a location near your competition. I cant remember the reasoning behind that theory though. I thought it was something thing about customers not having to go far to compare you both. Although, perhaps with the web that is completely moot point now.

By the way, neither of the Culver's that we have in my town are near the McDonalds, wich is difficult since the McDonalds are everywhere.

09-16-2011, 07:28 PM
in my town the culvers is 1 building away...my family plays a culvers game when we go on trips....when we see a culvers we look for a mcdonalds...its almost 100 percent...its always with in eye shot

when given a choice between a $6 junk meal and a $10 nicer meal a lot of people pick the $10...thats why they do it....i know alot of the time i do

09-16-2011, 10:02 PM
You got me curious because I'd never heard of Culvers. It seems they are mostly in the midwest. It makes you wonder, assuming that being near a McDonalds is part of their business plan, why that plan only seems to be employed in the great lakes states more or less.